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中国区 App Store

iOS/macOS 客户端未在中国区 App Store 上架。你需要一个美区 Apple ID, 可在 这里获取。如果你无法使用 App Store 内购,可以在客户端内使用邮箱登录注册,然后在客户端里打开网站。基于 Apple 对隐私的要求,App Store 内购和邮箱账号是两个独立的隔离的账号体系。

How should I choose plan? How should I choose node?

If you are in China Mainland, you can select the [China Optimized] plan when paying on the Web, or set [Auto Select -> China Optimized] after purchasing in the App Store, and [Auto Select] will return to the China Optimized node. Nodes in the client list may be faster than China Optimized nodes under certain networks and circumstances, the difference is that China Optimized nodes focus on sustained stability.

If you are not in China Mainland, you can select the [Global] plan when paying on the Web, or set [Auto Select -> Least Load] after purchasing in the App Store


如果你在中国大陆使用,你可以在 Web 端支付时选择 [中国优化] 计划,或 App Store 内购后设置 [自动选择 -> 中国优化],[自动选择] 即会返回中国优化节点。客户端列表中的节点在某些网络及时间下可能比中国优化节点速度更快,不同的是中国优化节点关注的是持续的稳定。

如果你不在中国大陆使用,你可以在 Web 端支付时选择 [Global] 计划,或 App Store 内购后设置 [自动选择 -> 负载最低]。

How important is stability?

Imagine some other products is fast at the beginning, but becomes very slow or even unusable after a period of time, you should be able to guess the reason. We do our best to provide stability at any time. Provide stability to your work same as provide stability to our own work. Because the cost of providing stable traffic is very high, so please cherish it and don't abuse it.



How do i pay on the web?

If you want to pay on the web, please install the client first, signin/signup with your email in the client, and then open the website from client.

我该如何在 Web 端支付?

如果是想要在 Web 支付,请先安装客户端,在客户端内使用邮箱登录注册,然后在客户端里打开网站。

iOS/macOS App Store in-app purchase. You only need to buy it once.

After making an in-app purchase on the iOS App Store, you can restore it for free on macOS device associated with your Apple ID. Vice versa. For personal use only, and sharing with others is prohibited. Based on Apple's privacy requirements, App Store in-app purchases and email accounts are two separate and isolated account systems.

iOS/macOS App Store 内购,只需要购买一次

即在 iOS App Store 内购后,可以跟随你的 Apple ID 在 macOS 设备上免费恢复。反之亦然。仅限自用,禁止分享账号给其他人。同样需要美区 Apple ID,并且号上有钱或已绑卡。否则还是请 web 端支付吧,方便。基于 Apple 对隐私的要求,App Store 内购和邮箱账号是两个独立的隔离的账号体系。

Use it on your computer and phone at the same time

You can use it on your computer and mobile phone at the same time. If you make a purchase in the App Store, the device needs to use the same Apple ID. For personal use only, and sharing with others is prohibited. Based on Apple's privacy requirements, App Store in-app purchases and email accounts are two separate and isolated account systems.


你可以同时在你的电脑和手机上使用。如果你在 App Store 内购,设备需要使用同一个 Apple ID。为保障稳定,仅限自用,请遵守约定。基于 Apple 对隐私的要求,App Store 内购和邮箱账号是两个独立的隔离的账号体系。

Web 端支付方式 信用卡 / 支付宝 / 微信 支持情况

如果因网络原因,支付页面显示比较慢,多试几次或换个网络比如 4G 或 Wi-Fi。支持大陆信用卡,会自动货币转换,若无法支付请联系发卡行。一次性支付如果看不到支付宝和微信支付方式:支付网关会根据你的 IP 和浏览器语言来展示不同的支付方式。无论任何支付方式,输入错误的支付相关信息都可能被拒付,海外支付网关对欺诈很严格。推荐使用信用卡走来支付,汇率最便宜。

How to install Shiliew.msix on Windows?

How to install Shiliew.msix on Windows

Windows 如何安装 Shiliew.msix?

Windows 如何安装 Shiliew.msix

Windows Defender

Windows Defender might pop up asking whether to allow network access or other issues, which must be permitted.

Windows 安全中心

Windows 安全中心可能会弹出 是否允许联网 或 其他问题,须允许。

Do you support cryptocurrency payments?

On the payment page, just click icon



Make sure your system time is correct. Especially Windows.

The system time deviation should not exceed one minute, especially for the Windows.

确保你的系统时间正确。尤其是 Windows。

系统时间误差不能超过一分钟。 尤其是 Windows 操作系统的时间。

How to run on Linux?

How to run on Linux

Linux 上如何运行

Linux 上如何运行

Instagram or some other Meta's apps

Fake DNS is a means of network acceleration, it saves one time network request, the TTL of the Fake DNS is 60 seconds, so there will be no problem under normal circumstances, but some apps that do not comply with the standard may cache it for a longer time. Instagram should be criticized. You can take Fake DNS off to fix it

Instagram 或其他 Meta 系应用

虚拟 DNS 是一种网络加速手段,它可以减少一次网络请求,虚拟 DNS 的 TTL 是 60 秒,断开再重新连接会重置虚拟 DNS 数据,但是一些不遵守标准的 App 可能自己缓存超过 60 秒很久才重新查询 DNS,这样 重新连接重置虚拟 DNS 后 App 仍然尝试连接之前的虚拟 IP 就会失败,点名批评 Instagram。可以用关闭 Fake DNS 来解决。

Unlock TikTok

TikTok not only judges your IP, but also judges your SIM card, as well as other information on your phone, etc. Shiliew can only help you solve the problem of IP. Read this: How to Use Shiliew to Unlock TikTok

关于解锁 TikTok

TikTok 不仅会判断你的 IP,还会判断手机卡,以及手机的其他信息等。Shiliew 只能帮助你解决 IP 的问题。阅读这里:如何使用 Shiliew 解锁 TikTok

IPv4 and IPv6 Support

All Shiliew servers are dual-stack. This means that regardless of whether IPv4, IPv6, or IPv46 is chosen for incoming traffic, the servers support both IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously for outgoing traffic.

IPv4 和 IPv6 支持情况

Shiliew 所有服务器均为双栈。即入无论选择 IPv4 还是 IPv6 还是 IPv46,出均同时支持 IPv4 和 IPv6。

What protocol does Shiliew use? How to use Shiliew?

Usually you only need to click the Connect button on the home page, and other configuration items can be ignored. Of course you can also explore other features, as you know Brook is our open source project. Shiliew is based on Brook protocol. GUI Documentation

怎么使用 Shiliew?

通常你只需要点击首页的连接按钮即可,其他配置项都可以无视之。。当然你也可以探索其他功能,如你所知 Brook 是我们的开源项目。Shiliew 基于 Brook 协议。 图形端文档


Do not use for pirated moviesites, politically sensitive, BT, speed test, automation, occupying network bandwidth for a long time, etc



Can I cancel subscription?

If you subscribed on web: Open client; if you are not logged in or the login is expired, log in first; open the website from client, and you will see the Manage Subscription button. If you subscribed on in-app purchase on App Store, then please manage in App Store.


如果你通过 web 订阅:打开客户端;如果没有登录或登录失效则先登录;在客户端里打开网站,会看到管理订阅的按钮。如果你是通过 App Store 内购,那么请在 App Store 管理。

Why can't I receive the verification code by email?

Many people often have their email address typed wrong, remember to check carefully. Also don't forget to check the spam mailbox. If you still cannot receive the verification code after 5 minutes, it may be that your network cannot access our API server. You can try another network. If you are using Microsoft's mailbox, users around the world generally report that they will lose emails without any notification. Alternatively, because you once marked our emails as spam, we have added your email address to our suppression list.


很多人会输错邮件地址,记得仔细检查下,同时不要忘记检查垃圾箱。如果五分钟仍然收不到验证码,可能是你的网络无法访问我们的 API 服务器,可以尝试换个网络,比如用 Wi-Fi 或 4G。如果你正在用微软的邮箱,全球用户普遍反馈会无任何通知丢邮件离。或者因为你曾经将我们的邮件标记为垃圾邮件,所以我们把你的邮箱地址加入到了我们的黑名单里。

Can I delete my account?

Yes. Deleting your account means that all your information will be deleted from our database. If you already have a subscription, don't forget to unsubscribe first. Delete Account



Why no free plan?

"Free" services nearly always come at some cost, whether that be the time you spend watching an intro ad. We don't operate that way – at all.



Why was my order refunded?

This is because the risk control mechanisms of Stripe or the upstream payment gateway considered your order to pose a fraud risk, so we took the initiative to issue a refund. Once your order has been proactively refunded by us, any information related to you will be unable to make any further purchases of our products.


这是因为 Stripe 或上游支付网关的风控机制认为你的订单存在欺诈风险,所以我们主动发起了退款。当你的订单被我们主动退款后,所有与你相关的任何信息都将无法再次购买的我们的任何产品。


Join telegram group. Or


加入 Telegram 群组,注意:人们普遍将 Telegram 当做一个匿名交流工具,注意保护自己和他人的隐私。或者