Contact Us - Universal Industrial Gases (original) (raw)
We’re here to help. Whether you have questions, need support, or want to learn more about our solutions, our expert team is ready to assist. Contact us today and discover how UIG can enhance your operations with reliable and tailored gas solutions.
Contact UIG today!
"*" indicates required fields
Business Address: (Include City, State, Country)
If "Other" please describe your question or potential service need
Where will the plant or product be needed?*
Location affects code requirements, shipping time, and other factors. At a minimum, please indicate country and general area within that country.
When must the plant or product be delivered or in operation?
An approximate date is sufficient.
Product Requirements / Specifications*
List each required product (e.g. oxygen, nitrogen, argon, etc.) including expected average and peak flow rates, operating cycle (e.g. continuous 24-7 or hrs per day, days/wk, etc.), required delivery pressure, and purity. Specify the units of measure for each product and parameter (e.g. tons/day, lbs/hr, SCFH, Nm3/h, psig, barg, etc.)
File Upload
Attach specifications or other data which will assist UIG in evaluating your request.
Additional Information / Comments
To help us better understand your requirement or interest, please provide other relevant information, such as detailed specifications, stage of project development, end use for the products, etc.
How did you hear about us?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.