UTC 83/ L2 180 Minutes (original) (raw)


Approved Minutes of the UTC 83 / L2 180 Joint Meeting

Mountain View, CA -- April 28, 2000

August 8, 2000

Number of members in good standing as of this meeting: 20, number of members in regular attendance: 18, Quorum: 9.

PRESENT: Basis Technology; Compaq Computer; Hewlett-Packard Company; IBM Corporation; Justsystem; Microsoft Corporation; NCR Corporation; Oracle, Inc.; Sun Microsystems; Sybase, Inc.; Unisys Corporation, Xerox Corporation.

NOT PRESENT: Apple Computer; Government of India, MIT; Hyperion; PeopleSoft; Progress Software; RLG; Reuters LTD.; SAP AG

Total members represented: 12, Total not represented: 8

Calendar Updates

UTC 84/L2 181 - August 8-11, 2000_,_ Boston, hosted by Progress Software
UTC 85/L2 182 - November 7-10, 2000_,_ San Diego, host NCR
UTC 86/L2 183 - January 29 - February 1, 2001_,_Cupertino, host IBM
UTC 87/L2 184 - May 21- 24, 2001, Pleasanton, host Peoplesoft
Calendar details posted at www.unicode.org/unicode/timesens/calendar.html

UTC 82/L2 179 Minutes

[83-M1] Motion: Approve the minutes of UTC 82/L2 179 without modification. [L2/00-005R2]

Moved by Arnold Winkler, seconded by V.S. Umamaheswaran

9 for (Basis, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun, Sybase, Unisys)
0 against
3 abstain (Compaq, NCR, Xerox)

WG2 - Beijing Meeting

[83-AI1] Action Item for Lisa Moore:Bring forward the following issues for comments on 10646-2 at the next UTC meeting:

[83-AI2] Action Itemfor Mark Davis:Have Cora Chang verify the collection of compatibility characters given in L2/00-074 (map to source and verify no duplicates).

[83-M2] Motion: Accept the seventeen characters documented in the report on the Beijing meeting, sections D 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 [L2/00-108] with the proposed code assignments:

Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Mark Davis

11 for (Basis, Compaq, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, Sun, Sybase, Unisys)
0 against
1 abstain (Xerox)

[83-M3] Motion: Accept the twenty five characters documented in the report on the Beijing meeting, sections E 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 [L2/00-108]:

Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Mike Ksar

11 for (Basis, Compaq, HP, IBM, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, Sun, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox)
0 against
1 abstain (Justsystem)

[83-AI3] Action Itemfor Ken Whistler:Respond to Japan on the rising and falling tone letters. [L2/00-108]


[83-AI4] Action Itemfor V.S. Umamaheswaran: Distribute the reference to the TC304 search proposal to Unicore and ask for review.

[83-AI5] Action Itemfor V.S. Umamaheswaran: Create a proposal for identifying a collection of base plus combining characters.

Khmer and Ethiopic Glyph Fixes

[83-AI6] Action Itemfor Asmus Freytag: Correct the font for KHMER CURRENCY SYMBOL RIEL (U+17DB).

[83-AI7] Action Itemfor Asmus Freytag: Correct the Ethiopic fonts and related web documents and notify WG2.

April 26, 2000

PRESENT_:_ Basis Technology; Compaq Computer; Hewlett-Packard Company; IBM Corporation; Justsystem; Microsoft Corporation; NCR Corporation; Sybase, Inc.; Sun Microsystems; Unisys Corporation; Xerox Corporation

NOT PRESENT: Apple Computer, Inc.; Government of India, MIT; Hyperion; Oracle, Inc.; PeopleSoft; Progress Software; RLG; Reuters LTD.; SAP AG

Total members represented: 11, Total not represented: 9


[83-AI8] Action Itemfor Mike Ksar, Arnold Winkler, Asmus Freytag: Ensure that UTC members are aware of W3C documents that need to be reviewed.

Random Access of SCSU Strings

[83-AI9] Action Itemfor Peter Bishop: Incorporate feedback on SCSU proposal received at the meeting and create a new proposal which includes proposed new and changed text to TR#6.

Six Digit Hex Values in Property Files

[83-M4] Motion: Use Unicode scalar values in Unicode data files for all values including surrogates:

Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Asmus Freytag

11 for (unanimous)

[83-AI10] Action Itemfor Ken Whistler: Add the private use ranges above FFFF to Unidata and properties files where appropriate.

[83-AI11] Action Itemfor Editorial Committee: Note the use of U+ 4, 5, or 6 hex digits for Unicode scalar values when announcing Unicode 3.0.1.

[83-AI12] Action Itemfor Mark Davis: Communicate the UTC's decision to use U+ 4, 5, or 6 hex digits for Unicode scalar values to WG2 and submit a proposal requesting that WG2 take appropriate action for synchronization.

[83AI13] Action Itemfor Asmus Freytag: Update the chart program to work with 4, 5, or 6 hex digits for Unicode scalar values.

[83-AI14] Action Itemfor Arnold Winkler, Mark Davis, Rick McGowan: Communicate the change in number of hex digits to respective liaison organizations (WG20, W3C, IETF).

UTC Membership Roll Call Adjustment

PRESENT: Apple Computer and Oracle now present.

Total members represented: 13; Total not represented: 7

Mirroring Characters

[83-M5] Motion: Create a proposed clarification for UTR#9 on the intention and scope of mirroring. Leave the mirror property as it exists today in Unidata and extend it as new characters are added to the standard. Revise the proposed text file to include classification by language usage. [L2/00-131]

Moved by Asmus Freytag, seconded by Ken Whistler

12 for (Apple, Basis, Compaq, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox)
0 against
1 abstain (NCR)

[83-AI15] Action Itemfor Asmus Freytag: Draft proposed language for UTR#9 to clarify mirroring.

[83-AI16] Action Itemfor Mark Davis: Update the bidi mirroring text file with feedback from the meeting and solicit further input.

Character Normalization in IETF

[83-C1] Consensus: The UTC recommends incorporating into UTR#15 useful information from Internet Draft Character Normalization in IETF Protocols, and having the IETF reference UTR#15 rather than write a RFC on normalization. Other options that can mitigate potential problems would be to make the internet draft informative and change parts of the document. [L2/00-132]

[83-AI17] Action Itemfor Rick McGowan: Relay the UTC feedback on character normalization to the IETF and then let the UTC know the response.

Vedic Accents

[83-AI18] Action Itemfor Lisa Moore: Write to the Government of India and Michael Everson, relaying the UTC's concerns, and that the proposal is not yet ready for encoding or submitting to WG2.

[83-C2] Consensus: The UTC feels that variant selectors should be unified across scripts and encoded in one area.

Old Italic

[83-M6] Motion: The UTC endorses the changes to Old Italic that document L2/00-140 would make to the 10646-2 CD, other than the glyph for 10307 (the glyph in the CD should be used). A summary of the changes are:

Moved by Asmus Freytag, seconded by V.S. Umamaheswaran

13 for (unanimous)

[83-AI19] Action Itemfor Rick McGowan: Inform Marc Kuester of the UTC action on Old Italic.

UTC Membership Roll Call Adjustment

NOT PRESENT: HP no longer present.

Total members represented: 12; Total not represented: 8


[83-M7] Motion: The UTC does not support the proposal to add additional Georgian characters to the BMP. It does not see sufficient justification at this time for adding different characters instead of using fonts. We ask that the modifier letters (30-37) be presented in a separate proposal for separate consideration. [L2/99-082] Moved by Asmus Freytag, seconded by V.S. Umamaheswaran

11 for
0 against
1 abstain

[83-AI20] Action Itemfor Rick McGowan: Inform WG2 of the UTC position on Georgian.

UTC Membership Roll Call Adjustment

PRESENT: HP now present.

Total members represented: 13; Total not represented: 7


[83-M8] Motion: The position of the Unicode consortium for a long time has been to treat these Urdu numbers as font variants. We therefore oppose the proposal documented in L2/00-134. Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Mike Ksar

10 for (Apple, Compaq, HP, IBM, Justsystem, NCR, Sun, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox)
1 against (Basis)
2 abstain (Oracle, Microsoft)

[83-AI21] Action Itemfor Asmus Freytag: Contact Paul Nelson to find out more information on why these Urdu numbers are being proposed.

[83-AI22] Action Itemfor Asmus Freytag: Contact Paul Nelson with the following items regarding proposal [L2/00-135]:


[83-M9] Motion: Accept the THAANA LETTER NAA for encoding in the Unicode Standard at U+07B1. [L2/00-120]

Moved by Rick McGowan, seconded by Murray Sargent

13 for (unanimous)

[83-M10] Motion: Reject all proposed Thaana characters other than the THAANA LETTER NAA. [L2/00-120]

Moved by Rick McGowan, seconded by Mike Ksar

12 for (Apple, Basis, Compaq, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox)
0 against
1 abstain (NCR)

[83-AI23] Action Itemfor Ken Whistler: Document the acceptances and rejections of characters on the Unicode web site.

[83-AI24] Action Itemfor Asmus Freytag: Relay feedback on L2/00-120 to Paul Nelson:

No more ligatures in Unicode

UTC Membership Roll Call Adjustment

NOT PRESENT: Apple no longer present.

Total members represented: 12; Total not represented: 8

NTT DoCoMo Pictographs

[83-AI25] Action Itemfor Mark Davis: Relay UTC feedback to Graham Asher and request an updated proposal:

Arabic Thousands Separator

[83-C3] Consensus: The UTC has found errors in the glyphs of U+066B and U+066C and will correct U+066B and U+066C to their V2 shapes, and add explanatory text to the book any of U+066B, U+066C, U+060C, U+002C, or U+002E as numeric separator characters

[83-AI26] Action Itemfor Mike Ksar: Relay the UTC feedback on Arabic thousands separator to Paul Nelson.

[83-AI27] Action Itemfor Editorial Committee and Mike Ksar: The Editorial Committee is to prepare an erratum on the Arabic thousands separator and post to the web site. Mike Ksar will then take it to WG2

[83-AI28] Action Itemfor Joe Becker: Send a note to Tom Milo and Kamal Mansour describing the UTC action on Arabic thousands separator.

April 27, 2000

PRESENT_:_ Apple Computer, Inc.; Basis Technology; Compaq Computer; IBM Corporation; Justsystem; Microsoft Corporation; NCR Corporation; Sybase, Inc.; Sun Microsystems; Unisys Corporation; Xerox Corporation

NOT PRESENT: Government of India, MIT; Hewlett-Packard Company; Hyperion; Oracle, Inc.; PeopleSoft; Progress Software; RLG; Reuters LTD.; SAP AG

Total members represented: 11, Total not represented: 9


[83-C4] Consensus: The size and baseline needs to be corrected for U+25AA BLACK SMALL SQUARE and U+25AB WHITE SMALL SQUARE. The size and position needs to match that of the inside square in U+25A3 WHITE SQUARE CONTAINING BLACK SMALL SQUARE. U+224C ALL EQUAL TO also needs a glyphs change, as the reverse tilde/lazy s divergence appears to be a glyph variant, and Unicode chooses a consistnent tilde shape.

[83-AI29] Action Itemfor Asmus Freytag: Contact the appropriate font designers and let them know of the changes to U+25AA BLACK SMALL SQUARE, U+25AB WHITE SMALL SQUARE, and U+224C ALL EQUAL TO.

[83-AI30] Action Itemfor Patrick Ion: Analyze math symbols to propose annotations to clarify character usage.

[83-M11] Motion:The UTC accepts the list of math symbol characters, their glyphs, and positions with the following corrections: [L2/00-119]

Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Murray Sargent

11 for (unanimous)

[83-C5] Consensus: The preferred rendering of not a number is the three letters NAN .

Parts of the Standard

[83-C6] Consensus: The UTC directs the editorial committee to change the naming and numbering of Unicode Technical Reports that are part of The Standard to the name:Unicode Standard Annex (UAX). The versioning will be the same as The Standard (e.g. 3.X.X), with the file version maintaining the current update numbering scheme. [ L2/00-118]

UTC Membership Roll Call Adjustment

PRESENT: Oracle, SAP (by proxy), PeopleSoft now present

NOT PRESENT: Apple no longer present.

Total members represented: 13; Total not represented: 7

[83-M12] Motion: Create a type of stand-alone Unicode Standard document called the Unicode Technical Standard, and put _UTR#10, Unicode Collation Algorithm_in this category, changing its name to: Unicode Technical Standard #10, Collation Algorithm. [L2/00-118]

Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Ken Whistler

11 for (Basis, Compaq, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Sun, Sybase, Unisys)
0 against
2 abstain (SAP, Xerox)

[83-C7] Consensus: The UTC will retain the flexibility to reclassify documents in the future.

[83-M13] Motion: Put UTR#6, A Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode in the Unicode Technical Standard category, changing its name to: Unicode Technical Standard #6, Compression Scheme (SCSU).

Moved by Asmus Freytag, seconded by Ken Whistler

11 for (Basis, Compaq, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Sun, Sybase, Unisys)
0 against
2 abstain (SAP, Xerox)

[83-AI31] Action Itemfor Editorial Committee: Remand to the Editorial Committee to update the two UTR documents and web site and announce the changes on Unicore and Unicode.

UTC Membership Roll Call Adjustment

NOT PRESENT: Sun no longer present.

Total members represented: 12; Total not represented: 8

Release Schedule of Fixes to Unicode V3

[83-M14] Motion: The UTC approves an update version of the Unicode Standard, Version 3.0.1, to be issued in June, which is to encompass changes to the data files, semantic changes, and corrigenda, except for those related to new characters, that have been approved by this committee by the end of this UTC meeting. The renaming of UTRs will coincide with this release, so that the 3.0.1 update version will include the appropriate Unicode Standard Annexes and Unicode Technical Standards.

Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by V.S. Umamaheswaran

10 for (Compaq, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, Oracle, PeopleSoft, SAP, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox)
0 against
2 abstain (Basis, NCR)

[83-AI32] Action Itemfor Editorial Committee: Issue an update version, Version 3.0.1, targeted for June 2000 with the appropriate data table and semantic changes, corrigenda, and renaming of UTRs.

UTC Membership Roll Call Adjustment

PRESENT: Sun now present.

Total members represented: 13; Total not represented: 7

Unique Sequence Identifiers

[83-AI33] Action Itemfor V.S. Umamaheswaran: Update the _Unique Sequence Identifiers_document with UTC feedback (using angle brackets and commas with optional spaces), and forward to WG2 as an L2 contribution. [L2/00-150R]

Unicode in Markup Languages

[83-M15] Motion: Advance _Proposed Draft UTR#20: Unicode in XML and other Markup Languages_to _Draft UTR#20: Unicode in XML and other Markup Languages. [L2/00-145_]

Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Asmus Freytag

13 for (unanimous)

[83-AI34] Action Itemfor Asmus Freytag: Take UTC feedback, update Draft UTR#20: Unicode in XML and other Markup Languages, post on the web site and announce the new version to Unicore and W3C.

UTC Membership Roll Call Adjustment

NOT PRESENT: NCR no longer present.

Total members represented: 12; Total not represented: 8


[83-M16] Motion: Accept the proposed changes (fixes for version numbering, contracting characters, missing case in the formulation of shifted, fixes in normalize, steps 1 and 2, and derived collation elements) given in document L2/00-141, plus the notation changes given in the first e-mail from L2/00-157, and update the text of UTS#10: Unicode Collation Algorithm, after review by the Editorial Committee.

Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Ken Whistler

11 for (Basis, Compaq, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, Oracle, PeopleSoft, SAP, Sun, Sybase, Unisys)
0 against
1 abstain (Xerox)

[83-AI35] Action Itemfor Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update _UTS#10: Unicode Collation Algorithm_reflecting motion83-M16.

UTC Membership Roll Call Adjustment

PRESENT: NCR now present.

Total members represented: 13 Total not represented: 7


[83-M17] Motion: In UAX#15, Unicode Normalization Forms, add a pointer to a chart that shows the forms and a machine readable file that can be used for conformance testing. Have final information reviewed by the Editorial Committee.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Ken Whistler

13 for (unanimous)

[83-AI36] Action Itemfor Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update UAX#15: Unicode Normalization Forms, reflecting motion 83-M17.

Case Folding

[83-M18] Motion: Move the case folding file documented in [L2/00-158] into the Unicode database as an informative file and include in V3.0.1 .
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by V.S. Umamaheswaran

11 for (Basis, Compaq, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, PeopleSoft, SAP, Unisys, Xerox)
1 against (Sybase)
1 abstain (Sun)

[83-AI37] Action Itemfor Editorial Committee: Add the case folding file to Unicode database as an informative file and include in V3.0.1.

UTC Membership Roll Call Adjustment

PRESENT: HP now present.

Total members represented: 14; Total not represented: 6

Character Mapping Tables

[83-AI38] Action Itemfor Mark Davis: Update Draft UTR#22: Unicode Character Mapping Tables with feedback received at the meeting and solicit others to contribute to this work by adding their names to mapping@unicode.org.[L2/00-137, L2/00-138]


[83-AI39] Action Itemfor Mark Davis, editorial committee: Update _UTR#19: UTF-32_to note that WG2 has included a restriction of 10FFFF for interoperability (use words from WG2 resolution M38.6).

Script Codes

[83-M19] Motion: Create a proposed draft technical report (#24) which creates a mapping from Unicode characters to script codes, based on documents L2/00-143, L2/00-143R2 and feedback received at the meeting, Include the data table with the technical report.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Asmus Freytag

13 for (Basis, Compaq, IBM, HP, Justsystem, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, SAP, Sun, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox)
0 against ()
1 abstain (PeopleSoft)

[83-AI40] Action Itemfor Mark Davis: Create a proposed draft TR on script codes, based on motion83-M19.

April 28, 2000

PRESENT_:_ Basis Technology; Compaq Computer; Hewlett-Packard Company; IBM Corporation; Justsystem; Microsoft Corporation; NCR Corporation; PeopleSoft; Sybase, Inc.; Sun Microsystems; Unisys Corporation

NOT PRESENT: Apple Computer, Inc.; Government of India, MIT; Hyperion; Oracle, Inc.; Progress Software; RLG; Reuters LTD.; SAP AG; Xerox Corporation

Total members represented: 11, Total not represented: 9


UTC Membership Roll Call Adjustment

NOT PRESENT: HP, Unisys no longer present.

Total members represented: 9; Total not represented: 11

[83-M20] Motion: Accept the revised wording of L2/00-141, section 3.2.2, item 2, on shifted trim and update the text of UTS#10: Collation Algorithm, after review by the Editorial Committee:

Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Ken Whistler

8 for (Basis, Compaq, IBM, Justsystem, Peoplesoft, NCR, Sun, Sybase)
0 against ()
1 abstain (Microsoft)

[83-AI41] Action Itemfor Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update UTS#10: Unicode Collation Algorithm,for shifted trimmed definition and examples, reflecting motion83-M20.

UTC Membership Roll Call Adjustment

PRESENT: HP, Oracle, SAP, Unisys, Xerox now present.

Total members represented: 14; Total not represented: 6


[83-AI42] Action Itemfor Toby Phipps: Working with other interested parties, draft a white paper on implementing Unicode in databases.


[83-M21] Motion: Change the glyph for U+2216 SET MINUS to have a smaller angle to eliminate the need for a new set difference character. Change the proposed U+29F5 character to REVERSE SOLIDUS OPERATOR and override the glyph update agreed to in 83-M11, which will be the reverse counterpart to U+2215 DIVISION SLASH.

Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Asmus Freytag

14 for (unanimous)

Zero Width Grapheme Joiner

[83-AI43] Action Itemfor Mark Davis: Incorporate feedback received at the meeting on the proposal for a zero width grapheme joiner, and post an updated document to Unicore for further discussion before the August UTC. [L2/00-156]

UTC Membership Roll Call Adjustment

PRESENT: Apple now present.

NOT PRESENT: PeopleSoft no longer present.

Total members represented: 14; Total not represented: 6

Duplicate Grass Radicals

[83-M22] Motion: Rescind UTC acceptance of the four duplicate radicals that we accepted at the last meeting: U+FA4A, U+FA66, U+FA5E, U+FA5F, because we accepted them without first seeing which radicals they were. [L2/00-148]

Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Rick McGowan

13 for (Apple, Basis, Compaq, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, SAP, Sun, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox)
0 against ()
1 abstain (HP)

[83-AI44] Action Itemfor Lisa Moore: Ask for more justification on these duplicate radical characters.

[83-AI45] Action Itemfor John Jenkins: Document in Unicode 3.1 that the radical characters are compatibility characters and ensure that this is communicated to WG2 and the IRG.

Compatibility Ideographs

[83-AI46] Action Itemfor Lisa Moore: Add the discussion of more information about compatibility ideographs and possible unifications to the August UTC agenda. [L2/00-146, L2/00-147]

UTC Membership Roll Call Adjustment

PRESENT: PeopleSoft now present.

NOT PRESENT: Apple, Basis no longer present.

Total members represented: 13; Total not represented: 7

DIS 14651 (Collation)

[83-M23] Motion: Instruct our L2 liaison to communicate to L2 that we support the DIS 14651 documented in L2/00-110. Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by V.S. Umamaheswaran

13 for (unanimous)

[83-AI47] Action Itemfor Editorial Committee: Maintain appropriate versions of the data tables for all Unicode Technical Standards (UTS).

UTC Membership Roll Call Adjustment

NOT PRESENT: HP, Microsoft, Xerox no longer present.

Total members represented: 10; Total not represented: 10

Supplemental Terminal Graphics

[83-M24] Motion: Move to accept eighteen characters documented in L2/00-159:

9 for (Compaq, IBM, Justsystem, Oracle, PeopleSoft, SAP, Sun, Sybase, Unisys)
0 against ()
1 abstain (NCR)

[83-AI48] Action Itemfor Ken Whistler: Include the eighteen characters approved in motion 83-M24and all other approved characters in a proposal for WG2.

[83-AI49] Action Itemfor Ken Whistler: Update the Unicode web site pipeline document for all characters accepted during this meeting.

Attendees: Representing:
Joe Becker Xerox
Peter Bishop RightWorks
Mark Davis IBM
Asmus Freytag Basis
Hideki Hiura Sun
Patrick Ion AMS
Tatsuo Kobayashi Justsystem
Mike Ksar HP
Wai-man Long Compaq
Rick McGowan Apple
Lisa Moore IBM
Toby Phipps PeopleSoft
Gary Roberts NCR
Murray Sargent Microsoft
V.S. Umamaheswaran IBM
Ken Whistler Sybase
Cathy Wissink Microsoft
Arnold Winkler Unisys
Jianping Yang Oracle
Michael Yau Oracle