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Lottery News

[ ![Change of plans leads to 500,000lotteryprize](−of−plans−leads−to−500000−lottery−prize.jpg"Changeofplansleadsto500,000 lottery prize]( "Change of plans leads to 500,000lotteryprize]("Changeofplansleadsto500,000 lottery prize") Odd News // 2 days ago Change of plans leads to 500,000lotteryprizeAMichiganwomansaidanunexpectedchangeofweekendplansledtoherwinninga500,000 lottery prize A Michigan woman said an unexpected change of weekend plans led to her winning a 500,000lotteryprizeAMichiganwomansaidanunexpectedchangeofweekendplansledtoherwinninga500,000 lottery prize. ]( "Change of plans leads to $500,000 lottery prize")

[ ![Gift from mom earns Maryland woman 50,000lotteryprize](−from−mom−earns−Maryland−woman−50000−lottery−prize.jpg"GiftfrommomearnsMarylandwoman50,000 lottery prize]( "Gift from mom earns Maryland woman 50,000lotteryprize]("GiftfrommomearnsMarylandwoman50,000 lottery prize") Odd News // 3 days ago Gift from mom earns Maryland woman 50,000lotteryprizeAMarylandwomanreceivedaBonusMatch5lotteryticketasagiftfromhermotherandscoreda50,000 lottery prize A Maryland woman received a Bonus Match 5 lottery ticket as a gift from her mother and scored a 50,000lotteryprizeAMarylandwomanreceivedaBonusMatch5lotteryticketasagiftfromhermotherandscoreda50,000 prize. ]( "Gift from mom earns Maryland woman $50,000 lottery prize")

232 winning tickets sold for lottery drawing that came up 8-8-8-8 Odd News // 4 days ago 232 winning tickets sold for lottery drawing that came up 8-8-8-8 The DC Lottery said about 232 winning tickets were sold for a DC4 drawing that came up with the winning numbers 8-8-8-8.

Nebraska man wins lottery jackpot two months after his son Odd News // 5 days ago Nebraska man wins lottery jackpot two months after his son A Nebraska man won a 120,000lotteryprizejusttwomonthsafterhissonscored120,000 lottery prize just two months after his son scored 120,000lotteryprizejusttwomonthsafterhissonscored100,000 from a scratch-off ticket.

[ ![Canceled vacation plans lead Kentucky couple to 50,000lotteryprize](−vacation−plans−lead−Kentucky−couple−to−50000−lottery−prize.jpg"CanceledvacationplansleadKentuckycoupleto50,000 lottery prize]( "Canceled vacation plans lead Kentucky couple to 50,000lotteryprize]("CanceledvacationplansleadKentuckycoupleto50,000 lottery prize") Odd News // 6 days ago Canceled vacation plans lead Kentucky couple to 50,000lotteryprizeAKentuckycouplewhoskippedtheirvacationhadthedecisionpayoffwhentheyscoreda50,000 lottery prize A Kentucky couple who skipped their vacation had the decision pay off when they scored a 50,000lotteryprizeAKentuckycouplewhoskippedtheirvacationhadthedecisionpayoffwhentheyscoreda50,000 lottery prize. ]( "Canceled vacation plans lead Kentucky couple to $50,000 lottery prize")

[ ![Virginia man stops for energy drink, wins 1Mlotteryprize](−man−stops−for−energy−drink−wins−1M−lottery−prize.jpg"Virginiamanstopsforenergydrink,wins1M lottery prize]( "Virginia man stops for energy drink, wins 1Mlotteryprize]("Virginiamanstopsforenergydrink,wins1M lottery prize") Odd News // 1 week ago Virginia man stops for energy drink, wins 1MlotteryprizeAVirginiamanmadeastoptobuyanenergydrinkandendedupwinninga1M lottery prize A Virginia man made a stop to buy an energy drink and ended up winning a 1MlotteryprizeAVirginiamanmadeastoptobuyanenergydrinkandendedupwinninga1 million prize from a scratch-off lottery ticket. ]( "Virginia man stops for energy drink, wins $1M lottery prize")

[ ![Michigan woman wins 1MPowerballprize′onawhim′](−woman−wins−1M−Powerball−prize−on−a−whim.jpg"Michiganwomanwins1M Powerball prize 'on a whim']( "Michigan woman wins 1MPowerballprizeonawhim]("Michiganwomanwins1M Powerball prize 'on a whim'") Odd News // 1 week ago Michigan woman wins 1MPowerballprize′onawhim′AMichiganwomandecidedtomixupherlotteryplayingroutine"onawhim"andwona1M Powerball prize 'on a whim' A Michigan woman decided to mix up her lottery playing routine "on a whim" and won a 1MPowerballprizeonawhimAMichiganwomandecidedtomixupherlotteryplayingroutine"onawhim"andwona1 million Powerball prize. ]( "Michigan woman wins $1M Powerball prize 'on a whim'")

[ ![New York man wins 1MlotteryprizewhilevisitingMassachusetts](−York−man−wins−1M−lottery−prize−while−visiting−Massachusetts.jpg"NewYorkmanwins1M lottery prize while visiting Massachusetts]( "New York man wins 1MlotteryprizewhilevisitingMassachusetts]("NewYorkmanwins1M lottery prize while visiting Massachusetts") Odd News // 1 week ago New York man wins 1MlotteryprizewhilevisitingMassachusettsANewYorkmanboughtalotteryticketwhilevisitingafriendinMassachusettsandwona1M lottery prize while visiting Massachusetts A New York man bought a lottery ticket while visiting a friend in Massachusetts and won a 1MlotteryprizewhilevisitingMassachusettsANewYorkmanboughtalotteryticketwhilevisitingafriendinMassachusettsandwona1 million top prize. ]( "New York man wins $1M lottery prize while visiting Massachusetts")

[ ![Ohio man wins 500,000lotteryprizeonhisbirthday](−man−wins−500000−lottery−prize−on−his−birthday.jpg"Ohiomanwins500,000 lottery prize on his birthday]( "Ohio man wins 500,000lotteryprizeonhisbirthday]("Ohiomanwins500,000 lottery prize on his birthday") Odd News // 1 week ago Ohio man wins 500,000lotteryprizeonhisbirthdayAnOhiomanhadplentyofreasonstocelebratewhenhewona500,000 lottery prize on his birthday An Ohio man had plenty of reasons to celebrate when he won a 500,000lotteryprizeonhisbirthdayAnOhiomanhadplentyofreasonstocelebratewhenhewona500,000 lottery prize while celebrating his 40th birthday. ]( "Ohio man wins $500,000 lottery prize on his birthday")

Spare change from can recycling leads to Mega Millions prize Odd News // 1 week ago Spare change from can recycling leads to Mega Millions prize A Michigan lottery club used old cans to win the $1 million Mega Millions prize.