Dave Chappelle defends Michael Jackson, jokes about R. Kelly on new Netflix special (original) (raw)

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There's no subject too sacred for Dave Chappelle.

The 46-year-old begins his new stand-up special "Sticks & Stones" with a joke about Anthony Bourdain's death by suicide, and he doesn't stop there.

Bourdain is the first of many figures that Chappelle takes aim at in his first special in two years, which is out now. It was filmed in Atlanta and tackles hot-button issues including gun violence, abortion and the opioid crisis.

He addressed the accusations against Michael Jackson, who was the subject of the HBO documentary "Leaving Neverland" earlier this year, which resurfaced claims of childhood sexual abuse by accusers Wade Robson and James Safechuck.

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Chappelle didn't mince words, saying, "I'm going to say something I'm not allowed to say, but I gotta be real: I don't believe these (expletives)."

Taking on another figure recently investigated on TV, Chappelle also joked about the sexual abuse allegations against R. Kelly.

"If I'm a betting man, I'm putting my money on he probably did that (expletive)," Chappelle says of Kelly, who is facing multiple new charges of sex crimes, including child porn, sex-trafficking, racketeering and crossing state lines for sex with underage girls.

Here are some of the other controversial jokes from the famously unfiltered comedian.

Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart bowed out of hosting the Oscars last December, after earning backlash for past homophobic tweets.

"The gay community was upset, and they put so much pressure on the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences that they went to Kevin and said, 'If you don't apologize to that community, then you cannot host these Oscars,' " Chappelle says. "Kevin said, '(Expletive) it, I quit.' And then he went on every talk show in America and apologized for six weeks."

LGTBQ community

Chappelle bemoans how society is increasingly politically correct throughout the special, and sarcastically says how difficult it must be for transgender people.

"They're so confusing," Chappelle says. "I think they need to take some responsibility for my jokes because I didn't come up with this idea on my own. This idea that a person can be born in the wrong body – they have to admit, that's a (expletive) hilarious predicament.

"What if I was Chinese but born in this (expletive) body – that's not funny?" he continues, squinting his eyes. "And the rest of my life, I had to go around making that face: 'Hey, everybody, I'm Chinese!' And then everybody get mad: 'Stop making that face, that's offensive.' 'What? This is how I feel inside.' "

Louis C.K.

He also says how the #MeToo movement has given him a "headache," especially as his fellow comedian, Louis C.K., has struggled to make a comeback since admitting to accusations of sexual misconduct in 2017.

"Louis C.K. was a very good friend of mine before he died in that terrible masturbation accident," Chappelle says. "It was his room, that's where you're supposed to masturbate. And then he said, 'Hey, everybody, I'm about to pull my (expletive) out,' and nobody ran for the door. They all just kind of hung out, like, 'I wonder if this guy is serious.' "

School shootings

Chappelle gets serious about the mass shooting epidemic in the United States, saying there are so many that "I don't even care anymore." He then talks about how one of his sons has active shooter drills at school.

"I had to tell my son the truth," Chappelle says. "Son, listen to me, (expletive) that drill. If someone comes to your school and wants to shoot it up, I'm just going to be honest with you: You're probably gonna get shot, let's be real. You got a famous dad, I talk a lot of (expletive). They'll be gunning for you, little buddy.' Just stay low, run in a zigzag pattern and don't try to save anybody.'

"If you're a parent, this (expletive) is terrifying ... because we know as parents that one of us is raising the shooter. We just don't know which one of us it is," he adds. "All we know for sure is that if you're white parents, the chances that it's you are exponentially higher than the rest of us. Shooting up schools is a white kid's game."

Jussie Smollett

He ends the special with a lengthy riff on "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett, who was accused of staging a racist, anti-gay attack against himself in Chicago before charges were abruptly dropped in March.

"Black people never feel sorry for the police, but this time, we even felt sorry for the police," Chappelle says. "Can you imagine if you were a police veteran taking this police report? 'OK, Mr. Smollett, please tell me what happened. ... All right, 2 a.m. It was minus 16 degrees and you were walking? All right. ... And where were you going? Subway ... sandwiches? ... That's when the men approached you? And what did they have on? ... MAGA hats on, in Chicago?'

" 'OK, one second,' " he continues, pretending to turn to a colleague. " 'Frank, find out where Kanye West was last night.' "