With the midterms two weeks away, what are candidates talking about in political ads? (original) (raw)

With the midterm elections less than a month away, a new USA TODAY analysis of political ad data shows Republicans dominating on issues of the economy and immigration while Democratic candidates are doubling down on abortion and health care.

In October, Republicans out-messaged Democrats roughly 2-to-1 on the economy while Democrats have 8 times as much messaging on abortion as the GOP, according to USA TODAY's analysis of AdImpact data.

Democrats are also outperforming Republicans on messaging on health care and COVID-19 by a factor of nearly 3, the analysis revealed.

AdImpact tracks political ads on broadcast television for congressional, gubernatorial, mayoral and state legislative races. The analysis used a list of words for each issue supplied by USA TODAY to calculate the monthly share of ads mentioning each topic as a proportion of all ads.

The data reflects a trend among the GOP and its candidates, who have shifted messaging to focus on inflation and rising costs of living as Democrats work to drive the issue of abortion rights with voters throughout the election season, appealing to their voter bases.

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Nearly half of registered voters said that they’re more motivated to vote in this year’s upcoming election, with the economy and abortion the top issues they’d like to hear candidates discuss, according to an October Kaiser Family Foundation health tracking poll.

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While abortion was the second top issue, it only concerned 15% of voters, compared to the 35% who cited economic issues.

More than half of Republicans listed the economy as their top issue, compared to 33% of independents and 23% of Democrats, according to the poll.

The economy and abortion have remained among the top concerns for voters in several key races, reflecting deep partisanship as Republicans stress the state of the economy and Democrats emphasize threats to abortion rights as the Nov. 8 election inches closer.

The economy is on Americans' minds as inflation rates hover near 40-year highs, resulting in increased prices at the gas pump and grocery stores and more.

Several states have passed restrictive abortion laws since the Supreme Court in June overturned Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark case that protected the constitutional right to an abortion. The call for a federal 15-week abortion ban by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., further alarmed some voters.

President Joe Biden speaks about abortion access during a Democratic National Committee event at the Howard Theatre, Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022, in Washington.

Democrats fend off GOP attacks on crime

Notably, there has been increasing attention on public safety in political ads, with Republican and Democratic candidates nearly evenly matched on messaging, according to USA TODAY’s analysis of data shared by the ad tracking firm AdImpact.

In the battle for voters, this may be a sign that Democrats are feeling vulnerable to attacks from Republicans about being soft on crime or not being supportive of law enforcement. Democrats have released a flurry of ads featuring police officers and reassuring that candidates won’t pull funding from police agencies.

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John Fetterman, a Democrat running for Senate in Pennsylvania, featured a sheriff in an ad telling viewers he “voted with law enforcement experts.”

Democrat Mandela Barnes, who is running against Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said in an ad: “I’ll make sure our police have the resources and training they need to keep our community safe.”

And Rep. Cindy Axne, a Democrat running for reelection in Iowa, put it plainly, telling voters that she'll "never defund the police.”

This uptick in mentions of public safety is in line with research by the Wesleyan Media Project, which is analyzing ads collected by Campaign Media Analysis Group, a political ad monitoring arm of research firm Kantar Media.

The Wesleyan Media Project found that the public safety issue dominated congressional campaign ads in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin last month and has been among the top three issues in political ads from both parties since early September.

Marcela Mulholland, political director for progressive think tank and polling firm Data for Progress, says she isn’t surprised by these partisan trends in political ad messaging, including the Democrats' defensive posture and emphasis on law enforcement.

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“Democrats need to take crime and voter concern about it seriously. It’s an issue where we’re not as trusted as Republicans,” she said.

Polls continue to show Americans are concerned about crime and gun violence. A recent Politico/Morning Consult poll found that 60% of respondents said crime would play a major role in their decision for who to vote for in the midterms. While homicides and rapes are down year over year in urban areas, violent crime in general has increased.

A further finding from USA TODAY's analysis is how much messaging about guns has decreased in political ads from both parties since a spike in reactions to the May 24 mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, where a gunman killed 19 children and two adults at a school. That's despite sustained interest among voters on the gun policy issue this cycle.

Republicans lead on the economy, inflation

Mulholland also says Democrats could talk more about economic issues in ads.

Instead, she says, Democratic candidates should highlight things they have done to alleviate the economic pressures that Americans are feeling, like passing the Inflation Reduction Act, a landmark piece of legislation passed this summer which has broad implications across multiple sectors of the economy.

According to estimates shared by Kantar Media of funding for Senate, House and governor races this month, Democrats have spent much less money on ads about the economy than GOP candidates.

In October, Republicans have spent nearly twice as much on ads about the budget and taxes than Democrats have, according to Kantar's data.

"The combined spend by GOP on taxes and budget swamps all the focused messaging of the Democrats," said Republican strategist Mike Madrid in an email. "The GOP still has the upper hand on the top driving message: The economy. That's why they're spending so much money there."

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President Joe Biden gives Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., the pen he used to sign The Inflation Reduction Act.

Last week Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders went so far as to criticize the Democrats' strategy in an op-ed, writing that "it would be political malpractice for Democrats to ignore the state of the economy."

With only just over two weeks to go until the midterm elections, that doesn't leave much time for candidates to change strategy.

"Abortion is clearly the closing argument for Democrats for the midterms," said Steve Passwaiter, a vice president at Kantar Media who tracks political advertising. "But given where it stands against the other issues, is that going to do it?"