From Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 6.00 pm; Saturday: from 8.30 am to 1.00 pm;
Summer schedule (July 1 to August 31) 8.30 am -3 pm; Saturday: 8.30 am – 1.00 pm
Calendar [pdf]
The entrance is in Via di Porta Angelica through Porta S. Anna
To enter, you must obtain and official entry permit with document (ID) or Passport and the prescription of the drug to buy.
To avoid unpleasant mistakes and delays on shipments of drugs, we ask you to follow these tasks and please do not request or call other offices for your orders.
Send a fax to +39 06 698 85426 (or email to: spedizioni.farmacia@scv.va):
- The prescription specifying the amount, dosage and size.
- Name and address where the order should be delivered
- Telephone number, essential for the delivery
- Email address
Please, make also allowance for the fact:
- shipments shall be sent only to Italy
- shipments of drugs not sold in Italy
After the request order has been submitted, the shipment procedure is started automatically - without further confirmations.
For successive orders, please attach the code number of customer’s name on the delivery note.
Payments can be make in any of these three modes:
- Cash to the carrier when you receive your order
- By bank draft made payable to “ Farmacia Vaticana” to be delivered to the carrier
- By credit card Visa or Mastercard sending us the number, expiration date and security code.
Please let us know via fax the mode chosen.
The total amount must include the cost of the drug order and the forwarding charges cost.
If you need more information, call the Forwarding Office at + 3906 69882359.
Email spedizioni.farmacia@scv.va
Forwarding Office
Tel. +39 06 698 89806+ tasto 4
e-mail spedizioni.farmacia@scv.va
Fax +39 06 698 85426.
Drugs information
tel. + 39 06 69889806 + tasto 4
e-mail centralino.farmacia@scv.va
Fax + 39 06 69885361