Calgary South Health Campus — Vaughan Hoy Works (original) (raw)
Calgary, Alberta
While with Kasian Architecture, Interior Design and Planning
Role: Associate-concept design of phase 1 and public internal streets and community spaces
Master planning for the South Health Campus began in 2006, with the development of a placeholder program that determined area and phasing. The much needed health care project was specifically targeted to address the needs of this rapidly growing sector in Calgary. Located in the southeast community of Seton, the 44 acre greenfield site stretches over two parcels of land. Urban planning of the community has made the campus a central focus, a commercial and retail hub, as well as significant medium density housing, including future LRT connections. With 644 inpatient beds, the centre offers specialized services that range from women’s health, mental health, pediatric and cardiac care, trauma and numerous other day hospital programs. All of these services were specifically selected by Alberta Health Services in order to address the needs of more than 800,000 outpatient visits a year. While the facilities do provide more general family centered care, mounting concerns surrounding chronic decease management and elder care in Southern Alberta are specifically addressed at the South Health Campus.