What is an Asana in Yoga? (original) (raw)

Asana is the physical practice of yoga poses. In addition to referring broadly to the physical aspect of yoga, asana can also be used to describe a particular pose, as in, "The handstand is an asana that is very challenging," or "This flow consists of a series of standing asanas."

What most people call yoga could more precisely be called asana. Yoga has eight limbs. Besides asana, yoga also encompasses pranayama (breathing exercises), dhyana (meditation), yamas (codes of social conduct), niyamas (self-observances), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), Dharana (concentration), and samadhi (bliss).

Benefits of Asanas

Asanas are performed to improve flexibility, strength, and balance. Asanas—or yoga poses—help the body's joints, ligaments, and muscles strengthen through movement. A regular yoga practice can, over time, increase flexibility and mobility, lubricating the spine and alignment to aid in everyday activity.

All yoga poses are performed and sync with the breath, such as the Ujjayi breath. The poses are not meant to simply be physical exercises but rather used holistically as a mind-body practice to improve physical, mental, and spiritual health. Combining breathing techniques and focus, these asanas can also help relieve stress and anxiety.

A regular asana practice can also help strengthen the immune system and improves blood circulation throughout the body, vascular function, blood lipids, and mood. Through dedicated practice and time, the body can experience noticeable improvements and benefits from asanas.

Sanskrit Names for Poses

Asana applies as a suffix in the Sanskrit names for yoga poses, such as trikon_asana_ (Triangle pose), virabhadr_asana_ (Warrior I), and Eka pada rajakapot_asana_ (Pigeon pose). Knowing this and a few other Sanskrit terms can help you unravel these complicated names.

For instance, eka pada means one-footed, so you can expect that one foot will be doing something different from the other in these poses. Parsva means side (usually a pose facing one side), parivrtta means turned (usually a twisted version of a pose), supta means reclining, etc. Beginning to see these patterns helps the names start to make more sense.

Some poses have more than one name from different yoga traditions. It is common to have the Sanskrit names for animals, Hindu deities, and mythological figures included in the names for poses. You will also see variations in the spelling as they can be translated into English in various ways.

History of Asana

Asana is the Sanskrit word for posture or seat. As interpreted from the archeological record and primary source materials, the first yoga asanas were most probably seated positions for meditation. They are described in the "Yoga Sutras" of Patanjali, written around the third century.

Asanas are part of the Hatha yoga practice, a branch of yoga combining physical movements and breathing techniques. The "Hatha Yoga Pradipika" was written in the 15th century and described only 14 postures, mostly seated positions.

It was not until relatively recently in yoga's history (with the influence of the Western physical culture movement) that asana developed a wide array of poses and became the most widely practiced aspect of yoga.

Understanding this goes a long way toward accepting that asana is not a static practice enshrined through the millennia. Instead, it is constantly evolving. A pose invented last week isn't less legitimate than one from the 1940s or the 16th century.

Bikram Choudhury attempted to patent 130 asanas in 2007. The U.S. Patent Office decided that asanas could not be patented in the way he was claiming. The government of India then sought to keep asanas in the public domain by publishing them in a public database.

Beginning Your Asana Practice

Whether you are entirely new to yoga or want to improve your current practice, beginner asanas are some of the fundamental building blocks of any yoga flow. By incorporating them into your routine, and when combined with breath, focus, and meditation, asanas can improve your physical, mental, and emotional health.

There are many different styles and forms of yoga, and finding the best one for you may take time and discovery. Try out multiple styles of practice—Hatha, vinyasa, or hot yoga (Bikram)—to see which one best suits you.

Vinyasa, for instance, is fast-paced and challenging while Hatha yoga is gentle and paced more slowly. Newer physically-focused classes such as CorePower yoga provide a modern twist on the practice. Remember that yoga may be a lifelong practice, and its benefits grow over time.

A Word From Verywell

When people think of yoga, they typically think of the physical poses involved, and perhaps, the breathwork. Yoga is many things, and the physical poses are called asanas. There are many types of asanas, old and new, that can be practiced and mastered. Yoga is an excellent physical activity with mental and physiological benefits.

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Ann Pizer

By Ann Pizer, RYT
Ann Pizer is a writer and registered yoga instructor who teaches vinyasa/flow and prenatal yoga classes.

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