Lung Cancer: Overview and More (original) (raw)

Understanding Lung Cancer



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Key Terms

The Stages of Lung Cancer

Explore interactive models that show how lung cancer can progress in the body, and the changes that each stage of the disease refer to.

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  1. American Lung Association. Lung cancer fact sheet.
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  7. Tamburrini M, Gothi D, Barbetta C, Del Conte A, Sulfaro S, Zuccon U. Esophageal ultrasound with ultrasound bronchoscope (EUS-B) guided left adrenal biopsy: Case report with review of literature. Respir Med Case Rep. 2018 Dec 20;26:154-156. doi:10.1016/j.rmcr.2018.12.012. PMID: 30603608; PMCID: PMC6310773