(original) (raw)

18:33:59 RRSAgent has joined #dawg 18:33:59 logging to http://www.w3.org/2005/02/28-dawg-irc 18:34:04 Zakim, this will be dawg 18:34:04 ok, DanC_; I see SW_DAWG(TP)2:00PM scheduled to start in 26 minutes 18:34:12 agenda + Convene, take roll, review records and agenda http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/ftf5-bos.html#agenda 18:34:28 agenda + issue: nestedOptionals 18:34:39 agenda + f2f6 proposals 18:35:44 agenda + test suite maintenance 18:35:55 agenda + valueTesting 18:36:02 agenda + XSCH review 18:37:34 HiroyukiS has joined #DAWG 18:38:55 JacekK has joined #dawg 18:45:10 Yoshio has joined #dawg 18:45:17 hi all 18:47:00 amy has joined #dawg 18:50:59 Amy? I don't see OlympiaC in http://www.w3.org/1998/12/bridge/dialout.php3 18:51:05 hi 18:51:50 SW_DAWG(TP)2:00PM has now started 18:51:52 +OlympiaC 18:52:25 C, yes, ok good 18:52:38 np 18:52:39 bye 18:52:42 amy has left #dawg 19:00:54 JosD has joined #dawg 19:00:57 Zakim, take up agendum 1 19:00:57 agendum 1. "Convene, take roll, review records and agenda http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/ftf5-bos.html#agenda" taken up [from DanC_] 19:01:16 kendall has joined #dawg 19:01:21 we're convened 19:01:25 participants: 19:01:40 * Dan Connolly connolly@w3.org (W3C/MIT) : attending monday, tuesday 19:01:41 * Yoshio Fukushige fuku@w3.org (Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (MEI)) : attending monday, tuesday 19:01:44 * Hiroyuki Sato sato.hiroyuki@lab.ntt.co.jp (Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. (NTT)) : attending monday, tuesday 19:01:47 * Andy Seaborne andy.seaborne@hp.com (Hewlett Packard Company) : attending monday, tuesday 19:01:51 * Stephen Harris swh@ecs.soton.ac.uk (Southampton, University of) : attending monday, tuesday 19:01:54 * Kendall Clark kendall@monkeyfist.com (Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab at the University of Maryland) : attending monday, tuesday 19:01:58 * Eric Prud'hommeaux eric@w3.org (W3C/MIT) : attending monday, tuesday 19:02:00 * Jos De Roo jos.deroo@agfa.com (Agfa-Gevaert N. V.) : attending monday, tuesday 19:02:03 Plus: 19:02:06 some observers: 19:02:14 regrets for 8th meeting 19:02:23 ACTION DaveB: to consider use of xsi:dataType ala comment from Steer 19:02:37 Thomas Roessler 19:02:40 Ivan Herman, Jacek K., 19:02:56 I can dialin for a bit. But that action continues... 19:03:05 hi dave! 19:03:07 ivan has joined #dawg 19:03:10 agenda? 19:03:19 kendall has joined #dawg 19:03:47 hi kendall 19:03:56 observer: Danny Weitzner 19:03:57 Zakim, close agendum 1 19:03:57 agendum 1 closed 19:03:58 I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 19:03:59 2. issue: nestedOptionals [from DanC_] 19:04:02 Zakim, next agendum 19:04:03 agendum 2. "issue: nestedOptionals" taken up [from DanC_] 19:05:21 [what's the latest re: nestedOptionals? latest QL draft 5.5. Been implemented and folks seem happy with it.] 19:05:56 SteveH has same objections. "It's existence is unacceptable." 19:06:32 DaveB has another proposal involving a side condition on the grammar. 19:07:10 DaveB suggested making it not possible to *write* nested optionals, even though they'd still be possible semantically. 19:07:55 SteveH fine with the DaveB proposal to "hide" nested optionals by disallowing them syntactically. 19:10:04 debate about the relative merits of diff implementation strategies to implement nested optionals 19:11:36 how much more difficult are these queries to write if you can't write nested optionals? 19:12:16 ivan has joined #dawg 19:15:26 from [[ 19:15:27 OPTIONAL { ( ?x vcard:N ?vc ) 19:15:27 ( ?vc vcard:Given ?gname ) 19:15:27 OPTIONAL ( ?vc vcard:Family ?fname ) } 19:15:30 ]] 19:16:04 Hmm, so we seem to agree that to write the equivalent query, you'll have to repeat some graph patterns 19:16:11 to [[ 19:16:13 OPTIONAL { ( ?x vcard:N ?vc ) 19:16:13 ( ?vc vcard:Given ?gname ) } 19:16:13 OPTIONAL { ( ?x vcard:N ?vc ) 19:16:13 ( ?vc vcard:Given ?gname ) 19:16:16 ( ?vc vcard:Family ?fname ) } 19:16:16 kendall has joined #dawg 19:16:18 ]] 19:21:16 is it that whether lack of appearence of B in the result means the failure of B or not? 19:24:04 Jos suggests that in his system implementing nested optional (or just optional?) is difficult. 19:24:45 just optional 19:25:44 debate about the value or advisability of making open or closed world assumption 19:28:25 i think there are unshared views about the implications of OWA 19:29:35 eric and jos discuss altenate implementation strategies (translating sparql into n3, then filtering results... or something) 19:32:24 Jos: 19:32:39 A optional B has 2 interpretations: 19:32:47 1. A & (B v True) 19:32:53 which creates unhelpful solutions 19:33:04 2. A & (B v ~B) 19:33:18 which, if i follow, implies some closed world assumption, but works 19:33:38 for jos 19:34:35 so absence of B in the result means, in the 2nd interpretation, the failure of B? 19:35:04 danc suggests making the parts of QL that involve CWAs more explicit 19:35:17 ACTION: AndyS to clarify 5.4 w/r/t closed world assumption 19:35:26 kendall has joined #dawg 19:36:05 back to *nested* optionals 19:39:34 my concern is that the restriction on the use of the variable names is complicated... 19:42:22 I have to write 19:42:33 SELECT ?a ?b ?c 19:42:52 WHERE OPTIONAL (?a foo ?b) 19:43:07 OPTIONAL (?a bar ?c) 19:43:30 enen when all I want to know is ?a and the other sole thing 19:44:11 SELECT ?a ?b OPTIONAL (?a ?p ?b) AND ?p= || ?p=19:45:30 Drop OPTIONAL (they were only there to structure the first appraoch) 19:46:01 leaving... SELECT ?a ?b WHERE (?a ?p ?b) AND ?p= || ?p=19:51:29 hmm,,, I got inclined to draw my concern back... I can't tell which OPTIONAL is met without distinguishing ?b and ?c 19:53:25 there should be many situations where I wnat to konw which 19:53:51 ACTION: danc resume discussion of nestedOptionals 19:54:18 Zakim, close this agendum 19:54:18 agendum 2 closed 19:54:19 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 19:54:21 3. f2f6 proposals [from DanC_] 20:04:48 inconclusive data 20:05:48 how many to www2005? -JD +AS ~KC +YK +HS +EP +SH -DC 20:06:22 patH has joined #dawg 20:06:22 inconclusive data re amsterdam, southampton, florida, bristol offers 20:06:39 Hey, are we on the phone? What number? 20:06:40 Pat, where should we meet next? 1/2 ;-) 20:06:46 Zakim, passcode? 20:06:46 the conference code is 3294 (tel:+1.617.761.6200), DanC_ 20:07:16 +PatH 20:07:43 WWW2005 is 10-14 May 20:08:22 www2005 ~-PH 20:09:57 oh Dan is NOT coming... we should give up the hosting idea then... 20:09:59 Zakim, agenda? 20:09:59 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda: 20:10:00 3. f2f6 proposals [from DanC_] 20:10:01 4. test suite maintenance [from DanC_] 20:10:02 5. valueTesting [from DanC_] 20:10:04 6. XSCH review [from DanC_] 20:10:23 (then resume tomorrow with other stuff) 20:11:28 Zakim, next agendum 20:11:28 agendum 3. "f2f6 proposals" taken up [from DanC_] 20:11:34 Zakim, close item 3 20:11:34 agendum 3 closed 20:11:35 A one day meeting before (or after?) WWW05 got some interest. 20:11:35 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 20:11:37 4. test suite maintenance [from DanC_] 20:11:41 Zakim, take up agendum 4 20:11:41 agendum 4. "test suite maintenance" taken up [from DanC_] 20:12:13 kendall has joined #dawg 20:13:55 SELECT ?PG WHERE ?PG =~ "http://www.w3.org/". # pls add this test case 20:14:08 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/ 20:14:37 SELECT ?PG WHERE ?PG dc:creator ?anybody AND ?PG =~ "http://www.w3.org/". # pls add this test case 20:14:54 should NOT match { dc:creator "anybody" } 20:15:33 steve's action hereabouts continued 20:15:57 (daveb's action re: xsi:datatype also continued earlier, in case that didn't get scribed) 20:16:04 Ivan - http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/ 20:16:23 how about (?u stringmatches: "http://www.w3.org/\*) (?PG log;uri ?u) 20:17:50 (continued: ACTION: SteveH to to propose tests for str() and =~) 20🔞11 ACTION: SteveH buy Andy a beer! 20🔞33 tlr has joined #dawg 20:19:53 GRAPH tests: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/source-named/untrusted-graph\*.rq 20:20:03 has PatH swapped in the new named graph stuff? 20:20:23 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#rdfDataset 20:20:33 (keyword renaming... -sigh-) 20:22:39 (PatH finds the relevant tests, with andy's help) 20:23:33 DanC withdraws suggesting formal defintions for SOURCE 20:24:00 (break 'till 3:40p Boston) 20:24:00 -PatH 20:39:12 agenda + SPARQL punctuation syntax (turtle, N3, ...) 20:40:34 agenda? 20:41:47 timbl has joined #dawg 20:42:06 ping pat 20:42:45 hi guys. We back? 20:42:46 See http://www.w3.org/2005/02/28-dawg-irc#T20-42-45 20:42:50 yup 20:43:00 +PatH 20:43:20 can you hear dan well (enough)? 20:43:42 just about. 20:44:47 [mutterings while looking for a particuarl test] 20:44:50 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/source-named/manifest.n3 20:47:32 "requires a ton of my tools to build it" 20:48:46 ACTION: EricP to pair with SteveH on making the HTML test results page 20:49:40 Zakim, next agendum 20:49:40 agendum 5. "valueTesting" taken up [from DanC_] 20:53:05 walking through http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/ExprEquals/query-eq-1.rq 20:54:25 evaluated against http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/ExprEquals/query-eq-1.rq 20:54:35 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/ExprEquals 20:54:41 is the directory 20:54:44 evaluated against http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/ExprEquals/data-eq.ttl 20:55:45 ivan: the parsers i use read "1" as 1 20:57:51 [kendall warns that RDF/XML treatment of datatypes is broken] 20:58:41 walking through http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/ExprEquals/query-eq2-1.rq 20:59:50 Pat protests that it may be ugly, but its not broken. 21:00:09 no 21:00:23 i warned that *rdflib* has no real typed literal support -- v. different issue 21:00:34 equivlence test that can bind to one of several operators 21:00:41 (answering yoshio) 21:01:22 Echo Yoshio. We seem to be using '=' for several differnt things. 21:02:01 see 21:02:01 SELECT ... AND ?p = dc1:title || ?p = dc2:title 21:02:09 is it different from "=="? 21:02:10 also, users expect 1 = 1.0 21:02:23 XPath overloading of the operators defined in http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#mapping 21:03:12 ack timbl 21:03:22 q+ to suggest for every = test case to make a test case with graph match 21:04:15 q- 21:04:49 tim: re-use the investment in value equiv test cases by copying them to graph test cases 21:05:10 eg 21:05:11 (?x1 :p ?v1 ) 21:05:11 (?x2 :p ?v2 ) 21:05:11 AND ?v1 = ?v2 21:05:16 goes to 21:05:27 (?x1 :p ?v) 21:05:27 +q about entailing. 21:05:39 (?x2 :p ?v) 21:05:41 . 21:05:52 q+ to ask if it is not "==" we are talikng about 21:06:11 Q+ 21:06:38 ACTION: Andy to add the above graph test cases 21:06:41 ack yoshio 21:06:41 Yoshio, you wanted to ask if it is not "==" we are talikng about 21:13:39 SELECT ... WHERE (?exp :results ?x. ?exp2 :results ?y) AND ?x != ?y #@@@ 21:13:42 DanC: we don't have a spec that exactly matches the editor's understanding (cf. the == and eq in section 11) 21:14:13 SELECT ... WHERE (?exp :results ?x) (?exp2 :results ?y) AND ?x != ?y 21:14:14 against { exp1 result "1/1"^^rational. exp2 result "2/2"^^rational) 21:15:19 ericp: the != will fail. 21:15:20 timbl: good 21:15:56 andys: or is it fn:not(?x = ?y) ? 21:17:15 http://unagi/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#StandardOperations 21:17:31 [[ Expressions generating errors cause the solution to be rejected (not to match). ]] 21:19:27 Andy convinces DanC (and EricP? and others?) that the != will turn into not( ... = ...) and yield true 21:20:27 SteveH: propose "when you call the = op on datatypes that you don't understand, it fails" 21:21:26 ack path 21:22:47 q+ to mention need for warning levels when people have asked weird things such as type mismatches, e.g. comparing "wednesday" = 2. 21:22:50 q- 21:22:52 ack jos 21:25:37 q+ to suggest a appendix of places where the semantics of the operator differ from the F&O spec. 21:25:50 "abc"^^integer 21:26:46 ammend SteveH's proposal with first checking if the two are literally the same and the same integer 21:27:01 s/integer/datatype/ 21:27:03 REQUEST FOR TESTCASE: input data has "abc"^^integer 21:28:42 "10"^^byte = "10"^^integer? 21:29:51 "10"^^long = "10"^^integer 21:29:52 ? 21:30:33 "10"^^nonnegative = "10"^^integer? 21:30:45 REQUEST FOR TESTCASE 21:32:32 AndyS: for example, OWL uses nonnegativeinteger for cardianlity constraints 21:32:37 EricP seems convinced 21:32:42 sadly so 21:33:06 q+ 21:33:36 ACTION EricP: propose to close valueTesting (bonus points for test cases, to EricP or others) 21:34:57 http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-mt/#DTYPEINTERP 21:37:14 Zakim, next agendum 21:37:14 agendum 6. "XSCH review" taken up [from DanC_] 21:37:52 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/XSCH/xsch-sw-20050127/ 21:38:11 jacek: i would expect a W3C RDF query language to support all the XML schema datatypes and all of OWL 21:38:26 patH: what does it mean to "support"? 21:39:29 DanC: this sounds like requirements. take up in hallway discussion? 21:41:21 DaveB, observer, from DERI 21:41:48 I laughed when I read supporting all XSD and all owl. 21:42:12 yes, "laughed" ;) 21:50:57 Zakim, take up agendum 6 21:50:57 agendum 6. "XSCH review" taken up [from DanC_] 21:51:03 Hey, Im listening to a lovely exposition here. 21:51:20 kendall has joined #dawg 21:52:29 ericp's action is withdrawn 21:52:42 Zakim, next agendum 21:52:42 agendum 7. "SPARQL punctuation syntax (turtle, N3, ...)" taken up [from DanC_] 21:53:42 DanC: since this wasn't on the agenda at T-2 weeks, I won't put any questions formally 21:57:34 q+ what exactly is meant here by N3? Is it just hte basic style of graph syntax used in N3? 21:58:38 EricP: but I don't argue to use { ... } as a term 21:59:19 the phone is dropping out very freqently. Can yall turn up the mike? 21:59:34 ack path 21:59:47 ivan- 21:59:55 see examples from http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/ftf4.html#item18 22:00:05 q- 22:00:14 turtle+variabels = turtle (with ',' and ';') + vars (eg ?x) 22:00:18 q-\ 22:00:22 q- 22:01:17 Im happy with the N3 style as descrbed there. BUt Im also happy with turtle style. 22:02:11 well, we've liberally changed keywords at just about every f2f, including helsinki, and that was only a month ago. :> 22:02:25 +kendall 22:02:39 Don't we all, Zakim 22:02:46 hey! :> 22:02:57 timbl: for example S 22:03:11 example S?? 22:03:24 timbl: for example SELECT ?who WHERE ?who :brother [ in Army ], :mother [ in Navy]. 22:04:42 a bnode in a graph pattern is == to an unused variable in a select or construct clause 22:04:45 andy: is that like ... ?who :brother ?notUsedElsewhere1. ?notUsedElsewhere1 in Army ... 22:04:45 yes 22:04:59 s/==/equivalent to/ 22:05:22 Jos: in turtle, one can write :bob :brothers ( :pete :sam). 22:05:30 turtle+variabels = turtle (with ',' and ';' and '()') + vars (eg ?x) 22:06:03 ... which suggests SELECT ?who WHERE ?who :borthers (:pete :sam). 22:06:40 ; , . () [] ?x 22:07:21 that's a pretty god transcription of what it sounds like on the phone, Tim 22:07:22 see also http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005JanMar/0111.html 22:08:28 Yoshio, widely distributed, I believe the only implementations are from AndyS, DaveB and myself. 22:08:46 SteveH: my users are mostly folks dumping databases into RDF/XML 22:08:46 and perhaps Ivan 22:09:04 SteveH: I support turtle input and noone uses it 22:11:32 DO we have to choose one? 22:11:57 we don't if/when we have an xml exchange syntax for sparql 22:12:14 just map any old surface/user syntax into it, and send *that* to the server 22:14:30 That makes sense, indeed. XML to the rescue once again? 22:15:02 well, you can then do neato schema web services stuff. that's gonna help adoption in areas where SW has little presently. 22:15:04 We need at least one common syntax for encoding into a protocol for web use 22:17:15 Maybe the issue is how the results get sent back. We need an XML for that too. 22:17:38 we have one for that, pat :> 22🔞38 Just testing. 22:19:37 I have to leave shortly. Don't do anything serious while Im gone. 22:19:44 never! 22:25:45 (([A-Z_a-z\u00c0-\u00d6\u00d8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u02ff\u0370-\u037d\u037f-\u1fff\u200c-\u200d\u2070-\u218f\u2c00-\u2fef\u3001-\ud7ff\uf900-\ufdcf\ufdf0-\ufffd\U00010000-\U000effff][\\-0-9A-Z_a-z\u00b7\u00c0-\u00d6\u00d8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u037d\u037f-\u1fff\u200c-\u200d\u203f-\u2040\u2070-\u218f\u2c00-\u2fef\u3001-\ud7ff\uf900-\ufdcf\ufdf0-\ufffd\U00010000-\U000effff]*)?:)?[A-Z_a-z\u00c0-\u00d6\u00d8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u02ff\u0370-\u037d\u037f-\u1fff\u200c-\u200d\u2070-\u218f\u2c 22:26:04 qname in n3.n3 22:27:40 ?? Dot is UTF-8 002E 22:27:58 doesn't "." in qname in N3 mean a path expression? 22:28:27 is that really ((...)?:)?... ?? SO the : is optional? 22:30:24 q+ to ask if "." in qname in N3 means a path expression 22:31:21 WHERE { GRAPH ?g { ?g dc:source myPartOfUriSpace:foo.rdf } } # sh, ar like this 22:32:23 q- 22:33:07 Bye. 22:33:19 -PatH 22:35:20 .BadSyntax: Line 5 of : Bad syntax (expected directive or statement) at ^ in: 22:35:23 "...foo: . 22:35:25 foo:fred foo:loves foo:sushi. ^. 22:36:28 Bad syntax (EOF found in middle of path syntax) at ^ in: 22:36:29 "# DAWG meeting 2005-2-28 22:36:29 # 22:36:29 @prefix foo: . 22:36:30 foo:fred foo:loves foo:sushi.food . 22:36:32 ^..." 22:38:20 disconnecting the lone participant, OlympiaC, in SW_DAWG(TP)2:00PM 22:38:22 SW_DAWG(TP)2:00PM has ended 22:38:24 Attendees were OlympiaC, PatH 22:58:33 WHERE joe age [ > 5 ] 22:58:49 WHERE { joe age [ > 5 ] } 23:00:57 agenda? 23:03:16 ACTION EricP: propose results of N3 syntax discussion to DAWG 23:03:21 (based on mail from danc) 23:04:05 RECESS 'till 8:30am, with ericp in the scribe 23:13:55 RRSAgent, draft minutes 23:13:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2005/02/28-dawg-minutes DanC_ 23🔞59 AndyS has joined #dawg 23:38:02 tlr_ has joined #dawg/jos.deroo@agfa.com/eric@w3.org/kendall@monkeyfist.com/swh@ecs.soton.ac.uk/andy.seaborne@hp.com/sato.hiroyuki@lab.ntt.co.jp/fuku@w3.org/connolly@w3.org