Tracker (original) (raw)
Tracker and its IRC bot trackbot have been retired as of 2023-12-31.
You can use Zakim to start/end your meeting easily.
Tracker is an issue, action and resolution tracking tool for W3C Working Groups, with Web, IRC and interfaces. The most important design goal was to be as simple as possible in order to let the Working Groups concentrate on what they do best: the creation of long and boring specifications!
Tracker's feature set is evolving over time, as we learn how people like to use it. You're encouraged to suggest new features, but due to the limited time I can spend on maintenance the more useful a feature is, the more likely it will be considered.
The main features are:
- Simple Web interface for opening and editing issues and actions
- Summaries of open issues and overdue actions (slacker tracker)
- associate issues with particular products (specifications)
- Working Group emails scanned for links to issues and actions
- iCalendar subscription for due actions
A more detailed list of features is available.
Here is what people had to say about Tracker.
- “Now that's Pimpin!” – Antoine Quint, CDF Working Group
- “Awesome” – Me.
- “Of course it isn't a sham! I'm more in love than ever before.” – Tom Cruise.
- “Kicks pen and paper to the curb.” –Norman Mailer.
- “It's hot.” –Paris Hilton.
- “No bullshit here..” –Penn & Teller.
More appropriate testimonials gladly accepted.
Installing Tracker
To have tracker installed for your Working Group, please ask someone in the W3C Staff to do so via group services.
What if we hate it?
Then I'll cry and want to delete all your data. But before I do, you'll be able to extract it all in a simple XML format, allowing you to migrate to another tracking system.
Can I get the code?
Tracker's code (which resides in WWW/2005/06/tracker/src) hasn't been released at this stage, as it relies on the specific schemas of W3C internal databases.
Ted & Vivien should be your primary points of contact if possible; Dom can help if needed.