Document Object Model Activity Statement (original) (raw)

The Document Object Model activity is now closed and the work is now handled by various Working Groups within the W3C. HTML, SVG, and WebAPI Working Groups are among the groups that are continuing the effort.

W3C's Document Object Model (DOM) is a standard Application Programming Interface (API) to the structure of documents. The DOM aims to make it easy for programmers to access components and to delete, add, or edit their content, attributes and style. In essence, the DOM makes it possible for programmers to write applications that work properly on all browsers and servers and on all platforms. While programmers may need to use different programming languages, they do not need to change their programming model.

W3C's DOM thus offers programmers a platform- and language-neutral program interface which will make programming reliably across platforms with languages such as Java and ECMAScript a reality.

Activity Summary from 1997 to 2007

The Document Object Model Working Group produced several W3C Recommendations:

The Working Group also published several Working Group Notes, some of them being pushed along the W3C Recommendation track by other Working Groups:

DOM Mailing list will remain open. This list is for general discussion about the existing W3C Recommendations.


The DOM Activity would not have been successful without the support of individuals and their companies. It has been a mesmerizing experience to work with people of high human quality. W3C would like to thank

Andy Heninger (IBM), Angel Diaz (IBM), Arnaud Le Hors (W3C and IBM), Ben Chang (Oracle), Chris Wilson (Microsoft), Elena Litani (IBM), Gavin Nicol (Inso EPS), Ian Jacobs (W3C), James Davidson (Sun Microsystems), Jared Sorensen (Novell), Joe Kesselman (IBM), Johnny Stenback (Netscape), Jonathan Robie (Texcel Research and Software AG), Laurence Cable (Sun Microsystems), Lauren Wood (SoftQuad Software,Chair Emerita), Mike Champion (Arbortext and Software AG), Peter Sharpe (Arbortext), Philippe Le Hégaret (W3C, Chair), Ray Whitmer (Netscape/AOL, Chair), Robert Sutor (IBM), Scott Isaacs (Microsoft), Steve Byrne (Sun Microsystems), Tom Pixley (Netscape), Vidur Apparao (Netscape).

Many thanks to all Working, Interest, and Public participants who have helped to improve the various specifications.

Philippe Le Hégaret, DOM Activity Lead Id:Activity.html,v1.2172008/01/2220:11:35plehegarExpId: Activity.html,v 1.217 2008/01/22 20:11:35 plehegar Exp Id:Activity.html,v1.2172008/01/2220:11:35plehegarExp
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