Authoring web pages (original) (raw)


Getting started

Background reading

Choosing and applying a character encoding

See also

This section is specifically about how to choose a character encoding for your content and ensure that the content is in that encoding.

For information about how to declare the encoding so that the browser knows how to read your content see Declaring the character encoding for HTML and Declaring the character encoding for your CSS stylesheet.

See also the dedicated section about Changing to UTF-8.

How to's
Background reading

Changing to UTF-8

See also

This section is specifically about how migrate your content to the UTF-8 (Unicode) encoding. For more general advice see Choosing and applying a character encoding.

For information about how to declare the encoding so that the browser knows how to read your content see Declaring the character encoding for HTML and Declaring the character encoding for your CSS stylesheet.

How to's
Background reading

Declaring the character encoding for HTML

How to's
Background reading

Declaring the character encoding for a CSS style sheet

How to's

Using escapes to represent characters

How to's

Checking the encoding of a document

How to's

Handling the byte-order mark (BOM)

How to's

Show more links

Handling character normalization

How to's

Handling encoding issues in forms

How to's

Using Unicode control codes

See also

If you represent control codes using character escapes, see also Using escapes to represent characters for more information.

How to's

Working around unavailable characters/glyphs

How to's

Using non-ASCII web addresses

Background reading


Getting started

Background reading

Declaring the overall language of a page

See also

For detailed advice about how to select the right language tags, see Choosing language values.

See also Declaring metadata about the language of the intended audience.

How to's
Background reading

Identifying in-document language changes

See also

See also Declaring the overall language of a page.

For detailed advice about how to select the right language tags, see Choosing language values.

How to's

Choosing language tags

How to's

Declaring metadata about the language(s) of the intended audience

See also

This section is specifically about setting metadata for the document as an object. For information about declaring the language of the document for text-processing purposes, see Declaring the overall language of a page.

For detailed advice about how to select the right language tags, see Choosing language values.

How to's
Background reading

Setting & changing browser language preferences

How to's

Using Accept-Language for locale setting

How to's

Markup & text

Getting started

How to's

Using b and i tags

How to's

Using ruby markup

See also

This section is specifically about how to use markup for ruby annotations. For information about styling ruby see Styling ruby text.

How to's
Background reading

Working with form controls

See also

In the Characters section see Handling encoding issues in forms.

In the section Text Direction see Managing text direction in form controls.

In the section Styling & Layout see Working with names and Working with date formats.

How to's

Working with strings in JavaScript & databases

How to's

Indicating what should and should not be translated

How to's

Styling & layout

Getting started

Preparing for text expansion during translation

How to's
Background reading

Styling by language

See also

Related sections include Using attributes to declare language, and Choosing language values.

How to's

Using logical property styles

How to's

Styling counters for lists, etc.

How to's

Managing line breaks

See also

Hyphenation affects line-breaking, but has it's own section here. Line-breaking behaviour is also closely associated with justification. For the latter, see Justifying & aligning text.

How to's
Background reading


Justifying and aligning text

See also

Justification behaviour is closely associated with line-breaking and hyphenation. For more information on those topics, see Managing line breaks.

How to's
Background reading

Creating vertical text

How to's

Styling ruby text

See also

This section is specifically about styling ruby text. For more information about markup for ruby see Using ruby markup.

How to's
Background reading

Applying various script-specific typographic conventions

Using fonts & webfonts

How to's

Working with date formats

How to's

Working with personal names

How to's

Bidirectional text

Getting started

How to's

Setting up a right-to-left page

See also

This section is about setting up the default direction for a whole page. For information about working with text direction changes inside the document see Changing the direction of a block element and Mixing text direction inline.

How to's

Setting direction on block elements

See also

For information about setting up the default direction for a whole page see Setting up a right-to-left page.

See also Managing direction in form controls.

How to's

Managing text direction in form controls

See also

See also Setting direction on block elements.

How to's

Mixing text direction inline

How to's

Handling parentheses and other mirrored characters

How to's

Overriding the Unicode bidirectional algorithm

How to's

Getting started

Background reading

Linking to localized content

See also

See also Indicating the language of a link destination in the Language section.

How to's

Using content negotiation

See also

See also Indicating the language of a link destination in the Language section.

Also the Language section in the Server Setup page.

How to's

You can link to this page and open specific items by using the open parameter in the URL. For example, <authoring-html.en?open=language&open=langvalues> will automatically open the sections Language and Choosing language tags. The necessary parameter values are shown to the right of each heading. These are links, to help you create a URL for sharing. The query ?open=all expands all sections.
