17 phrases that only someone from Newport would understand (original) (raw)

The city of Newport has a long and storied history of being a melting pot of dialects.

As a major port town playing a vital role throughout the industrial revolution, hundreds of thousands of people from overseas would pass through with a clear effect on the local tongue.

Not only that, our close proximity to the English border means we sometimes don't sound quite as Welshy as our counterparts up the valleys or further west.

For those who visit the city, the local slang can sometimes be a bit of a minefield to say the least.

We've compiled a list of some of our favourite popular slang terms and idioms you might come across when talking to the locals.

"Alrigh', or wha'?"

Translation: "Are you ok, or is there anything else troubling you?"


"Alrigh', or wha'?"

"Yeah, alrigh' like. It is what it is."

"Cheers drive"

Translation: "Thank you bus driver. That was a pleasant journey."


If you sit near the front of any bus in Newport for long enough you will hear almost every person say this as they alight. It's more of an unavoidable social reflex than anything else.

Newport Bus (Image: Newport Transport)


Translation: "What has been happening in your life recently?"



"Not much. I saw my nipper the other day and we chilled by the Wave."

"Nipper" or "nip"


A young person; often a younger relative.


"I saw my nipper the other day and we chilled by the Wave."


Translation: A young person with an interest in rock music and skateboarding, often wearing dark baggy clothes and a wallet chain.


"Did you see all them sweaties down the Pig yesterday?"

"Yeah, I got hit in the back of the head with a shaken up coke can as I walked past."

The Pig, at the front of Newport Market, was once the territory of the "sweaties" (Image: Mirrorpix)


Translation: "Very good indeed."


"Taylor just did a back flip off the school wall. It was sick!"

"You knows it."

Translation: Indication of agreement, approval, encouragement or victory popularised by our unofficial international ambassadors Goldie Lookin' Chain.


"What she did to him was out of order."

"You knows it son."

"Safe 'en"

Translation: Signal of agreement


"I'll meet you by the top of town?"

"Safe 'en."

"Now in a minute"

Translation: Any time in the future but probably quite a lot later than a few minutes.


"Did you put the washing on like I told you?"

"I'm doin' it now in a minute."

"The other day"

Translation: Any time in the past but likely longer than a week ago.


"Remember David, from up Risca way?"

"Oh yeah, I saw him the other day."

"Really, when was that?

"I think it might have been June."

"Where to?"

Translation: "Which location?"


"Where to are you?"

"I just came out of Cex and I thought I'd pop into Boots."

We're proud of our Transporter Bridge here (Image: WalesOnline/Rob Browne)

"Down town" or "up town"

Translation: Anywhere considered to be in the city centre.


"We're all goin' down town this Saturday if you fancy it?"

"Nah, I went up town last weekend and I'm still feeling it."


Translation: A young male or familiar person.


"Alrigh' boyo?"

"Not too bad thanks grandad."

"Chopsin'" or "Chopsy"

Translation: An argumentative, insulting or disrespectful person.


"Look at her gettin' all chopsy now."

"She was chopsin' last week 'n' all."


Translation: "Yes, I agree."


"The Transporter Bridge is proper lush at night."


"Getting on"

Translation: To snog or kiss passionately.


"Did you see Roger and Laurie getting on each other at Andrew's party?"


Translation: Here, year, hear, or ear


"It was by yur, three yurs ago, that I yurred my yurs needed cleaning."

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