8 extraordinary things you didn't know happened in Newport Docks (original) (raw)

Newport is a city with a rich history to look back on.

From the Roman remains in Caerleon, to medieval ships and revolutionary Chartists near the city centre, every corner has its story to tell.

And the city's docks are no different.

Based at the mouth of the river Usk, the Newport dock was founded in 1842 when trade with neighbouring areas began to increase due to the abundance of natural minerals such as coal coming from the surrounding valleys.

At its peak the docks in Newport shipped to countries all over the world, taking with it the labours of Wales and in return bringing a wealth of trade and culture to its residents.

While the docks here are no longer the centre of trade as they once were, they still continue to play a vital role in the development of this ever changing city, and have a number of stories that have helped shape the country of Wales over the years.

Here are the 8 extraordinary things you may not have realised happened in Newport docks.

1. The Newport Docks Disaster

(Image: Mirrorpix)

Newport was a thriving merchant town in the early 1900's, with tonnes of coal and steel making their way to and from the docks.

A new Transporter Bridge had been fitted in 1906 allowing access to ships on their way to the docks, and a growth in use meant extensions were required to certain sections.

However on July 2, 1909, a tragic accident took place during construction of the new south lock, when supporting timbers in the west wall excavation trench fell, burying 46 men beneath the rubble.

The trench collapsed sweeping away a number of huge cranes and machinery, with witnesses describing the explosive sound of timbers cracking, and workers in the trench being caught like rats in a trap.

In all, 39 men were killed in the disaster, some crushed by the falling timbers, and others who drowned when the rising tide ran into the trench.

Despite the disaster the extension was completed later that year, meaning Newport was able to provide an organised system that could manage large vessels carrying both coal and general cargo.

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2. A German bomber flew under the transporter bridge

Newport's Transporter Bridge (Image: Mirrorpix)

German air raids were common in Newport during the Second World War, with bombs dropped regularly by the Luftwaffe between 1940 -1941 at industrial targets.

Parachuted land mines were dropped over the Maindee, Eveswell and Beechwood areas killing 37 people, as well as devastating attacks in Rogerstone and Newport Docks - most notably hitting the Alexandra Dock Hotel and killing the landlady.

However onlookers were shocked during one raid when a single German bomber reportedly flew beneath the iconic transporter bridge, firing a spray of bullets at dock workers on a ship nearby.

Workers on duty that day said it was very unusual to see the craft fly beneath the 49-metre high bridge, though while many were shook up by the incident no injuries were reported as the men ducked for cover when the plain passed by.

The German Aerial assault on the UK ended by the end of 1941, though Newport and other coastal areas of south Wales had been badly hit.

Take a look at the Transporter Bridge in 1906:

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3. A group of Belgian refugees lived there

During the First World War the old dock in Newport was used to house a number of Belgian refugee families on pilot boats, when they were forced to flee from their homes due to the break out of violence in 1914.

Over 200 Belgians were brought to Wales during the conflict, though several families found themselves living on boats in the docks as emergency accommodation was required while they awaited to be dispersed around Monmouth.

Many communities around Newport and the valleys considered it a matter of pride to house the Belgian refugees at the time, and even competed in attempts to make them feel welcome.

4. Washed up whale

A Fin or Minke Whale washed up close to the mouth of Newport Docks in the Severn Estuary. (Image: Mirrorpix)

On September 23, 2004 a 40-foot Minke Whale washed up close to the mouth of Newport Docks in the Severn Estuary.

Hundreds flocked to see the giant creature, known for its long and slender body, in what was considered by many to be a once in a lifetime opportunity to get a snap of the second largest species of whale in the world.

The remains were later disposed of by abattoir workers and transported to the Wessex Abattoir in Somerset, much to the dismay of locals who wanted the body to be preserved as a tourist attraction.

A postmortem exam revealed the whale had been ill for some time before its death, though how it came to be in Newport still remains a mystery.

5. The ships that docked there

Training Ship Vindicatrix seen here under tow for the last trip to Cashmore's yard in Newport (Image: Mirrorpix)

From steam ships to sail boats a variety of ships from all over the world have made their way through Newport docks over the years.

One such boat was the Vindatrix war ship, a vessel build in 1893 that was both captured and re-captured from German forces before being converted to a training ship in 1939.

The ship took part in exercises for 27 years and trained over 70,000 men from the British Merchant Navy, before it was retired in 1966 and taken on its final voyage to Cashmore's scrap yard in Newport.

Other notable arrivals at the docks included the Cardiff Queen, as well as major cargo ships such as the Duncraig, Dresden, and the El Jo from Lebanon.

6. They brought in some crazy cargo

While the docks were originally set up for the transportation of coal and steel from the Welsh valleys, by 1914 they were receiving a wide variety of goods which ranged from the exotic to the downright strange.

Food products such as cheese, oranges, lemons and ale made their way through the docks on a daily basis, while other items such as German silver ware, guano, indigo, and other various chemicals were common.

Exotic animals such as monkeys were transported in to the UK through Newport as well as vast numbers of motor cars and bikes.

Even now the docks are important to the city's economy, shipping in a variety of general cargo under current owners Associated British Ports, and holding one of the UK’s largest explosives licences for a non-Ministry of Defence port.

7. Workers strikes

Ships and cranes were silent and still at the Newport docks after the strike in 1967 (Image: Mirrorpix)

Five hundred dock workers went on strike in October 1967 bringing business in the Newport docks to a stand still for the entire day.

Workers left the area in an eerily quiet state after they downed tools on Monday, October 9 for a planned strike.

8. A Royal visit

The Queen and the Mayor of Newport look across Newport Docks at Llanwern steelworks (Image: Mirrorpix)

On the October 26, 1962, a 36-year-old Queen Elizabeth visited the Newport docks and nearby Llanwern steel works.

She made the journey alongside Prince Phillip and the Mayor of Newport, for the ceremonial opening of the new £50 million pound work site in Llanwern.

Afterwards she took a tour of the factory floor and sent the first slab of molten metal in to the mill.

It is one of only three times the Queen has visited Newport in her 65-year reign.