The day a Welsh town hosted the Jurassic Park premiere (original) (raw)

In the balmy summer of 1993, something terribly exciting happened in the quiet market town of Carmarthen.

While it had seen its fair share of drama over the previous centuries, this corner of West Wales had never exactly been at the forefront when it came to entertainment.

However, that all changed one July evening in 1993, when a globally anticipated movie - which would quickly become the biggest-grossing film of all time - premiered in Carmarthen’s King Street.

People queued down the street outside the town’s Lyric Theatre to witness the dinosaur blockbuster, which smashed box office records in the UK and the US.

And it all happened because one man wrote a letter to director Steven Spielberg pleading for help.

Former Carmarthen mayor Richard Goodridge took the bull by the horns and sent a fax to Steven Spielberg when he heard that Jurassic Park wasn't coming to his town (Image: Jonathan Myers)

The film had been due to be shown at the Lyric Theatre (Image: Theatr Sir Gar)

“I was in the Queens pub in the middle of town one night,” recalled Richard Goodridge, mayor of Carmarthen in 1993.

“Elizabeth Evans, who ran the Lyric Theatre for many years, was there, and she was telling me about this new film Jurassic Park, and how it wasn’t going to be shown down here.

“She said they had been promised the film but, for whatever reason, it was not going to happen.

"The distribution company, based in London, were not going to send a copy of it down here. I don't know why - maybe because the cinema didn't have that many seats or maybe because Carmarthen was not a place that many people had heard of in London.”

Anticipating the anger and disappointment that would swirl around the town, Mr Goodridge had an idea.

“As mayor I thought I would try and do something about this. I kept it a secret, however, and didn’t mention it to anyone.”

Mr Goodridge did not mess about. He went straight to the top. He went home and penned a letter to Jurassic Park’s director.

“Dear Mr Spielberg,” he began. "I have just been informed that your latest film Jurassic Park will not be seen here at the Lyric Theatre, Carmarthen.

“The Lyric Theatre has advertised extensively that the film is to be shown and indeed thousands now believe that the film will be shown here. However, many thousands are now going to be disappointed, not least to say, very angry that this has happened.

“People have postponed their holidays to see it. I am appealing to you to avert a crisis and look forward to an urgent response.”

Everyone wanted to see the biggest box office hit of all time

The fax sent to Steven Spielberg more than 26 years ago (Image: Jonathan Myers)

In the coming days, Mr Goodridge woke in the middle of the night to speak to a woman working in Mr Spielberg’s office in California.

"We had a long conversation and she told me that the letter would be seen by Mr Spielberg,” he said.

Incredibly, just six days later, a response arrived to the mayor’s parlour in the centre of Carmarthen.

Not from Mr Spielberg himself but from the managing director of United International Pictures.

The letter stated “in order not to disappoint the people of Carmarthen, I have now given instructions for a print of Jurassic Park to be allocated to the Lyric Cinema.”

“But,” explained Mr Goodridge, “not only did they agree to show the film itself but it was to be shown at the same time as the premiere in London - a day earlier than the widespread release.”

The event made headlines both locally and nationally, and mayor Richard Goodridge and the Lyric Theatre's Elizabeth Evans were inundated with media requests (Image: Jonathan Myers)

The scene outside the Lyric Theatre as people queue to get in to see the movie (Image: South Wales Evening Post)

Unsurprisingly, the 600-seat Lyric Theatre was a complete sell-out for premiere night.

While Princess Diana and other dignitaries strutted on the red carpet in London’s Leicester Square, 210 miles west local town councillors were doing the same along the unrugged King Street in Carmarthen.

Tickets in London cost more than £100; in Carmarthen they were set at the same price as every film back in the early to mid 1990s: £2.50.

Described as “the biggest thing to happen to our town for years”, the screening of Jurassic Park at the Lyric made headline across the world - even featuring in a segment on CNN in America.

The CNN News report:

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There was however a serious reason behind the dinosaur-themed coup.

“It was clear that the financial state of the Lyric Theatre was poor at that time,” said Mr Goodridge.

“It didn’t have a lot of support and was on the verge of closing, and it relied on the screening of big blockbuster films. That’s why it was such a concern when it looked like Jurassic Park would not be coming to the town.

“I was surprised when I received a response to my letter but even more surprised by the media reaction at the time. We had BBC, ITN, and Sky News all down here in the town. I even went to London to meet Chris Evans and had an interview on the bed on The Big Breakfast!

“The whole event generated the right kind of response and because of the income that the film generated over its month-long run, it helped to save the theatre, so that’s really something to look back on with pride.”

The Carmarthen Journal was full of Jurassic Park news in the weeks leading up to the event (Image: Jonathan Myers)

Jurassic Park director Steven Spielberg with the movie's star, Richard Attenborough (Image: PA)

As for the much-hyped opening night, the man who made it all happen wasn’t even there. He had a prior engagement taking part in a It’s a Knockout-style tournament in Portugal.

“It was unfortunate that both events fell on the same day, but I remember phoning the Lyric from a pay phone in Portugal shortly before the premiere," recalled Mr Goodridge.

"The problem was I couldn’t hear anything because of the noise - the foyer was packed full with people and I couldn’t hear a thing.

“Both my parents did attend and it was a huge success. There are many tales from that opening night - one being my father sat next to a young Ken Owens, who would have been about six, who jumped out of his seat during the scene when a man gets eaten on the toilet.”

Despite making it happen, Mr Goodridge couldn't attend the premiere screening himself (Image: Jonathan Myers)

The evening of July 15, 1993 has gone down in legend in Carmarthen.

Jurassic Park not coming to the town would not have resulted in the end of the world, but it may well have resulted in the end of the Lyric Theatre, and for that reason that summer night was about more than just a big-budget blockbuster.

It was about one man’s stubbornness and his commitment to fighting a decision made by people who had never been to Carmarthen.

He didn’t think it would work, but work it did, and thousands of childhood summers were improved as a result.

“I would love, at some point, maybe on the 30th anniversary of that night, to have the film shown at the Lyric again,” said Mr Goodridge, perusing over the national newspaper cuttings of that night that he keeps safely tucked away.

“We could raise a lot of money and give it all to charity - that would be amazing."