The man from a Welsh estate who founded one of the biggest bands of all time (original) (raw)

They’re one of the biggest bands of all time. They play to packed-out stadiums all over the world. They’ve sold more than 200 million albums.

And one of their founding members was born in a house in Carmarthen.

More than 70 million people in America alone have bought an AC/DC album – but it's unlikely too many of them have heard of Park Hall, a housing estate on the outskirts of Carmarthen town centre.

But that is where, in 1953, Dave Evans was born.

Some 20 years later he helped form a band which has sold more records than The Rolling Stones, Abba and U2.

He was only five when he left Carmarthen but he still remembers the town where he was born in vivid detail.

“My mother’s parents and my father’s parents all lived in Park Hall and I was born there," said Evans from his home in Australia, where he has just returned from a gruelling tour of South America.

"When I was two we moved to Mill Street and stayed there for three years, then my parents decided to move to Australia.

“It was a particularly cold winter in Carmarthen in 1958 so I think my parents just fancied a change. My grandfather had fought in the First World War alongside some Australians and he made some friends that way.

"He would always say ‘We’re welcome in Oz any time’, so one day my parents, my sister and me packed our bags and left.

“I remember being stood on the platform of Carmarthen railway station, aged five, waiting to get on the train and all these relatives were crying because we were leaving.

“I didn’t really know where we were going or why but we got the train to Portsmouth and got on this big boat. Six weeks later we’re in Australia.”

It was 15 years later that Evans saw an ad in the local paper in Sydney that changed his life.

Dave Evans singing for AC/DC in Sydney, in the very early days of the band

Dave Evans singing for AC/DC in Sydney, in the very early days of the band

Carmarthen-born Dave Evans (far left) with AC/DC in 1974

Carmarthen-born Dave Evans (far left) with AC/DC in 1974

A group of young men wanted a singer to jam with them in a disused office in the suburbs. Evans, who was already a keen singer at that point, answered the call.

“My dad was a great singer, a tenor, and you know what Welsh people are like with their singing,” he said.

“I was in another band at the time and they used to talk about this local guy called Malcolm Young, so I knew of him. I spoke to Malcolm and he said ‘Come along for a sing’ and the next thing I know I’m in the band.

“A week later he asked his brother Angus to join and we formed the band there and then. The only thing was we didn’t have a name, nobody could decide on one, so we said we would all put three names in a hat and whatever was picked out would be the name.

“Before we got round to that, Malcolm and Angus’ sister-in-law said ‘What about AC/DC?'

“It just seemed to fit. We abandoned the hat idea and just went with it. AC/DC was born.”

The band would practise in earnest but it wasn’t until New Year’s Eve 1973 that they had their first real gig. It was at Chequers, an iconic nightclub in Sydney which has attracted names like Sammy Davis Jnr and Shirley Bassey during its illustrious history.

"For the first couple of tunes the dance floor was a bit empty so we were a bit worried," said Evans.

"But people soon got into it so it was great.”

Dave Evans in a clip from the promo video for AC/DC's first single

Evans was part of something that was really going somwehere. People were already aware of Malcolm and Angus Young, who were the band's guitarists, due to the musical success of their older brother George who had enjoyed top 10 hits in Australia with his band The Easybeats.

People knew Angus and Malcolm were something special and that they would go on to great things.

Malcolm, in particular, said Evans, was the real driving force behind AC/DC's sound for the next 40 years – a sound that has cemented itself into rock and roll folklore across the world.

But in October 1974, less than a year after their first gig, Evans was out of the band.

“A lot happened in that time,” said Evans. “We had our first record, our first gigs, our first tour, three bass players, we played some of the biggest venues in Australia. It was an amazing time.

“We were always very ambitious. When you're young you want to show the world what you’ve got. We were doing shows but basically we weren’t getting paid. The management had money but we were basically starving, so one night we’d had a few drinks and I said my piece and it all kicked off.

"I said ‘That’s it, I quit’. I finished the rest of the tour and then we had a meeting where it was decided that I was out. I said ‘Fine’ and that was that. I was no longer in AC/DC.”

Evans was replaced by Bon Scott (centre) in 1974

Evans was replaced by Bon Scott (centre) in 1974 (Image: Getty Images)

Following Scott's death, Brian Johnson (right) took over the reins as lead singer

Following Scott's death, Brian Johnson (right) took over the reins as lead singer (Image: Getty Images)

Evans soon joined another band called Rabbit, who would go on to have success with five singles and three albums.

AC/DC, meanwhile, had replaced Evans with a Scottish-born singer by the name of Bon Scott, who used to chauffeur the band around. The rest, as they, is history.

Scott died suddenly in 1980 at the age of 33 and later that year arguably the band’s most famous album, Back in Black, was released with a new singer called Brian Johnson. Johnson recently interviewed Led Zeppelin legend Robert Plant in a Welsh castle - you can read that here.

The album would go on to be one of the biggest-selling records of all time and, to this day, has sold more units than any Beatles album. Only The Eagles, Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin have had more successful albums.

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How different life could have been for the boy from a Carmarthen housing estate had he not fallen out with the management that night in 1974. Perhaps, more than 40 years later, he would still be part of AC/DC, who last toured in 2016 with Guns N’ Roses legend Axl Rose taking the mic.

Guns N' Roses legend Axl Rose was AC/DC's lead singer on their last tour

Guns N' Roses legend Axl Rose was AC/DC's lead singer on their last tour (Image: Manchester Evening News)

“You can’t have any regrets in this life,” Evans said.

“The success AC/DC have had has been amazing but I’m still touring all over the world and I still get huge respect wherever I go to play.

“I’ve been made an honorary police officer in Tenaha, Texas, the only non-American to have been given that honour, and I've been granted the freedom of the city too.

“I’ve had an amazing life and I would not swap that for anything. I’m going to enjoy a nice rest over Christmas and go back on the road next year with the Dave Evans Band.”

As for his Carmarthen roots, Evans still has a fondness for where he was born.

“I’ve been back a few times to see relatives and the old place hasn’t changed much," he said.

"Park Hall is pretty much the same as it was. Mill Street has changed a bit over the years but it’s still there.

“I played a gig in the Outback bar the last time I was there and it felt great to be back home.”

1973: The band is formed in November with Dave Evans as the singer.

1974: Dave Evans leaves the band and is replaced by Bon Scott, who was working for the band as a chauffeur at the time.

1980: Scott’s body is found in a car on the morning of February 19 after a night of heavy drinking.

1980: Scott is replaced by Newcastle-born Brian Johnson in April.

1980: Back in Black is released in July. The album was number one in the UK and remained in the top 10 in the US for five months. According to Business Insider, Back in Black is the seventh best-selling album of all time, with certified sales of more than 22m.

1981-2000: The band continues to release several albums and tour the globe, including headlining the Monsters of Rock festival at Castle Donington in 1981, 1984 and 1991.

2008: After an eight-year hiatus the band returns with new album Black Ice, which goes to number one in 29 countries. It is followed by a hugely successful world tour which sees them on the road into 2010. It becomes the fourth-highest-grossing concert tour of all-time.

2014: Drummer Phil Rudd leaves the band after being unable to tour due to ongoing personal legal issues. He is replaced by Welsh drummer Chris Slade who played with the band between 1989 and 1994.

2014: Rhythm guitarist Malcolm Young leaves the band to have treatment for dementia. He is replaced by his nephew Stevie Young.

2016: Brian Johnson leaves the band due to hearing loss and is replaced by Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose for a European and North American tour. Later that year bassist Cliff Williams retires from the band at the end of the tour.

2017: Founding member Malcolm Young dies at the age of 64.

2018: Rumours surface that AC/DC are back in the studio working on a new album, with Brian Johnson and drummer Phil Rudd back on board.

AC/DC may have stopped touring following Malcolm Young’s death in 2017 but 65-year-old Evans shows no signs of stopping.

“As long as I’m enjoying it I will keep going," he said.

"If people still book you and want to come and see you perform why would you stop?

“After all – have you ever tried getting a Welshman to stop singing?”