Mum comes face to face with drug driver who killed her daughter (original) (raw)

A mother read a heartbreaking message in court to the man who killed her beloved 17-year-old daughter. Chloe Hayman from Mountain Ash died while travelling in a car crashed by Keilan Roberts, who was over the alcohol limit and had taken cocaine, ecstasy and ketamine.

Prosecutor Jason Howells told Cardiff Crown Court that Roberts, 22, visited the Platform 11 nightclub in Pontypridd on the evening of July 23 last year. He and a friend had been dropped off by another friend, who was due to pick them up at 4am the next day from Pontypridd railway station. On the way to the club, Roberts had inhaled an entire large bottle of laughing gas, a drug which can cause loss of balance, the court heard.

Chloe, who did not know Roberts before that night, was in the club with a friend. Her friend left the venue at around 10.50pm and around 40 minutes later Chloe called her to ask if she could pick her up. The friend said she would not be able to collect her but she would try to find someone else to do so. "They said they loved each other and those were their last words to each other," said Mr Howells. "She [Chloe's friend] fell asleep only to find out the next morning that her best friend had died."

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While at the club Roberts had an argument with his girlfriend, who went home. He got talking to Chloe, who travelled with him and his friend to the railway station, where at 4am the other friend was waiting to pick them up as planned. That friend described Roberts and Chloe as drunk.

The court heard Roberts and Chloe kissed in the back of the car. Roberts wanted to take her home with him so they could "get to know each other better". While driving near Nelson, the group stopped at a Texaco garage so they could pick up wine and beer. A short time later, as they travelled through Deri, Roberts asked the driver to stop so he could get something from his own car, a Skoda Octavia parked nearby. Without warning his friends, Roberts got into the car with Chloe and drove away, the court heard.

His two friends said they followed behind in the other car at a safe distance. One of them said Roberts was being "stupid" and "shouldn't be driving drunk", while the other said he had tried to stop Roberts driving off. They described Roberts driving downhill at about 40mph on a 30mph road with bends.

They then saw Roberts' Skoda "spinning out of control and sideways" at Pontlottyn Road in Fochriw. Roberts had crashed the vehicle into a stone wall and cattle grid. After the car came to a stop, Roberts was seen sitting in the driver's seat with "smoke everywhere". He called 999 and was heard crying as he told the operator someone had died.

Keilan Roberts custody picture

Keilan Roberts

Mr Rees, a local resident who had heard a loud bang at around 4.50am, went to the scene and noticed "lots of debris" on the road. He could see Roberts drinking a bottle of Peroni lager in the driver's seat and Chloe slumped over on the passenger seat. He asked Roberts if he was alright, to which Roberts replied: "Do I f***ing look like I'm alright?"

Roberts then got out of the car and sat on a kerb, where he opened another bottle of lager and started drinking. He told Mr Rees: "I wasn't drinking at the time of the crash. I've just opened a few bottles to take the edge off. I've just killed someone."

When police arrived it was clear that Chloe had died. A post-mortem later found she had died after sustaining wounds to her head, chest and heart. Roberts appeared to be uninjured. He said he had drunk three 330ml bottles of Peroni "on the head", meaning straight down, after the accident. Mr Howells described this as an attempt to "frustrate" the ability of police to take a precise alcohol reading.

Roberts later said he did not believe either Chloe or he himself were intoxicated, though he admitted drinking beer and vodka earlier in the night. He denied he had been racing his friends. Asked why he had kissed Chloe if he had a girlfriend of two years, he said he was being "a typical young lad".

A test showed Roberts had at least 96mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood. The legal limit for driving is 80mg. He was also found to have cocaine, ketamine and ecstasy in his system. Police analysis showed the road was wet but there was no standing water and the road did not contribute to the crash. Roberts' Skoda would have failed an MOT test due to the two rear tyres being worn, the court heard.

Chloe Hayman's mother Danielle reads statement outside court following sentence

Chloe Hayman's mother Danielle reads statement outside court (Image: WalesOnline)

Chloe's mother Danielle was in tears as she read her statement to the court. She said: "Losing Chloe has brought so much loss, pain and heartbreak to me and my family. Finding love, getting married, becoming a mother. Those are all things that have been taken away from her.

"That was all cut short the morning I heard the words that all parents dread: 'She won't be coming home.' It hurts more than anything, knowing I will never hear her voice again... Sometimes that is too much to bear. I am a spiritual person and have been for the last three years. I believe that is what has kept me alive today, now she is no longer with us in the physical world... I do everything I can to feel her around me.

"Chloe and I had a special bond. We were the life and soul of our little home. I have lost my humour and passion for life. I just feel utterly heartbroken. It hurts more and more each day.

"She knew she could always turn to me as she grew up. She was there for me too. We were best friends, not just mother and daughter. Nothing much was left out of our conversations... There was no judgement there, just love and understanding. She knew if I was strict it was because I wanted to keep her on the right track."

Chloe Hayman

Chloe Hayman

Danielle said Chloe loved to read books to her siblings and sing them to sleep. "I remember how creative she was," she added. "She made Mother's Day and birthday cards. She showed her younger brothers how to be creative too. It fills me with sadness that she will not be there to guide her siblings through life... She was cheeky, mischievous, and she really was a soul who touched everyone who knew her."

The mother then turned to Roberts, who had been crying in the dock. She told him: "I do forgive you. I just want you to learn. Drinking and taking drugs, these things are not a way of life. There are other things out there. Go to the beach and enjoy your friends. You won't find peace and happiness from all those things you took that night."

The court also heard a statement from Chloe's stepmother Alix, who said: "Chloe, to the majority of you in this room, is just another statistic or a girl from Pontypridd, but to us she was our world. Our world has been shattered and torn apart. She was a child with her whole life ahead of her, just starting to think about how she wanted her life to look.

"She loved life and was fearless. She always had been. She was kind, loving and sentimental, and enjoyed her family and friends... She was always looking to wind someone up. There was really not a dull moment when she was around. She was the only person I know who could make me go from anger to uncontrollable laughter in seconds.

"On our first date Gavin [Chloe's father] spoke about her and how she could do no wrong. They were alike in many ways in their personality, temper and fierce loyalty to those they loved. The loss of Chloe has left him vulnerable and scared to face life without her by his side.

Chloe Hayman - family photo

Chloe Hayman (Image: Family photo)

"Our son, one of her younger brothers, is only eight years old. He has the same mischievous personality she had, and a lot of that came from her. Despite the nine- year age gap they had a close bond and he too idolised Chloe. He always wanted to be around her and listen to music with her. He would teach her to play Fortnite with him and she would gladly obey his demands. The day I told him Chloe had died, I will never forget his face... He has anxieties now about losing other people he loves, and in his own words how sad and rubbish life is because people just die. As his parent I cannot provide him reassurance that these things do not happen, because it did happen and it took his sister away from him.

"I look at the person responsible, Keilan, and ask you why. Why did you get behind the wheel of the car when you knew what you had taken? While that death meant nothing to you, just another random girl you met on a night out, she was our world and you have torn our family apart... I hope today's sentencing will spread the message that it is not OK to drive a vehicle while unfit to do so and take an innocent life."

Brook Row, Fochriw, near the site of the crash (Image: Gwent Police)

Roberts, of Maes-y-Haf in Rhymney, pleaded guilty to causing death by driving without due care and attention while over the limit of controlled drugs and alcohol. His barrister Jeff Jones said Roberts is "extremely" remorseful for his crimes and "can't forgive himself for what he has done". He added it is to his client's credit that he stayed at the scene and called emergency services, and also pointed out that the speed of the Skoda before the crash could not be ascertained.

Mr Jones said Roberts had a "fractured and sad" childhood until he was taken in by his grandparents. Robets has also been involved in caring for his grandmother and his three younger siblings. The barrister also said his client played as a youth for Dragons rugby club and later for Nelson.

Judge David Wynn Morgan said: "Chloe Hayman is no statistic. She was a real living person who would be alive today had you not taken the selfish, criminally foolish and intoxicated decision to put her in your car and to drive it. Aside from the disbelief the court feels at the folly of your behaviour, the court's primary preoccupation is deep sympathy for her mother, father... and all who knew her and whose lives were evidently enriched by her."

The judge imposed a jail term of three years and nine months, half of which will be served in custody, and a 10-year driving ban. He acknowledged the sentence may "seem inadequate" but said it was in line with sentencing guidelines. Outside court Chloe's mother told journalists that the sentence was an "insult" to her family. You can read her full statement and watch the footage here.