One is 74, one 17 - these two men had very different experiences growing up gay (original) (raw)

Sat on a bench in Cardiff are two different men from different generations who have a lot in common. A little more than 10 years since the first same-sex marriage was held in the UK, we set up a conversation between two men - one who grew up in the 1950s and 1960s, and one growing up in the 2020s, to compare their experiences of coming out, growing up and living their lives as gay men.

Austin Allen, now 74, was raised in Middlesbrough in the Baptist Church and came out in his late 20s. He worked in academic research in chemistry before working as a singer in the early part of the 1980s, then moved on to supply teaching but was sacked the morning after Section 28 became law. He started working for Stonewall and set up SPAN - the Stonewall Postal Action Network, a lobbying group that co-ordinated hundreds of people to write to the same person (often an MP or a police chief) in protest or support over something. He now lives in mid Wales and has given 'coming out' assemblies at local schools.

Ellis Peares, 17, lives in Cardiff and recently served as a Member of the Welsh Youth Parliament for Cardiff Central. He's been involved in LGBT+ activism for just under two years and wants to go on into a career in politics. Recognised as "one to watch" on WalesOnline's Pinc List in 2022, and one of the youngest members of the Welsh Government's human rights advisory group, Ellis is growing up in an era where he as a young gay man can be outspoken and campaign for real change in the world.

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Austin, by contrast, grew up in an era of "complete closetedness," where nobody talked about being gay, when students at the school where he taught would shout homophobic slurs and throw planks and bricks at him. At the time, in Austin's own words, if he was presented with an opportunity to become straight he would have "grabbed at it with two hands". We sat down to speak to them both about the things they have in common and the ways in which their lives, despite that shared thread, have been extremely different:

Ben Summer: Austin, could you tell me about a few challenges that you or other gay people faced growing up in the 50s and 60s, and what the challenges still are today?

Austin Allen: I suppose the biggest challenge growing up in the 50s and 60s was just total closeted-ness. I knew I was gay when I was eight years old and I came out about 20 years later. My friends, family, neighbours, being brought up in the Baptist Church… they didn’t even talk about it. Nobody was gay.

But that actually had advantages, because back then in the 60s in senior school we believed two things: Firstly that every boy went through this homosexual phase in puberty, and secondly that these ‘queers’ (the word ‘gay’ wasn’t invented then for homosexuals) were dirty old men who hung around in shop doorways with raincoats on, and we weren’t old men who hung around in shop doorways.

So I actually had quite a nice ‘puberty’ in mid teens… playing with other boys ‘willy-nilly’ if you can forgive the pun! It didn’t really bother me at all while I was at school.

Austin, leaning on a wall and looking to one side

'If you were homosexual and you were out of the closet you were ‘self-confessed'' (Image: WalesOnline/Rob Browne)

But it was when I left school and then thought: ‘I’ve gone through puberty, I therefore must be straight, and God is taking rather a long time’ - that’s when the problems started and I forced myself to have girlfriends and then eventually to have sexual relationships with women. It was only in my late 20s that I realised I had been trying to fool myself all these years and came out of the old closet.

I was 27 years old before somebody sat down at a table and we chatted and he said to me ‘I’m gay.’ And I had never met anybody else in my life that knowingly admitted (laughs) to being gay. It was completely taboo.

I remember Malcolm Muggeridge, the old interviewer, on the telly introducing somebody once. He said [something like]: ‘Author, entrepreneur, traveller, _SELF-CONFESSED HOMOSEXUAL_…’ That was the era. If you were homosexual and you were out of the closet you were ‘self-confessed,’ it was a crime.

BS: And the law was very different then?

AA: Yes. Back then, I was 17 before the law changed in 1967 to allow men to have sex with each other, but I wasn’t aware of that. Ellis is very, very aware of the law and politics and issues. I wasn’t; we weren’t. I had no idea I could have gone to prison for two years.

It’s kind of interesting. People are an awful lot more aware of all sorts of political issues, not just gay issues. We’re more aware nowadays.

BS: Ellis, what were the main challenges for you growing up?

Ellis Peares: There was no pressure to necessarily come out - it wasn’t spoken about. It was an issue when I was younger. Similar to the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill it wasn’t brought up, it wasn’t mentioned, particularly in school. When I came out it wasn’t spoken about. I had both family and friends who were openly gay but it never really clicked to me that they were gay.

Particularly in school, I had no education on how to stay healthy as a gay man in an active relationship, and what a healthy, active relationship would look like. From when I was 13 going through sex education, learning about how not to get a woman pregnant didn’t apply to me at all. To think I was in 2018 or 2019 and having a modern-day education about something that didn’t apply to me at all was quite shocking to me.

Ellis Peares, wearing a white buttoned shirt and leaning on a metal post in Cardiff, looks towards camera

'I had no education on how to stay healthy as a gay man in an active relationship' (Image: WalesOnline/Rob Browne)

BS: If you were transported into the era when Austin was growing up, what do you think would be the biggest problems you faced as a gay man?

EP: As Austin said, coming out at that time wasn’t necessarily spoken of, in particularly within education and the workplace. When I was closeted I was rather unfortunate and suffered from migraines and headaches. It really had a negative effect on me and I was spending weeks upon weeks off school ill because of the stress of not coming out. I think my biggest issue would be keeping it to myself, trying to almost hide who I was - seems to me an awful thing to have to do.

BS: How do you think things might differ for a young gay person in say, 10, 20 or 30 years?

EP: I think social media has played a huge role, particularly in the past few years. With apps like TikTok people are being more honest and openly coming out and discussing modern-day topics. That’s what I’d like to see more - people openly discussing topics like gay sex education, equal rights within schools or how to keep yourself sexually and physically fit as a gay man and what a healthy relationship would look like.

BS: Are there any additional pressures on your generation when it comes to social media?

EP: I definitely felt a pressure to come out when I was 14 or 15. Partly through social media; it’s got its benefits but it’s also had its great downfalls. It most definitely did help with the process of coming out, it taught me a lot about myself and other people’s experiences but also gives you that pressure of: ‘Do I have to label myself? What if I’m not entirely sure how I’m feeling or how I want to feel?’

BS: Austin, is the language being used against sex education today similar to the rhetoric behind Section 28 - that by being an openly gay teacher you might have been 'teaching children to be gay'?

AA: One of the reasons I was sacked in ‘88 for being gay was because I’d been relatively comfortably ‘out’ as a gay teacher with the kids previously to that. Part of that was because I’d been asked to go into classrooms for form tutors and take their sex education lessons, because they were forbidden to do that under the 1986 Education Act.

The insidious thing about Section 28 was that it was so wooly-worded… it was ‘intentionally promote,’ and it’s almost impossible to define those words, but what it did do was create this climate. I’m sure the individual headteacher that sacked me was just as homophobic the day before... he probably thought ‘I’ve now got an excuse, I’ve now got a reason, I’m now being backed by the government.’

There was never a prosecution under Section 28, nobody was ever taken to court because it was just impossible. But it created this climate. Some local government libraries were removing Oscar Wilde from the shelves because they said that it was ‘promoting homosexuality.’ I wasn’t the only teacher that was sacked. I was the one that rolled up my sleeves and said ‘you want a fight, you’ve got one!’

Austin, wearing his blue jacket, leans on a wall and looks towards camera

Austin was sacked as a teacher before eventually being reinstated (Image: WalesOnline/Rob Browne)

When I went to Wales I stopped all formal gay rights involvement, but I still did the full ‘coming out’ assemblies in senior schools in Powys. Just a few years ago I was walking home this lad, then in the upper sixth, crossed the road and he came up to me.

He said: ‘I would just like to thank you for your assembly when I was in year 7. Because I’ve just come out as gay - I haven’t told my family yet. It was such a big help.’

It makes me quite emotional now, and it’s very nice. I don’t dwell on it too much but it does make me have a little tear in my eye now and again. I know that along the way I have helped [people].

BS: And think about how many other people you've helped like that, who haven't had a chance to thank you.

AA: Well, yes, I don’t know. But maybe there’s an awful lot more.

BS: Ellis, what issues have you been keen to work on in the Welsh Youth Parliament?

EP: [Sex education] has always been something that’s been up for debate for as long as I can remember. When I started my time in activism it was always ‘I don’t want you teaching my child to have gay sex,’ which is not necessarily what it would be. Yes it would include (as it does with men and women) what a sexual relationship looks like, but it also teaches young people how to have a healthy relationship where they can thrive and keep themselves mentally, physically safe and healthy, which to me is ridiculous to argue against - why anyone would argue to not give their children the right education to keep themselves safe.

BS: How have you found community as a young gay man?

EP: When I was growing up, in particular when I first came out halfway through secondary school, there were maybe two other gay kids in the school that I knew of. I spoke to an older lesbian woman that I knew, who was quite involved in activism, and she put me in contact with a group specifically designed for 11-to-16-year-old LGBTQ+ children in Cardiff. It was a comfort to me and through this person who introduced me to the group I got more involved in activism and met more queer people, people from different backgrounds… I started going to Pride and met more people that way. It was through the luck of knowing one person that I managed to wiggle myself into the community I now find great comfort in.

Ellis, in a wider-angle photo, leans on a metal post and looks to the side of frame, with his hands in his pockets

Ellis is just 17 but already a keen campaigner (Image: WalesOnline/Rob Browne)

BS: Austin, hearing that, and what we've said about social media - how does that differ from how you found community?

AA: It differs completely! There was no social media in the late 70s when I came out of the old closet. It was going down to the local gay bar in Bradford. I went down three times and walked up and down outside the pub and then went home terrified! (Laughs) Thinking it was going to be full of these 'queers' - urgh! Eventually of course I went in and found it was full of extremely nice people!

BS: What was that feeling like - going in, speaking to people and feeling a bit more at home?

AA: A lot more at home, darling, a lot more at home! Of course it was lovely in the end. In a sense in those days you did have to go out and find, in a gay bar or gay club or whatever - real live people. That seems now to have been replaced to a large extent for some people with apps like Grindr - that's all they want, they want sex. In one sense it’s kind of destroyed that ‘gay community,’ the places to meet.

But then I remember talking to much older people than even I who said it was an awful lot better before 1967, mainly in London when you could go to these clubs and knock on the door three times and ask for Big Bertha or whatever it was. You were in a quiet, completely closeted place. They felt they could be happy there; relaxed, for an hour or two.

BS: What stood out to you about that generation before yours?

AA: The incredible sadness of some people stands out. People that I’ve known who were very very closeted ‘til the day they died. But also the light-hearted side of it as well because some of them made the best of a bad job.

The two sit and talk/laugh on a bench

Between Ellis' time in the Welsh Youth Parliament and Austin's with Stonewall, the pair have a lot in common despite being 57 years apart in age (Image: WalesOnline/Rob Browne)

**BS: Ellis, you’re 17 now. Looking to go to university, into the world of work and the world of politics. How do you expect your life to change in the next 10 years, specifically as a gay man?

EP: I want to go into international work and I think being a gay man will always play a role in that and affect where I can and can’t go in the world. Particularly if I want to go into international politics work it’s always a fact I have to consider. But I can only hope that all goes well.

I wouldn’t necessarily say it’ll play a huge factor in my career. I want to go into the legal-political sector and being an openly gay man in politics can be difficult but can also be very rewarding at the same time. If I can help younger people in the same way that, say, when I was younger, I looked up to openly gay political activists or senior figures of the LGBT+ community... be a sort of role model to younger gay people and to show them it’s alright to come out, that’s what I’d want out of it all.

AA: You already are a good role model.

BS: That story of a young person coming up to Austin and thanking him - Ellis, what do you want someone to come up and thank you for in 50 years?

EP: Making it more openly spoken-about, particularly in schools. If people aren’t safe while being in queer relationships then that’s something that drastically needs to change.

BS: Austin, a mirror-image question

AA: In the next ten years I might be dead, darling! (Laughs)

BS: If you could have a conversation with yourself at Ellis' age, at 17, what would you want to talk about?

AA: D’you know, that’s an absolutely incredible question because things are so different now - could I say to be honest and come out of the closet at Ellis’ age? No, I couldn’t have done, that would have been crazy! It would have been nice to but I’m not Quentin Crisp!

That’s a very very difficult question. I'd say ‘accept yourself.’ Because that's what I didn’t do, right the way through until I was 28. I didn’t accept who I was.

EP: I didn’t accept myself for years. I tried to ignore it for as long as possible. As you said, I tried to have girlfriends. It’s something you see very often with young people, they try to cover it up until they fully figure it out.

AA: I was just going to say, what advice would you have given me [Ellis]? But I don’t need to give advice to Ellis. I would advise him to accept who he is but he’s already done that!

Ellis and Austin sit side-by-side on a bench, looking towards camera

'I'd say ‘accept yourself.’ Because what I didn’t do, right the way through until I was 28.' (Image: WalesOnline/Rob Browne)

BS: Ellis, is there any advice or message you would give to a 17-year-old like Austin in 1967?

EP: ‘Things will get better, eventually.’ Granted, it will be quite a while until things are acceptable - dare I say, tolerable. Things will eventually get better and it’s not as weird or strange or abnormal as people are making it out to be. With time it will be a lot more spoken about, hopefully in education as well… people will be able to speak about it as if it’s anything normal like the weather.

BS: And Austin, if you could show that 17-year-old Austin the year 2024, and the environment that the UK is for a gay man to grow up in, do you think he'd be reassured?

AA: Well, yes. It will go through a bit of sh** to start with but then yeah. Now at 74 I’ve had 34½ wonderful years with my beloved Andrew and if I could have seen that at 17 I would have put up with anything.