The jigsaw of clues that caught Wales' most wanted gang (original) (raw)

For more than six months a family crime firm brought misery to families across south Wales by burgling scores of homes, and stealing jewellery worth around half-a-million pounds.

They were prepared - they had carried out surveillance on their targets. They were ruthless - they smashed their way into homes, regardless of whether their victims were home or not, and stole only jewellery and cash. And they were smart - they were in and out of the houses in minutes, and left very few forensic clues. But they weren't smart enough - the police were on to them.

South Wales Police's Operation Timmia was one of the largest and most complex of its type ever seen, and would eventually result in eight members of the gang being jailed for a total of almost 47 years. This is the story of how the police did it.

In early 2018 a spate of burglaries happened across Swansea, Neath and Port Talbot. They weren't the kind of break-ins police routinely deal with, which are often opportunist crimes where a burglar takes advantage of an unlocked door or window to gain entry to a property looking to steal anything that can be quickly sold for cash. Many such burglaries are committed by drug users to fund a habit. But the burglaries in this spree were markedly different. They were professional jobs carried out by small gangs of masked men who drove to their targets in cars, and who knew what they were looking for - gold jewellery and money. And they were successful in every single instance. They did not miss their targets.

The police had seen a handful of similar burglaries in previous years but this was something more concentrated. And they kept happening. By the time the spree was eventually ended, more than 150 homes across south Wales from Llanelli to Porthcawl and Maesteg had been burgled in a similar way.

Operation Timmia was launched to track down and catch what police believed to be the organised crime group behind the burglaries. It was to be a painstaking investigation which would last some three years.

South Wales Police detective inspector Dave Peart said it was not the kind of case where detectives were able to find one major piece of evidence - a "golden nugget" - which sealed the case and identified all those responsible, but rather it involved collecting a host of small pieces of evidence and intelligence which had to be fitted together. The detective likened it to doing a jigsaw without the picture on the lid - and with a couple of pieces from other jigsaws thrown in just to confuse matters.

South Wales Police detective inspector Dave Peart (Image: Adrian White Photography)

The Operation Timmia team put in place a plan for responding to each break-in which seemed to be the work of the gang, and a strategy for gathering vital evidence.

Following each burglary officers would carry out extensive door-to-door enquiries, knocking on the doors not only of those living next door but speaking to residents in the entire street and sometimes beyond in order to gather information on any suspicious vehicles or people seen in the area in the days and weeks before the break-in. Hundreds of hours of CCTV footage was collected and trawled through, not just from domestic and council cameras but from shops, businesses, and unexpected sources such buses as well.

To help with the video footage, officers turned to a vehicle identification expert. Though the burglaries were mainly carried out at night, the expert was able to identify the makes and models of suspect cars from something as small as the shape of a headlight or a rear window. Officers also examined the pattern and locations of offending, and looked at likely routes the gang wold have taken from the burglaries - this resulted in the recovery of a number of their abandoned getaway vehicles which yielded further evidence, including DNA, and stolen jewellery.

The gang were smart enough to leave little in the way of forensic evidence at the houses they targeted, indeed on occasions they actively tried to frustrate the forensic hunt for them by using bleach and other household cleaning products to wipe-down surfaces. However they did leave footprint and footwear marks at some of the properties - as DI Peart put it "everyone leaves footprints" - and officers were able to do some pioneering work with footwear databases to identify the type of shoes being used, and where they may have been purchased.

Gradually police were able to assemble that jigsaw of pieces, and reveal how the gang was operating, and who was involved.

It emerged the gang was carrying out reconnaissance missions to identify which houses may contain stashes of gold jewellery or cash, or which ones were occupied by elderly residents. Often members of the group would use the cover of being scrap metal dealers to drive around communities looking for suitable victims, or would pose as handymen distributing flyers door-to-door looking for work - in fact they were looking for victims. Sometimes the members of the gang would knock on doors and pretend they had come in response to adverts for an item for sale on sites such as Gumtree - and then claim to have mistakenly gone to the wrong address when the homeowner told them they knew nothing about any such sale. On occasions they would just brazenly walk up to a property and look through the windows.

Having identified suitable targets the gang would carry out multiple burglaries in a single night, using stolen cars displaying stolen or cloned number plates to get around. At each house they stuck to their adopted formula. While one person stayed with the vehicle to act as lookout and getaway driver, another two or three members of the group would don masks and gloves and smash their way into the house regardless of whether the homeowners were present of not. The intruders would make straight for the bedrooms and ransack them looking for jewellery and cash. Other items typically taken in burglaries such as TVs, laptops or video games consoles were ignored, though they did occasionally take the odd ornament or figurine which took their fancy. They then loaded their booty into the victim's own pillow cases, and fled.

Sometimes the gang would intimidate or threaten homeowners or witness who challenged them with bats and screwdrivers and other weapons - during one raid one of their number made a gun sign with his hands and gesticulated to a neighbour who saw them escaping. In another burglary two terrified and crying children locked themselves in the bathroom of the property while the intruders did their work - something the burglars seemed to take pleasure in.

The gang was ruthless and merciless, and were usually in and out of their target properties in a matter of minutes. After a series of raids the stolen car would be dumped and the clothes they were wearing would be destroyed.

CCTV recovered as part of Operation Timmia showed members of the gang wearing hats, gloves and face coverings to conceal their identities

CCTV recovered as part of Operation Timmia showed members of the gang wearing hats, gloves and face coverings to conceal their identities (Image: South Wales Police)

In total the gang stole jewellery worth more than half-a-million pounds, much of it high-quality Asian gold, during their spree of offending. In one raid alone on a house in Skewen near Neath they got away with a haul worth around £70,000.

Sometimes the gang would steal cars from one property to use to get to the next, but officers found they were sourcing some of their stolen getaway cars from another organised crime group - this led to a separate investigation code named Operation Fin Tail which would later result in two men being jailed for stealing £100,000 worth of cars from around south Wales. Other cars used by the gang had been stolen from as far afield as Leicestershire, and driven to south Wales by visiting members of the group.

As the months went on, a pattern emerged whereby the gang would carry out a spate of burglaries but then go quiet for weeks at a time before striking again. However, the Welsh detectives found that in the apparent quiet periods between spates, offences with a similar methodology - what police call the modus operandi or "MO" - were happening in other parts of the UK.

As well as identifying the way the gang was operating, police also identified suspects. Intelligence suggested the travellers site on Mill Stream Way on Swansea Vale was a "location of interest" but as DI Peart said "intelligence isn't the same as evidence", and so the investigation went on.

The burglaries continued into November and December and over the Christmas period, and by January 2019 police believed they had enough evidence to move to the next phase of the operation - arrests. Plans were made for a large-scale raid on the Swansea Vale travellers site, as well as raids at a number of houses and other properties around Swansea, Neath and Port Talbot. The Mill Stream Way raid in particular was not going to be easy. The site, an unofficial but "tolerated" travellers site, is relatively isolated, and includes a large area of waste ground and woods offering any number of ways in and out; the raid would have to be done pre-dawn to stand the best chance of arresting suspects; and the area is usually in darkness as nearby street lights for some reason rarely seem to work.

A date was set for the end of the month but then a sudden increase in the level of violence and intimidation associated with the on-going burglaries - an increase which has never really been explained - led police to decide they had to act immediately for the safety of the public. Within days a team of 200 officers, as well as resources such as a helicopter and a specialist money sniffer-dog, was put together and briefed. Before sun up on January 15 search warrants were executed at the Mill Stream Way site as well as at a number of houses, and a commercial unit in Fforestfach.

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At the travellers site police recovered items which had been stolen during nine separate burglaries, as well as thousands of pounds in cash hidden in a compartment under a false floor in one of the caravans. Police also found two of the mobiles homes were themselves stolen. There was also evidence of clothing and footwear having been burnt on the site.

A series of arrests followed but there were other suspects police wanted to speak to, and the hunt for three outstanding gang members in particular would go on for another two-and-a-half years.

However, the arrests were not the end of the investigation - the job of piecing together the complex jigsaw went on for months more. By the time the burglars were charged and taken to court, Operation Timmia - which had a core team of just six officers - had involved gathering 272 witness statements, collecting 3,000 exhibits and more than 7,000 documents, analysing thousands of forensic samples, and viewing some 2,000 hours of CCTV footage.

The case went to trial in Swansea Crown Court in November 2019, and of all the burglaries investigated by police during the operation the gang was charged with more than 70 that were committed over a six month period.

During the lengthy trial the prosecution laid out the mass of evidence police had accumulated during the investigation. The jury was told of the movements of the defendants on key dates, of DNA results, CCTV and automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) evidence, witness statements, about the items found at the Mill Stream Way site and recovered from stolen cars, even about some of the shopping trips the accused had made - the purchase of distinctive Asda-brand training shoes of the type and size which left footmarks at burglaries later the same day; the purchase of gloves and hats in the middle of an August heatwave. The evidence was circumstantial, and taken singularly each piece - each piece of the jigsaw - would not have been enough to convict. But when they were all put together, the picture became clear.

Kieran Joyce (left) and Daniel Joyce

Kieran Joyce (left) and Daniel Joyce (Image: South Wales Police)

Patrick Joyce (left) and William Joyce

Patrick Joyce (left) and William Joyce

Kieran Joyce, then aged 29, Patrick Joyce, aged 22, William Joyce, aged 24, Daniel Joseph Joyce, aged 35, and David Joyce - who was 17 at the time of the trial and could not be named during the proceedings because of to his age - were all convicted of conspiracy to burgle. Two other defendants were convicted of handling items stolen during the burglaries – Mary Kate Connors, aged 24, and the Joyce brothers' 60-year-old mother Christine Joyce.

Handing down the sentences judge Keith Thomas described the spree of burglaries as "professionally planned and organised". He said burglaries were always treated seriously by the courts not just because of any monetary value of goods stolen but because of the sentimental value often attached to them, and also because of the "sense of violation and insecurity" break-ins cause.

Kieran Joyce was sentenced to 10 years in prison, Patrick and William Joyce to eight years, Daniel Joyce to six years, and David Joyce was sentenced to four years youth detention. Mary Connors and Christine Joyce were each made the subject of 12 month community orders with a 200 hours of unpaid work.

Two defendants who had been accused of being part of the conspiracy - Terrence Casey, aged 20, and 40-year-old James Joyce - were found not guilty by the jury.

Michael Harty (left) and Michael Casey

Michael Harty (left) and Michael Casey (Image: South Wales Police)

Daniel Casey (Image: South Wales Police)

But Operation Timmia was not at an end - there were still three suspects at large. There followed an international man hunt for 28-year-old Daniel Casey, 20-year-old Michael Casey, and a teenage cousin of the Joyce family, Wayne Harty. The trio were known to travel extensively around the UK and beyond, and the search for them involved co-operation and intelligence sharing with law enforcement agencies across Wales, England and Scotland as well as with the Gardai in the Republic Ireland.

After lengthy periods on the run, one by one the suspects were located and caught. In January this year Daniel Casey, believed to be one of the ringleaders of the crime group, was arrested in Leicestershire; then Harty was tracked down; and finally the last fugitive, 21-year-old Michael Casey, was arrested in Greater Manchester in April. All three eventually pleaded guilty to conspiracy to burgle rather than going to trial - after discounts for the guilty pleas Daniel Casey was sentenced to 81 months in prison, Harty to 18 months in a young offenders institution, and Michael Casey to a total of four years for which also included crimes committed in Greater Manchester before and after the south Wales spree.

During the trial prosecution barrister Ian Wright read out a series of victim impact statements from some of those the gang burgled - all referred to the feelings of insecurity and fear caused by having strangers breaking into their homes, and of the pain of losing items of great sentimental or family value. Many of the victims said they had installed CCTV systems, alarms, and new locks, and one had ever surrounded his garden with barbed wire. Some of the victims reported being too scared to leave their homes unoccupied, while others moved house such was their distress at what happened. Many of the victims were in their 80s, and the court heard the raids has had a profound impact on their lives.

During their campaign the gang stole jewellery to the value of around £500,000 and almost none of the items have ever been recovered. If it was hidden somewhere, then it remains concealed to this day. If the gang had the contacts to quickly dispose of the high-value property, they have successfully hidden the proceeds of their criminal conduct from law enforcement agencies in the UK. Despite extensive financial inquiries, investigators have been able to locate little cash and few assets. Investigators calculated Keiran Joyce and Daniel Casey had each benefited from their roles in the conspiracy to the tune of £375,655 - but the authorities have been unable to find any money or assets they owned, and the defendants were ordered to pay just £1 each. Daniel Joyce benefited by the same amount - in his case the only assets investigators could find was the £100 in cash he was carrying in his pocket when arrested, so that money was confiscated.

Patrick Joyce's benefit figure was put at £110,157 - again no assets could be found, and he too was made the subject of a nominal £1 confiscation order.

The benefit figure for William Joyce was set at £176,274 - in his case some assets were identified, and a confiscation order for £15,400 was made. Mary Kate Connors was said to have benefited from her criminal conduct to the tune of £2,500 which was the value of the stolen Louis Vuitton handbag she was given following a burglary at a house in Morriston. The court heard her available assets amount to more than that sum and in her case an order was made that she should pay £2,500 compensation to the victim.

Daniel, Keiran, Patrick, and William Joyce, and Daniel Casey were also issued with serious crime prevention orders to control their behaviour and limit their activities when they are released from prison. Barristers for the defendants argued against the imposition of the orders - which are rarely seem outside serious organised crime and drugs cases - with counsel for Patrick Joyce arguing the order was not so much about controlling criminal behaviour as "breaking up an entire way of life" for the travelling community.

Additionally Keiran Joyce was served with a deportation notice by the Home Office and could be sent back to the Republic of Ireland upon his release from prison, and banned from returning to the UK.

Detective inspector Peart described Operation Timmia as an example of "proper detective doggedness", and said he was incredibly proud of the team which cracked the case and dismantled the gang.

He said: "This was an organised crime group or OCG which happened to be from the traveller community. Any OCG, by its very nature, is a threat to the community. To be able to take it down is incredibly satisfying."

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July 25, 2018

Plas Gwernfadog Drive, Ynysforgan. Burglary. Four males used a hammer to smash a glass panel in a door and gain entry. An untidy search was made. Jewellery and watches were stolen.

August 2

Maes y Coed, Morriston. Burglary. A uPVC door was forced, and jewellery stolen. Twynybedw Road, Clydach. Four jewellery boxes, and watches taken.

August 3

Dinas Street, Plasmarl, Swansea. Burglary. Two males in balaclavas forced entry through a door. An untidy search was made of rooms. A grey BMW was seen driving “at speed” in the area. Sometime before the burglary the householder had a fridge removed by a man with an Irish accent who he knew to live on the Mill Stream Way site.

Whittington Terrace, Gorseinon. Attempted burglary. Two makes with white scarves around their faces tried to burgle property. They ran from scene to a grey BWM.

Llys y Coed, Ynystawe. Burglary. A white man wearing a balaclava was seen in the property by the homeowner who locked herself in the bathroom and called police.

August 4

Wheatley Avenue, Sandfields, Port Talbot. Attempted burglary. Men wearing face coverings were seen running from the property and climbing over a fence into the neighbouring hospital grounds. One of the men was carrying a crowbar.

Gwernllwynchwyth Road, Llansamlet. Burglary. CCTV shows five men in a grey BMW arriving at the property. A claw hammer was used to gain entry.

Llys y Graig, Morriston. Burglary. Glass door panel smashed, and an untidy search made. Louis Vuitton bag stolen.

August 7

Parc Onen, Skewen. Burglary. Front door forced and £70,000 worth of jewellery stolen.

August 8

Afan Court, Skewen. Attempted burglary. BWM 3-series seen in the area, and men with their faces covered seen trying the house door.

Lon Bryn Awel, Llansamlet. Burglary. Untidy search made, £3,600 in cash stolen along with a Tag Heuer watch. Audio from CCTV recorded the sound of Irish accents.

Between August 8 and 11

Clasemont Road, Morriston. Burglary. Untidy search made, £12,000 worth of jewellery taken.

August 9

Stadwen Road, Llansamlet. Burglary. Cleaning products sprayed around the property.

Birchgrove Road, Glais. Burglary. An untidy search was made, and a “large quantity” of jewellery stolen.

Llanllienwen Road, Llansamlet. Burglary. Grey BMW seen in the area. Two children in the property shut themselves in the bathroom

Crymlyn Gardens, Skewen. Burglary. Three men with their faces covered were seen running from the house. Tag Heuer watch stolen.

Drummau Road, Skewen. Burglary. Untidy search made, jewellery stolen.

Between August 8 and 11

Clasemont Road, Morriston. Burglary. Untidy search made, £12,000 worth of jewellery taken.

Between September 28 and 30

Capel Road, Clydach Mill Race, Neath Abbey. Burglary. A “large quantity” of jewellery stolen, along with a white Audi A5 car.

September 29

Eppynt Road, Penlan, Swansea. Burglary. Untidy search made, two males seen running from property.

Clydach Road, Ynysforgan. Pant y Helyg, Fforestfach. Attempted burglary

September 30

Parkhill Terrace, Treboeth, Swansea. Burglary. Euros 1,000 and car keys stolen.

Cwrt Cilmeri, Morriston. Burglary.

October 2

Gwernfadog Road, Morriston. Burglary.

Heol y Deri, Cwmrhydyceirw. Burglary.

Heol Llwynon, Caewern, Neath. Burglary £1,000 cash stolen

Pen yr Heol, Skewen. Attempted burglary. Two men seen cutting and kicking a glass panel before running off after a dog barked.

Walters Road, Llansamlet. Attempted burglary. Voices heard outside property.

October 3

Midland Place, Llansamlet. Burglary. Untidy search made, passports and money stolen. The bedroom of the occupants’ son, largely untouched since his death in 2009, was searched. A blue Fiesta on cloned plates seen on street

Ocean View, Jersey Marine. Burglary. Keys to a Jaguar car stolen.

Pen-y-cae, Port Talbot. The Highlands, Skewen. Burglary. Jewellery stolen. Ford Fiesta seen outside.

Averil Vivian Gardens, Sketty, Swansea. Burglary. Rear door smashed, neighbours saw lights in an upstairs room. A burglar alarm sounds, and people run from the house to a waiting Ford Fiesta. A neighbour challenges the driver of the car, and is threatened with the words: “Come on then, I will stab you.” The car drives off.

Drummau Road, Skewen. Burglary.

Between September 28 and October 4

Bethel Road, Llansamlet. Burglary. Jewellery stolen.

October 17

Park Road, Clydach. Burglary. Victim was aged 81. Untidy search made of the property. As the burglars left the property one of the men made a “gun gesture” with his hand to a witness.

Between October 28 and 30

Tygwyn Road, Clydach. Attempted burglary.

October 29

Tygwyn Road, Clydach. Attempted burglary.

Pentremalwed Road, Morriston. Burglary.

Bishop’s Walk, Morriston. Burglary. £8,000-worth of jewellery taken along with cash from a child’s money box. Officers noted a “strong smell of bleach” in the property.

October 30

Delffordd, Rhos, Pontardawe. Burglary. Two men seen running from property to a waiting white Audi car which left “at speed”.

November 2

Lon Hir, Pontardawe. Burglary. Occupants saw white Audi parked opposite house when they got home. The car sounded its horn as they approached and two men ran from the property and got in.

Penshannel, Skewen. Burglary. Untidy search made.

Pine View, Cwmavon. Burglary.

Western Avenue, Sandfields, Port Talbot. Burglary. Safe containing £6,000 stolen along with designer watch and car keys. White Audi car seen in the area.

Graig Road, Morriston. Burglary. Untidy search made. “Large quantity” of jewellery stolen along with watches, pillow cases, and a bottle of Champagne.

Between December 25 and 28

Fenbrook Close, Aberavon. Burglary. Untidy search. Jewellery stolen including gold and diamond eternity ring.

Farm Drive, Port Talbot. Burglary. £15,000-worth of jewellery stolen and £5,000 cash

December 29

Bonymaen Road, Bonymaen. Burglary.

Pentrechwyth Road, Pentrechwyth. Burglary.

Heol Fach, Treboeth, Swansea. Burglary. £5,000-worth of jewellery stolen along with a black VW Golf R.

Crymlyn Parc, Skewen. Burglary. 80-year-old homeowner was present but asleep.

Austin Close, Porthcawl. Attempted burglary. Shiny black VW Golf seen nearby. Three men with faces covered seen running from property.

Austin Close, Porthcawl. Burglary.

New Road, Porthcawl. Burglary. Untidy search. Jewellery stolen.

New Road, Porthcawl. Attempted burglary.

Prince Road, Kenfig Hill. Attempted burglary. Three men seen to run from property and get into black car.

Between December 17 and 29

Heol Mabon, Cwmavon. Burglary. £10,000-worth of jewellery stolen.

December 29

West Street, Aberkenfig. Burglary.

Neath Road, Maesteg. Burglary.

Maesydderwen, Llangennech, Llanelli. Burglary.

Between December 29 and 30

Heol Mabon, Cwmavon. Attempted burglary. 86-year-old victim. “Extensive damage” done to uPVC door.

St David’s Mews, Waun Bont Road, Kenfig Hill. Burglary. Large quantity of jewellery stolen.

Between December 27 and 29

Heol y Parc, Cwmavon. Burglary. £3,000-worth of jewellery stolen.

December 30

School Road, Llanelli. Burglary. Jewellery stolen.

Maesydderwen, Llangennech, Llanelli. Burglary.

Pemberton Lane, Llanelli. Burglary.

January 9, 2019

Sybil Street, Clydach. Burglary.

Penrhiw Road, Morriston. Burglary.

Waun Gron Road, Treboeth, Swansea. Burglary. Untidy search. “Large quantity” of gold jewellery stolen. Cleaning products were applied to door handles and light switches.

Twynybedw Road, Clydach. Attempted burglary. 80-year-old victim heard noises outside the house and males with Irish accents talking and swearing. The males ran to a waiting black car.

Heol Fryn, Birchgrove, Swansea. Burglary. Untidy search. £700 in cash, jewellery, a 32in TV, and Bose sound system stolen.

Gwysfa Road, Ynystawe. Burglary. Audi Q3 car stolen.

Saunders Way, Sketty, Swansea. Burglary. VW Golf car stolen.

Between January 7 and 10

Heol Nant Bran, Birchgrove. Burglary.

January 10

Royal Oak Road, Blackpill, Swansea. Burglary.

New Quarr Road, Treboeth, Swansea. Burglary. “Large quantity” of jewellery stolen along with £1,500 cash.