Underneath the town said to be built on a network of tunnels (original) (raw)

The oldest town in Wales has its fair share of myths and legends.

Home of Merlin, King Henry VII’s father Edmund, the famous Black Book, a castle that was once captured by Owain Glyndwr - Carmarthen boasts a deep and captivating history that manages to conjure wonder and mystery among its inhabitants and visitors alike.

One historical point of interest that still finds its home between fact and legend is the ‘Tunnels of Carmarthen’ - a sprawling network of ancient passageways that, according to rumour, connect different important points of the ancient town.

Is it true that these underground tunnels once provided high-profile prisoners with a safe route from Carmarthen Castle to St Peter’s Church, allowing them to transport themselves in peace between captivity and the sanctuary of their place of worship?

More intriguingly, do these tunnels still exist: is there access, in 2017, underneath the town’s streets to anyone who wants to cross from one point of the town to another without having to face the elements?

I set out to investigate, torch in hand, hoping to find a medieval space of wonder where people trudged along hundreds of years ago - to church, to the castle, to the courthouse, home after a night out, even?

An underground chamber underneath Brewery Road in Carmarthen. (Image: Paul Frimston)

“There was a doorway and behind it was an alleyway....."

One man who insists he has tread the ground underneath our streets is retired building control officer, Geraint Jones.

He once braved the myth and allowed curiosity to get the better of him - walking from the The Old Market Square Delicatessen, at the corner of Nott Square, all the way down as far as the Guildhall, without touching the pavement.

“When it was a chemist, years ago, I used to help my wife who worked there by taking some baggage down to the basement,” said Mr Jones.

“There was a doorway and behind it was an alleyway; I walked underneath the pavement all the way down to where Woolworths used to be.

“I didn’t go any further because it was pitch black!”

The door leading to a mysterious tunnel underneath The Old Market Square Delicatessen in Notts Square, Carmarthen. (Image: Copyright unkown)

Excited by this revelation, I hurriedly made my way to the property in question and begged the owner to let me have a look in her basement.

Expected to be turned away and even ridiculed for my hopeful curiosity, Lisa Rees, owner of the delicatessen, said: “Yes, there is a cellar here with a doorway that leads off into something else.”

In we went, through the door, to the right, torch alight, slowly along this ‘tunnel’, excited.

20ft along, the exploration comes to an end. To the right, a blocked-up wall, no way through. To the left, another room, but more bricks and no access further down. My dream to walk underneath B&M Bargains was dead.

What's beyond the wall? The 'tunnel' under The Old Market Square Delicatessen in Notts Square is blocked up.

The idea of a network of tunnels under the streets is one that has long captured the imagination of the people of Carmarthen, it seems. But is their interest borne out of historical fact or historical romance; is there a conscious need in people to locate something other-worldly?

Was there a tunnel from Carmarthen Castle to St Peter's Church?

Darryn Davies, who runs Floral Decor in King Street along with his partner, Sienna, says lots of people have been into his store - which was formerly D King Morgan chemists - to enquire about the tunnels.

“We’ve had about 15 people coming in all asking the same thing - can we have a look at your cellar? They’ve all been absolutely fascinated by the idea that there’s a tunnel that runs underneath the shop, or at least used to.

“The floor to the cellar is uneven, and people have said that’s down to an old Roman Road being underneath. There is a section of the cellar which is formed like a tunnel, but there’s no access to it at either end, only through a side door.

“Some people have mentioned that the tunnel may have gone from the castle all the way to the church, but I don’t know about that.”

Owners Sienna and Darryn outside Floral Decor in Carmarthen.

The cellar underneath Floral Decor by Sienna on King Street, Carmarthen. The tunnel shaped cellar is bricked up at both ends.

One man who may know is the current vicar of St Peter’s Church, Canon Leigh Richardson. Walking through the church, he recalls an incident which suggested an ancient route to the castle could well have existed.

“We had a plumbing problem here a few years ago,” he says. “A plumber came out and lifted up one of the heating grids that we have on the floor to get underneath. There’s a drop of about six feet and there are pipes that travel from one end of the church to the other.

“When he was down there, he said that he could feel that underneath the ground was hollow, as if there was something else lower down.

“It wouldn’t be unusual for a church to have a route to the castle in years gone by, mainly for safety. There may have been situations when people might have wanted to travel between the two without wanting to attract public attention.

“In those days, the castle and the church were the two main symbols of power.”

Did a tunnel once lead from St Peter's Church all the way to Carmarthen Castle?

One of the buildings along that route is The Salad Bowl in Nott Square. For years there has been talk that the shop’s cellar contains access to an ancient passageway that connects the square with the end of King Street.

Unfortunately, access to the cellar is completely shut off and there is no way to gain access to it and have a snoop around.

At this rate, I was literally walking down blind alleys. Hoping for tunnels and hitting brick walls. Maybe I’d watched too much Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles as a kid?

For every ray of hope, there was a dash of disappointment. For every fresh, tunnel shaped lead, I found another locked door.

An article in the August 24, 1906 edition of the Carmarthen Journal, which details the discovery of an 'underground passage' in the Priory Street area of the town. (Image: The National Library of Wales)

From the Ivy Bush to the Guildhall?

From the church to the castle, from the castle to the courthouse, from ‘Millets corner’ to the river, underneath Quay Street, along Priory Street . . . there was “definitely” one that ran from underneath the Ivy Bush Hotel to the Guildhall, I was told adamantly by one town centre professional.

It would allow judges to walk safely to their courtroom, directly from the comfort of their hotel breakfast table.

Could I see it? No, it’s been closed off.

As in centuries gone by, all roads led to the castle; the epicentre of ancient Carmarthen. A place of legend and history so thick you can almost see it soaked into the walls.

"If there were tunnels, they would have been from the castle itself down to the river".

There to greet me is Rhys Anthony, tourist information officer at Carmarthenshire Council.

He says that rumours about tunnels grew in potency after the castle was excavated in 2003, and believes confusion has led people into thinking that a network of passageways sprout from underneath the castle walls.

Directly outside, facing Nott Square, he explains that the area would have been full of pubs and that cellars would have been constructed into the castle moat.

“I suspect that some of the stories about tunnels have come from the cellars that were underneath the square outside the castle," he outlines.

“Other rumours have come from an entrance to one of the dungeons here. Originally, there was a house next to the castle and they knocked through into the dungeon, so they found themselves another room to the house!”

The entrance to one of the dungeons at Carmarthen Castle. (Image: Copyright unkown)

Despite scepticism regarding a network of tunnels, Mr Anthony does suggest that there would have been at least one passageway emanating directly from the castle.

“If there were tunnels, they would have been from the castle itself down to the river, so that a king could make a quick escape, as he would have had ships down at the port enabling him to get away quickly if needed.”

A fascination with another world

If all, or at least most, roads lead to brick or stone walls, what’s the reason for the obsession? Why are we, as a town, as a country, so enthralled with the notion of walking and living underground.

“We’re a nation of miners,” Mr Anthony retorts with a smile.

“We love our tunnels. I think it has a lot to do with stories about myths and legends, there’s a fascination with ‘another world’, particularly one that might exist under the ground - lots of fairy tales are set underground.”

Another tunnel sceptic is local historian Simon Ratty.

He believes that ‘the tunnels’ are mainly culverts - carrying streams and rivers under our roads - and that there are no accessible walkways that connect points of Carmarthen.

“It’s certainly interesting,” he says. “Apparently, you can walk the entirety of Blue Street, or at least could, underneath the pavement.

“But most of them are just culverts.”

So, I ask, why the intrigue?

Why have I, and many others, spent time bowing our heads to peer deep under the surface, hoping for a glimpse of something extraordinary?

Mr Ratty answers: “Because it’s more romantic than saying it’s just a drain.”

And with those realistic words ringing in my ears, subdued and more than a bit disappointed, I walked above the pavement back to the office.