Unions say the UK Government and Tata deal is 'unacceptable' (original) (raw)

UK Government and Tata plans for the Port Talbot steelworks are "unacceptable". Representatives from three unions told Senedd members that proposed plans for an electric arc furnace have never been tested anywhere and are "extremely risky".

The UK Government has pledged £500m towards Tata investment plans at the Port Talbot site. The Indian-owned steel giant says the total £1.25bn investment into the Port Talbot steelworks to install electric steel recycling furnaces and shut down the two primary steel-making blast furnaces. Unions believe it will result in 3,000 job losses.

There is a second proposal by unions which will see a gradual transition and they say will avoid any compulsory redundancies. Speaking to the economy committee in the Senedd unions criticised the proposed deal drawn up between the UK Government and Tata. Alasdair McDiarmid, assistant general secretary of the Community Union, said: "I think all the unions are united in condemning the deal. We think it's completely unacceptable. The deal itself and conversations between Tata and the unions was unacceptable. We had assurances no decisions would be made prior to the full consultation with the unions... The leak to the media was hugely distressing to our members. The whole thing really was a complete shambles." He added: "There's no timeline for implementing any proposals at all."

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The unions' proposal, backed by the GMB and Community but not Unite, is a "credible proposal," he said. "Tata have indicated they want to talk to us about it and ultimately we want to have a serious conversation and negotiated solution."

He said the "process is ongoing" and the company is looking at the plan. He said: "You'd be hard-pressed to find any manager or many who think the right thing to do is close down our heavy end, make thousands redundant, cut our order book and capacity, and make us totally reliant on a scrapped supply chain that doesn't exist yet.

"Everyone is concerned this not the correct approach – it's the cheapest and easiest. We're putting all our eggs into the electric arc furnace basket. We've never operated an EAF (electric arc furnace) before. There isn't an EAF in Tata and nowhere in the world is there one of that size which they want to put the level of metallics in that they do so it's an extremely risky approach and the general consensus across the industry is that it's the wrong one. We need an alternative and we believe we have a credible alternative one."

Peter Hughes, Wales secretary from Unite the Union, said the announcement was a "massive shock" to them. "The company said they would always engage with us. The lack of consultation: 'This is a done deal, we're looking to close the heavy end and blast furnaces...' It was a massive shock to us.

"Everyone wants to protect Port Talbot for as long as possible. We believe that Port Talbot can be the green capital of Europe with the right investment and technology but Tata need to talk to us and at the beginning, unfortunately, they didn't".

Mr Hughes said there is no idea when an announcement will be made. "The uncertainty of the workforce, in Port Talbot and Llanwern... That's the uncertainty. There's the total uncertainty on the whole workforce, which is unfair of them." For the latest politics news in Wales sign up to our newsletter here.

Charlotte Brumpton-Childs from GMB Union said no UK Government minister has met with unions to discuss decarbonisation. Mr McDiarmid said that is "disappointing" but "not surprising".

Mr Hughes said the UK Government will give £500m "to make 3,000 Welsh workers redundant". He added: "In this plan there is no jobs guaranteed." He said the £500m suggested is only a "drop in the ocean" in terms of the investment needed. "I don't believe £500m is enough," he said.

Mr McDiarmid said there were "lots and lots" of concerns about the proposal. He said the EAF proposal will "lock the UK" into an output of a million tonnes less finished steel than it currently produces.

"The problem we've got is that it will reduce the steel output we currently have in Port Talbot. It puts pressure on the downstream operations – at Llanwern in particular it threatens the closure of the cold mill. That's extremely difficult and threatens the future of Llanwern itself," he said, adding it also puts the future of 700 jobs at Trostre at risk. He said a large arc furnace is "hugely risky" and "puts us at the mercy of a UK steel scrap supply chain, which doesn't exist".

"You always hear we have 11m tonnes of scrap and we export 8m of it and we can just stop exporting it and stick it in EAF but that's not the case at all. We do not have anywhere near enough the scrap at quality to feed the furnace at Port Talbot." He said £100m would be needed for a steel scrap shredding machine to supply Port Talbot.

Unite was due to present Tata officials with a workers plan for Port Talbot that will ‘create jobs not cut them’ today - Friday. December 1. The plan, part of Unite’s Workers Plan for Steel that encompasses the entire UK steel industry, was detailed to members of Senedd Cymru during a committee meeting on Thursday, November 30.

Unite’s plan for Port Talbot includes the following immediate demands:

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “Unite’s plan for Port Talbot would ensure jobs are created not lost, provide a bright future for South Wales and guarantee the UK as a global leader in green steel production. As the country and the world transition to net zero, the demand for steel is growing - especially low carbon steel. So the question is not whether we will be using more steel – simply where it is going to be made. If Tata and the government continue on their current course, it will leave us in the ridiculous situation of needing more steel while we run down our own capacity to make it.”

The Port Talbot plan is part of the Unite’s Workers Plan for Steel for the entire UK steel industry, which is also calling on politicians to change procurement rules to let UK public contracts use 100 per cent UK steel. This alone can create thousands of jobs.

Unite regional secretary for Wales, Peter Hughes, said: “Unite’s blueprint for Port Talbot shows how the coming opportunities for green steel can be taken for the benefit of all involved and the interests of the country as a whole – it would be a crime for politicians and Tata not to grasp them.”