Shreveport, LA (original) (raw)
How Wet Was 2024?
Colder New Year Temperatures
Tonight's Low Temperatures
Tomorrow's High Temperatures
Just how wet was the month of December and the year 2024 across some of the larger cities in our Four-State region? This graphic illustrates just how much rainfall occurred this month along with the total annual rainfall for the year as we have likely seen the last of the rainfall for 2024.
Below average temperatures are expected for the Four State Region next week. There is also a non-zero change of winter precipitation that could occur at the same time.
A cold front arrives tonight with overnight lows dropping off into the 40s as skies become mostly clear with breezy northwest winds.
Temperatures during the day tomorrow will range from the mid 50s to low 60s.
Here are the daily climate normals and records for selected cities across the Four State Region.
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