「suspected」の意味や使い方 わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書 (original) (raw)







「Suspected」 is defined as "thought to be guilty, likely, or true without certain proof". It is often used when there is a reason to believe that something is the case, but there is not enough evidence to prove it. For example, a person who is thought to have committed a crime but has not been proven guilty is often referred to as a "suspected" criminal.






以下に、「suspected」を用いた例文10提示する1. He is suspected of theft.(彼は窃盗疑いがある)
2. The suspected cause of the fire was a short circuit.(火災疑われる原因ショートサーキットだった)
3. The police have identified a suspected terrorist.(警察疑われるテロリスト特定した
4. The suspected drug dealer was arrested.(疑われる麻薬ディーラー逮捕された)
5. The package was suspected to contain explosives.(その荷物爆発物含んでいると疑われた)
6. The man was suspected of being a spy.(その男スパイではないか疑われた)
7. The suspected origin of the virus is bats.(ウイルスの疑われる起源コウモリだ)
8. The company is suspected of tax evasion.(その会社脱税の疑いがある)
9. The suspected killer was found in a remote village.(疑われる殺人犯遠隔見つかった
10. The suspected fraud was reported to the authorities.(疑われる詐欺当局報告された)
