「バランス」の意味や使い方 わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書 (original) (raw)




「balance」とは名詞平衡、バランス、調和平静という意味を持つ。動詞形も同じく「balance」で~を計る比較する、バランスを保つという意味になる。他動詞自動詞どちらも同様の文脈使われる形容詞は「balanced」で平均のとれた、安定したという意味になる。会計用語としては、貸借対照表「Balance Sheets期首残高beginning balance」などがある。






Balanced Growth均衡ある成長
a wellbalanced diet(バランスの取れた食事
the quality of being balanced釣り合い取れた質)
a sense of balance(平衡感覚
keep one's balance(バランスを保つ)
lose one's balance (バランスを失う)
hold the balance of power決定権を握る)
the balance on current account経常収支
the balance in hand手元残高
the balance in the bank預金残高


「my balance」とは

「my balance」とは、私のバランス、心が落ち着いた状態を意味する

「no balance」とは

「no balance」とはバランスがないという意味である。景気や状態が荒れている様子を指すこともある。

「current balance」とは

current balance」とは、経常収支という意味である。


balancer」とは 平衡を保つ人やものを意味する


The current account balance announced by the government is sometimes used as an index to grasp the performance and future potential of domestic companies.

In order to maintain a healthy life for a long time, it is important not only to prevent obesity and lifestyle-related diseases, but also to keep a balanced diet in mind.

The balance sheet is difficult for people who do not have accounting knowledge or experience to understand immediately, but if you want to work in accounting in the near future, you should study it early.

Some people are born with a sense of balance, but it can be trained to some extent through daily training.

When managing your household finances, it is important to go to the bank regularly to check not only the cash in your wallet, but also your deposit balance.

If the mind and body are out of balance for a long time, not only will it be difficult to fall asleep, but the risk of developing various diseases will increase, so it is important to refresh yourself frequently in your daily life. is.

Problems related to balance sheets are always asked in bookkeeping and other accounting certification exams, so be sure to understand them properly by attending a vocational school or using commercially available textbooks.

High school politics and economics classes sometimes touch on current account balances, but they are rudimentary, so if you want to study them professionally, you should go to a university with an economics department.

An extraordinary sense of balance is required to perform well on the balance beam like an athlete competing in the Olympics.

Balance is important when it comes to coordinating clothes, and no matter how expensive a brand's clothes are, if the colors and materials are different, it will look bad.

The beautician I am indebted to has a lot of experience and excellent skills, so whenever I ask for a cut, he always gives me a good balance between the left and right sides.