ワイフの意味や使い方 わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書 (original) (raw)





「wife」の発音は、IPA表記では /waɪf/ となり、カタカナでは「ワイフ」と表記される日本人発音するカタカナ英語では「ワイフ」と読むことが一般的である。


A wife is a married woman, especially in relation to her spouse. It refers to a female partner in a marriage, who has legal rights and obligations arising from the marriage. The term is used to describe a woman who is in a legally recognized relationship with a man, typically as his spouse.






1. My wife is a doctor.(私の妻は医者である。)
2. He introduced me to his wife at the party.(彼はパーティで私に妻を紹介した。)
3. They have been husband and wife for 20 years.(彼らは20年間夫婦である。)
4. His wife gave birth to their first child last month.(彼の妻は先月初めの子供を出産した。)
5. The husband and wife run a small business together.夫婦小さなビジネス経営している。)
6. She became his wife in a beautiful wedding ceremony.(彼女は美し結婚式彼のとなった。)
7. My wife and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary last year.(私と妻は昨年結婚10周年祝った。)
8. His wife is very supportive of his career.(彼の妻は彼のキャリアをとてもサポートしている。)
9. The wife is responsible for managing the household finances.(妻は家計管理する責任がある。)
10. They are a loving husband and wife who care deeply for each other.(彼らはお互い深く愛し合う夫婦である。)
