「specificity」の意味や使い方 わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書 (original) (raw)







「specificity」is defined as "the quality or state of being specific". In other words, it refers to the particularity or uniqueness of something in relation to a specific condition or situation. For example, in the field of medicine, the specificity of a test refers to its ability to correctly identify those without the disease.






以下に、「specificity」を用いた例文10文示す。 1. The specificity of this antibody is high.(この抗体特異性は高い)
2. The test has a high specificity for the disease.(そのテストはその病気対する高い特異性を持つ)
3. The specificity of the enzyme is determined by its active site.(酵素特異性はその活性部位によって決まる)
4. The specificity of the reaction depends on the catalyst.(反応特異性触媒依存する
5. The specificity of the drug is based on its molecular structure.(その特異性その分構造基づいている)
6. The specificity of the information is crucial for the investigation.(その情報特定性は調査にとって重要である)
7. The specificity of the instruction made the task easier.(指示特定性が作業容易にした)
8. The specificity of the design is what makes it unique.(デザイン特異性がそれをユニークにする)
9. The specificity of the training program led to its success.(訓練プログラム特定性がその成功つながった
10. The specificity of the gene determines its function.(遺伝子特異性がその機能決定する
