Types of Stroke: Ischemic, Hemorrhagic, and TIA (original) (raw)

Strokes are medical emergencies that stop or interrupt the flow of blood to the brain. The five types are:

What are the warning signs for a stroke?

Think of the word F-A-S-T to help you spot stroke signs and know when to call 911 for yourself or someone else:

An ischemic stroke happens when a blood vessel supplying blood to your brain gets blocked by a blood clot. Most strokes are this type.

Symptoms of ischemic stroke

The symptoms depend on which parts of your brain are affected. They can include things like:

Causes of ischemic stroke

A fatty substance called plaque collects in your arteries and narrows them. This process is called atherosclerosis, and it slows the flow of blood. Plaque breaks off and lots of cells come to the rescue causing a clot and blocking blood flow through the artery.

Besides atherosclerosis, other things that can raise your chances of getting an ischemic stroke are:

Types of ischemic stroke

There are two main types of ischemic stroke:

Risk factors of ischemic stroke

You're more likely to have an ischemic stroke if you:

Complications of ischemic stroke

Sometimes you can get complications. A stroke damages your brain cells. The more damage that's done, the more problems you can have. That's why it's important to get medical help as soon as possible because there's a limited time for treating an acute stroke. If you don't get treatment, you could have trouble like:

Ischemic strokes also include something called a "mini-stroke" or a TIA (transient ischemic attack). This is a temporary blockage in blood flow to your brain. The symptoms usually last for just a few minutes or may go away in 24 hours.

Symptoms of TIA

The symptoms may be similar to an ischemic stroke. You might have:

Causes and risk factors of TIA are the same as in an ischemic stroke. A TIA can sometimes be a warning sign that you'll have an ischemic stroke soon.

Don't take chances if you or someone you know has any symptoms that seem like a stroke. Get medical help in a hurry.

These happen when bleeding in your brain damages nearby cells.

Causes and risk factors for hemorrhagic stroke

The common factors are:

There are two types of hemorrhagic stroke. Which kind you have is based on where the bleeding happens.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke symptoms usually increase gradually over minutes or a few hours, although a subarachnoid hemorrhage may come on suddenly. You might notice:

Complications of hemorrhagic stroke

A hemorrhagic stroke can cause complications like:

This type happens in your brain stem. It can affect both sides of the body. If this happens, you’re left in a “locked in” state where you’re unable to speak or move below the neck.

Symptoms of brain stem stroke

It can be hard to recognize when someone is having a brain stem stroke. They may have some symptoms without the hallmark sign of weakness on one side of the body. Symptoms of brain stem stroke include:

Causes and risk factors of brain stem stroke

Causes include:

Risk factors include:

What makes this stroke unique is the location. It's in a very tight small spot that controls vital functions so the consequences are often devastating, including high risk of death.