New ways in using far-infrared radiations for agricultural production (original) (raw)
New ways in using far-infrared radiations for agricultural production
Recieved Date: 2010-06-22, Accepted Date: 2010-10-28
Nowadays, life is better thanks to innovative technologies in all human activities. So, it can be a challenge to study the potential for the implementation of far-infrared radiation technology in different domains by taking into account the multiplicity of factors, such as climatic and micro-climatic conditions, microbial loading of air, effects on plants and soil, effects over animals, prolusions over general health and comfort status of human being. In the last several years, the applicability of this kind of technology has been studied from two different perspectives: environment and human habitats. The results from this research field are regarding the effect of far-infrared radiations upon different types of vegetable crops, under a direct monitoring of microclimate in “Prinz-Dokkum” type glasshouses. The research activity followed the main steps: on-line microclimate monitoring for temperature and relative air humidity, growing up monitoring for some species of vegetables and flowers, phenological and biometrical measurements, general monitoring for the greenhouse like a habitat, photo recordings of the main stages of growth and development, prevailing and creating a data base with the help of different electronic devices. The obtained results reveal that the far-infrared radiation technology can be successfully implemented in greenhouse. The germination period for the seeds is shorter for all the species cultivated under the influence of far-infrared radiation, compared with conventionally cultivated species. For certain species, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants or peppers, important differences in their growth were observed but for other species no important differences in growth or coloring were found.
Far-infrared radiations, growth of plants
Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2010
Volume: 8
Issue: 3&4
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 714-716
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