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Programme Budget

WHO/P. Albouy
146th session of the WHO Executive Board, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 February 2020

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The Programme budget is a critical tool for Member States to set and approve the priorities of the Organization, define the targets to be delivered, and to monitor their achievement. It sets out the resource levels required to deliver this work, and provides the tool for the Member States to control these, so as to balance the Organization’s work across the different areas for which it is accountable.

The biennial Programme budgets themselves are derived from the General Programme of Work approved by the Member States, which sets out the strategic direction of WHO. At present, WHO is operating within the scope of the 13th General Programme of Work, which started in 2019, and was extended by two years by the World Health Assembly, to cover through to 2025.

The Programme Budget digital platform provides key information on the draft Proposed programme budget 2024-2025, including the governing bodies document, outputs narrative, digital dashboards and more.

WHO’s budget segments

The current approved Biennium Programme Budget for 2022-2023 is for US$ 6.72 billion.

WHO’s budget comprises four segments:

Programme budget 2022-2023 Allocations US$ million
Universal health coverage 1 930
Health emergencies 1 250
Healthier populations 455
More effective and efficient WHO 1 333
Polio eradication 558
Special programmes 199
Emergency operations and appeals 1 000
Total 6 725

WHO is fully transparent with its budget, donors and spending

WHO’s Programme Budget Portal provides precise details with quarterly updates of the Organization’s budget, financing and implementation progress along with yearly detailed programmatic reviews.

The Portal provides a breakdown of our work, budget & financing, contributors and more. Navigating through the tabs you can find the below information from 2014 to 2020:

Programme budget 2022-2023

This Proposed programme budget 2022–2023 incorporates the lessons learned by the Secretariat from its experience in recent health emergencies,...

Programme budget 2020-2021

The Proposed programme budget 2020–2021 marks a major step forward in the transformation of WHO. The Proposed programme budget aims to turn the...

Programme budget 2018-2019

In the proposed programme budget 2018–2019, WHO is seizing the opportunity presented by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to strengthen...

Programme budget 2016-2017

The proposed programme budget for 2016–2017 builds on programmatic and managerial reforms that began with a consultation on the future of financing...
