A history of military thought : from the Enlightenment to the Cold War | WorldCat.org (original) (raw)

Book I: From the Enlightenment to Clausewitz. Machiavelli and the Classical Notion of the Lessons of History in the Study of War

Part I: The Military School of the Enlightenment. Montecuccoli: The Impact of Proto-Science on Military Theory

The Quest for a General Theory of War: The Military Thinkers of the French Enlightenment

From Military Education to a Science of Operations: The Military Thinkers of the German Aufklärung

The Napoleonic Age: Archduke Charles, Jomini, and the Revolution in War

Part II: The German Movement, Clausewitz, and the Origins of the German Military School. The Reaction against the Enlightenment: New Perspectives on Military Theory

Clausewitz: Demolishing and Rebuilding the Theoretical Ideal

Clausewitz: The Nature of War


Appendix: Clausewitz's Final Notes Revisited

Book II: The Nineteenth Century. Positivism, Romanticism, and Military Theory 1815-1870

The German Military School: Its World-View and Conception of War 1815-1914

The Cult of the Offensive: The Sources of French Military Doctrine 1871-1914

From Sail to Steam: Naval Theory and the Military Parallel 1882-1914

Marxism, Clausewitz, and Military Theory 1848 to the Nuclear Age


III: Fascist and Liberal Visions of War. Part I: Fascist Modernism and Visionaries of Machine Warfare. Introduction: The 'Janus Face' of Fascism

J.F.C. Fuller and Future Warfare

German Right-Wing Radicalism, Strategic Adventurism, and Mechanized Warfare

Comparisons and Contrasts (I): American Progressivism and Technological Modernism

Comparisons and Contrasts (II): Marxist Modernism and the Doctrine of 'Deep Battle'


Part II: Liddell Hart, Modern, and 'Post-Modern' Strategy. Introduction

Background: The First World War in Western consciousness

Theory: Limited War, Moderate Peace, and the Strategy of Indirect Approach

Policy: Defence of the West (I): Containment in the 1930s

Policy: Defence of the West (II): Hot War

Cold War

Conclusion: The Western Way in Warfare', Past and Future

Select Bibliography
