Afghan interpreter pleads with Biden to save his family during CNN interview: 'Please save me and my family' (original) (raw)

On Erin Burnett OutFront Thursday, guest host Kate Bolduan spoke with an Afghan interpreter who spent more than five years working with the United States Special Forces. The same interpreter, who went by the name Abdul and only spoke by phone for his and his family’s safety, was able to get an emotional message to human rights attorney Kimberly Motley that was played on CNN on Wednesday.

“Why are the American soldiers forgetting about us after everything we did, the sacrifices we made?” Abdul asked, clearly in tears. “Why are they leaving us behind? I don’t want to be killed by the Taliban. They are going to cut our heads off if they find my location. Please help.”

On Thursday, Abdul, who said he barely sleeps because he’s guarding his family, told Bolduan he’d been chased by three Taliban fighters, barely escaping. As the Taliban are now reportedly going door-to-door in search of anyone who worked with opposing forces, Abdul spoke of the fear he and his young family live in every moment of every day.

“I don’t know how long more should I handle this. I have a wife and three young kids. We will all be killed if the Taliban find us,” Abdul said, later adding, “We live in fear everyday, you know. And once the Americans leave, our lives will be over. Americans will have signed our death sentence. … It is not just a matter of days, it is a matter of seconds, minutes, hours. Anything can happen to me.”

The U.S. and its allies continue to evacuate thousands from Afghanistan, but the Taliban has made it hard for anyone to get to the airport, as they control every road that leads there. Abdul said that he has tried many times to make it to the airport, but has been turned away by Taliban gunfire.

Abdul finally gave an emotional plea directly to President Biden and the United States government not only to save the lives of him and his family, but to save the lives of all interpreters who risked their lives helping the American military.

“I’m appealing to the U.S. government, to President Biden, to please save me and my family, and the Afghan interpreters who worked for your country. You are leaving us here to die?” Abdul said, stopping to compose himself before continuing. “Please, I’m begging you. I’m begging America, please help us.”

Erin Burnett OutFrontairs weeknights at 7 p.m. on CNN.

Watch Chris Cuomo compare Biden to Trump for refusing to admit the Afghanistan withdrawal has gone poorly:

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