On-Line Digital Archive of Documents on Weaving and Related Topics (original) (raw)

Last modified Wednesday, October 19, 2016 8:36 am

The On-Line Digital Archive of Documents on Weaving and Related Topics contains material on weaving, basketry, lace, and related subjects.

Most documents are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). See the tutorial on PDF. Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher is required to access the PDFs on this site. It's free and available for a wide range of platforms.

The documents on this site come from a variety of sources. Most are digital facsimilies of paper documents created by scanning or, in some cases, digital photography. Some documents were written for online publication. Other documents were obtained from the Web and other sources.

Documents can be accessed by document type:

articles (4720)
books (459)
ephemera (319)
illustrations (271)
manuscripts (7)
monographs (347)
patents (398)
periodicals (1322)
webdocs (198)
other (116)

Webdocs contains documents written for publication on the Web.

Other resources are:

WeaveTech archives (40)
Bibliographic material

There also are pages with links for all documents on specific topics, by language and by specific weaving topics:

weaving topics

In addition, recent additions for all types of documents are listed on monthly pages. The page for the current month is updated as material is added.

The current month is on


The pages for specific months are named by year and month. For example, additions for January 2007 are on 2007-01.html. Recent monthly pages are

| March 2010 | April 2010 | May 2010 | June 2010 |

Note: Some links on older monthly pages may be obsolete as the result of subsequent re-organization.

Many documents in the archive are available onCDs.

Handweaving.net's store also offers many other CDs about weaving and related subjects.

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Use the search engine below to find material of interest. This search engine covers the entire Department of Computer Science Web site, so you may get some hits that are not relevant.