Ph.D. Dissertations | EECS at UC Berkeley (original) (raw)
Ph.D. Dissertations - David A. Patterson
A Highly Productive Implementation of an Out-of-Order Processor Generator
Christopher Celio [2017]
Scalable Systems and Algorithms for Genomic Variant Analysis
Frank Nothaft [2017]
Design of the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture
Andrew Waterman [2016]
Productive Design of Extensible On-Chip Memory Hierarchies
Henry Cook [2016]
Understanding and Improving Graph Algorithm Performance
Scott Beamer [2016]
Leveraging Similar Regions to Improve Genome Data Processing
Kristal Curtis [2015]
Optimizing Resource Allocations for Dynamic Interactive Applications
Sarah Bird [2014]
Scale-Independent Relational Query Processing
Michael Armbrust [2013]
Using FPGAs to Simulate Novel Datacenter Network Architectures At Scale
Zhangxi Tan [2013]
The Path of the Blind Watchmaker: A Model of Evolution
Andrew Anthony Poggio [2011]
Automating Datacenter Operations Using Machine Learning
Peter Bodik [2010]
System Problem Detection by Mining Console Logs
Wei Xu [2010]
Predicting and Optimizing System Utilization and Performance via Statistical Machine Learning
Archana Sulochana Ganapathi [2009]
Auto-tuning Performance on Multicore Computers
Samuel Webb Williams [2008]
Low-complexity Vector Microprocessor Extensions
Joseph James Gebis [2008]
Improving Robustness, Manageability, and Performance of Internet-Scale Applications via Query and Actuation
David L. Oppenheimer [2005]
A Recovery-Oriented Approach to Dependable Services: Repairing Past Errors with System-Wide Undo
Aaron Baeten Brown [2003]
An Empirical Approach to Grouping and Segmentation
David Royal Martin [2002]
Researching System Administration
Eric A. Anderson [2002]
Scalable Vector Media-processors for Embedded Systems
Christoforos Kozyrakis [2002]
Reducing the Cost of System Administration of a Disk Storage System Built from Commodity Components
Satoshi Asami [2000]
Characterizing Large Storage Systems: Error Behavior and Performance Benchmarks
Nisha Darshi Talagala [1999]
Computer Architecture Support for Database Applications
Kimberly K. Keeton [1999]
Performance Availability for Networks of Workstations
Remzi H. Arpaci [1999]
Evaluation of a Commercial Microprocessor
Robert Yung [1998]
Serverless Network File Systems
Michael Donald Dahlin [1995]
Code Optimizers and Register Organizations for Vector Architectures
Corinna Grace Lee [1992]
Input-Output Performance Evaluation: Self-Scaling Benchmarks, Predicted Performance
Peter Ming-Chien Chen [1992]
Design and Evaluation of the SPUR LISP Architecture
George S. Taylor [1991]
Redundant Disk Arrays: Reliable, Parallel Secondary Storage
Garth Alan Gibson [1991]
Performance, Resources, and Complexity: A Systematic Approach to Microarchitectural Design
Shing Ip Kong [1989]
Coprocessor Architectures for VLSI
Paul Mark Hansen [1988]
VLSI Design Techniques for Floating-Point Computation
Bidyut Kumar Bose [1988]
Aspects of Cache Memory and Instruction Buffer Performance
Mark Donald Hill [1987]
The Design and Evaluation of A High Performance Smalltalk System
David Michael Ungar [1986]
Evaluation of Single and Multiple Processor Office Workstations
Robert D. Selinger [1983]