Riste Temjanovski | University Goce Delcev (original) (raw)
Papers by Riste Temjanovski
One of the key elements of economic development is the private business sector i.e. entrepreneurs... more One of the key elements of economic development is the private business sector i.e. entrepreneurs with strong and durable competitive advantage. Entrepreneurs are being recognized as the driving force of higher employment rates, improved standard of living, production of value-added products and services, increased innovation, and in general, as the creator of strong economies. The main goal of this analysis is to prove that some specific factors of the internal (customer orientation degree through consumer analysis and response to consumer demands, as a part of the companies' market orientation and strategy), micro (bargaining power of suppliers and consumers, possibility of new entrants, intensity of competition) and macro (changes in technology, market turbulence, demand growth) environment directly affect the market share and profitability of the companies in a developing economy and thus, enable the companies to focus on the ones of importance, which will allow more efficient allocation of scarce business resources. The study is based on the hypothesis of linear dependence of business performance of the specific environment factors. The analysis is conducted on the base of parametric statistics and the tests of Pearson correlation and linear regression. The methodology included both quantitative and qualitative research methods, comprising of the techniques of structured survey and semi-structured interviews with managers of domestic companies. The descriptive statistics shows that: the domestic companies have on average low to medium levels of consumer orientation; the factors of the micro environment make the market a highly competitive one; the macro environment on the domestic market is defined through high market turbulence, frequent changes in technology and medium demand growth. The deductive statistics shows that the strongest influence on the business performance comes from internal environment factors i.e. customer orientation. Additionally, significant inter-correlation has been found between factors of the macro environment i.e. changes in technology and demand growth, which also affect business performance i.e. market share. The conclusion states that in a developing economy, where the intensity of competition and market turbulence is high, companies can evolve to the stage of growth, development, better business performance and stronger market position through changes in internal factors regarding strategy and market orientation, i.e. consumer / customer orientation.
Journal of earth science and engineering, Apr 28, 2015
Globalization and information technologies are new realities that have brought profound changes i... more Globalization and information technologies are new realities that have brought profound changes in lifestyles worldwide. This is reshaping the overall pattern of life custom, cultural production, consumption and trade in a world increasingly filled with changes and economic diversity. In an age of globalization, often ask questions and discussions concerning about successes and vitalities of nations. Globalization and technological revolutions race ahead and transform the world, and how to traces the real business to success. There are thousands of good examples where any nations have shown entrepreneurial talents and have succeeded. It is culture that principally explains, in many cases, or geographical pattern where some countries are developing more rapidly and more successfully than others. How to explain economic success of this nation's miracles or simple the secret is creative entrepreneurships? This paper explores the complex interactions between the geographic pattern from one side and cultural, technological and social aspects of entrepreneurship from other side which generates the dynamic processes of the world economy. In this era of transformation, creativity and knowledge entrepreneurship are powerful tools of fostering economic progress and development.
Journal of Economics
It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work ... more It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work in the field. Journal of Economics carries original and full-length articles that reflect the latest research and developments in both theoretical and practical aspects of economics,finance, business and management.
Последните трендови на глобалната економија, сè поголемите барања на производителите, дистрибутер... more Последните трендови на глобалната економија, сè поголемите барања на производителите, дистрибутерите и потрошувачите, го зголемува конкурентскиот притисок кај сите пазарни актери, што несомнено ја наметнува и потребата за примена на нови стратегии и повисок степен на ефективно планирање, координација и соработка меѓу националните економии и компаниите ширум светот. Во тој поглед посебно се поставува прашањето како да се подобрат состојбите кај оние економии кои немаат директен излез на море, а со тоа се доведуваат во ситуација на „географска хендикепираност“ во однос на земјите со директен пристап до морските пловни патишта. И покрај фактот што земјите во развој имаат свој специфичен начин на развој на економска и социјална благосостојба, државите без излез на море се во многу полоша состојба поради нивниот карактеристичен географски хендикеп. Континенталните земји не само што се соочуваат со предизвикот на оддалеченост и изолација, предизвик за нив претставува и зависноста од транз...
Крајниот успех на производот се проценува врз основа на степенот на неговата прифатеност од стран... more Крајниот успех на производот се проценува врз основа на степенот на неговата прифатеност од страна на потрошувачите на пазарот. Во трудот, поради честиот и забрзан пласман на нови/модификувани производи во рамки на различни индустрии и пазари, подетално е анализирана теоријата за „дифузија на иновации“. Според оваа теорија, процесот на прифаќање и усвојување на производот на пазарот познат како дифузија е всушност, процес на комуницирање на иновацијата преку одредени канали (масовни медиуми и интер-персонални канали), во тек на време, помеѓу припадници на одреден социјален систем. За претпријатијата, при пласирање на нови производи на пaзарот е значајно да ги знаат основните фактори кои го условуваат прифаќањето на иновацијата и ја забрзуваат стапката на прифаќање. Процесот на дифузија подразбира и познавање и предвидување на однесувањето на потрошувачите. Во оваа насока, од особено значење е анализирање на однесувањето на различните типови на потрошувачите при прифаќање на нови про...
Urban areas have always been the center of increased economic activity in the spatial sphere. It ... more Urban areas have always been the center of increased economic activity in the spatial sphere. It is estimated that cities' contribution to national GDP is more than 80 percent of total GDP. The role of cities in the spatial sector, their spatial expansion and population growth, increasing social, economic, political and cultural impacts have been accompanied by a number of transport problems. Having a sustainable transport system is not only an option but a necessity and a natural legality to meet the growing demand, as well as to maintain the quality of life for city dwellers. A sustainable logistic system also requires the provision of a diverse, integrated and balanced public transport service and manage freight transport operations. This particularly applies to freight traffic in urban areas. With the increase in economic activity and the growing population in cities, freight traffic needs are increasing. It is estimated that about 10% of total traffic is related to freight ...
Проблематиката на формирањето на цените се вбројува меѓу најзначајните прашања и проблеми во прим... more Проблематиката на формирањето на цените се вбројува меѓу најзначајните прашања и проблеми во примената на маркетинг концептот на работење и воопшто во функционирањето на стопанските и нестопанските субјекти. Ситуацијата од аспект на оваа проблематика во рамките на нашите домашни претпријатија е на незавидно ниво, односно истите применуваат премногу поедноставени или упростени методи при формирањето на цените на своите производи/услуги, одредуваат цени кои инволвираат преголеми трошоци, одредуваат цени кои не го земаат предвид остатокот од маркетинг миксот, вклучуваат многу малку критериуми при формирањето на цената и тешко ги алоцираат придонесите во вкупниот профит од секој производ/услуга поединечно. Уште помалку, претпријатијата обрнуваат внимание на усогласеност на цената со фазата од животниот циклус во која се наоѓа производот
Во центарот на современото општество, економските турбуленции и технолошкиот развој не се природн... more Во центарот на современото општество, економските турбуленции и технолошкиот развој не се природните ресурси и природни благосостојба. Тоа е информацијата. Ние живееме во свет богат со информации и технологија каде секојдневно огромни количини на информации се рапидно се зголемуваат. Во оваа ера на глобализација, безжична технологија, иновации и зголемената конкуренција, се чини дека контролата на информации е креативната сила. Но, како да се пренасочи информацијата во креативност. Креативност е ментален и социјален процес кој се користи за генерирање на идеи, концепти и здруженија кои водат кон експлоатација на нови идеи. Овој труд одговара на растечката важност на информаците, знаењето и поконкретно на улогата на информациите и креативноста, како средство за справување со идните предизвици во контекст на глобализираната економија. Клучни зборови: информации, знаење, иновации, креативност, технологиј
This paper analyzes the importance of strategic business units in the marketing operations of com... more This paper analyzes the importance of strategic business units in the marketing operations of companies, as well as the tools that help in evaluating them and making business decisions. Strategic business units are defined as different businesses that can be of any size but must have a separate and unique mission, existing competitors, an external focus on the market and control over the functions. The analysis indicates the benefits of these and shows ways to determine the need for investing or dis-investing in them. The tools for evaluating them are the VRIO model according to which the unit should function on the basis of key competencies, i.e. the capability and capacities of the enterprise for internal integration, coordination and utilization of resources and BCG matrix, for determining the competitive position of the strategic business unit, relative to the largest competitor in the market of the same product category. The paper is important due to its contributing to the pop...
The most common response that researchers face in terms of whether the promotional (communication... more The most common response that researchers face in terms of whether the promotional (communication) messages placed by various institutions, organizations, companies, and / or people affect people is that they do not affect them. In contrast, when respondents are asked if they think that such messages affect others, the answer is most often confirmatory, with strong conviction. In such a perception, there is an overestimation of the effect of communication messages on generalized others and underestimation of the effect of messages on oneself. Except in cases where promotional messages can be considered positive as is the case with raising citizens' awareness of important social issues, the ability for promotional messages to influence our attitudes and behavior should be taken seriously, especially in the direction of better educating the population about the potential harmful effects, manipulation of opinion, attitudes and behavior (creating a consumerist society), as well as t...
The recession leads to an increase in the number of closed businesses and increase in the partici... more The recession leads to an increase in the number of closed businesses and increase in the participation of bankruptcy within these closures. The closure of companies creates social costs, especially in case of bankruptcy, but on the other hand taking into account that first least efficient enterprises fail, it may have positive implications, i.e. the death of these companies creates an increase in the average productivity of labor and free space in the market for new companies or new activities by existing companies. New initiatives may include a wide range of business opportunities - from creating new combinations to use new opportunities for existing or new markets. According to The Economist (2009:18), the crisis is a time when small and medium enterprises (SMEs) rather than replacing existing products and services, promote innovation and meet new needs. A large number of SMEs change operation strategy in time of crisis, and also see the crisis as an opportunity to establish prec...
Globalization as a concept is basically the integration and mixing of cultural diversity, economi... more Globalization as a concept is basically the integration and mixing of cultural diversity, economic and infrastructural benefits, through the expansion of transnational investments, information and communication technologies. Countries around the world are continually making efforts to deal with global marketing trends by delivering their products and services outside their countries. Globalization has rolled its roots in all spheres of marketing operations, ranging from production to modernization of distribution channels. Logistic systems, as part of the supply chain, are continually influenced by innovation and global challenges. Logistics, in addition to the process of moving, storing and flowing goods, services and information inside and outside the organization today is a much wider and more complex concept. The globalization process has also imposed structural changes in logistics systems, supply chain management, transport regulations, company organizational structures, value...
Транспортната инфраструктура претста-вува 'рбетен столб и основна артерија за добро функциони... more Транспортната инфраструктура претста-вува 'рбетен столб и основна артерија за добро функционирање на економските активности на секоја земја и клучен фактор за нејзино поврзување со бизнис пазарите ширум светот. Економските придобивки од инвестициите во транспортната инфраструктура се долгорочна конкурентност, продуктивност, иновации, пониски цени и повисоки приходи, кои се од клучно значење за економскиот просперитет на секое општество. Несомнено, транспортните погодности се во пораст во актуелната политика на секое општество, особено денес во ерата на глобализацијата. Секоја економија на национално и регионално ниво, мора да го развива интересот во ревитализација на своите транспортни системи и да биде во чекор со глобалните предизвици. Транспортот претставува еден од најзначајните фактори за економски развој присутен во сите сфери на човековите активности. Тој овозможува зголемена мобилност и поврзување на сите дестинации ширум светот, ја стимулира трговијата, формира нови паз...
No country in the world has grown on a sustained basis in recent decades without successfully int... more No country in the world has grown on a sustained basis in recent decades without successfully integrating into global markets. Openness of a country’s goods markets enables growth, facilitating technology transfer, increasing competition and benefiting consumers. Global deciscions making strategy in many countries must be primarily in accordance with the geographical positions, degree of development of transport infrastructure, economical and political policies of the country and neigbourhoods. EU’ countries underline that the development and maintenance of transit transport and information and communications technology infrastructure are crucial to reduce high trading costs, improve their competitiveness and become fully integrated in the global market. The global market articulates new transport models and technology in order to reduce high trading costs, improve their competitiveness and obtain better market performance. The firms with international sign underline that the develo...
Recent trends in the global economy, growing demand by producers, distributors and consumers, inc... more Recent trends in the global economy, growing demand by producers, distributors and consumers, increasing competitive pressure in all market actors, which undoubtedly implies the need for implementing new strategies and a higher level of effective planning, coordination and cooperation between national economies and companies worldwide. In this regard, particular question is how to improve conditions in those economies that have no direct outlet to the sea, and thus lead to a situation of "geographical handicap" in terms of countries with direct access to the marine waterways. Despite the fact that all developing countries have some way to go to economic and social welfare, the landlocked states have done worse as a result of their distinctive geographic handicaps. Landlocked countries not only face the challenge of long distance and isolation, but also the challenges that result from a dependence on passage through a sovereign transit country, one through which trade from ...
Во трудот се анализира значењето и намената на маркетинг планот, како клучна алатка во рамките на... more Во трудот се анализира значењето и намената на маркетинг планот, како клучна алатка во рамките на стратешката деловна активност - маркетинг планирање. Преку проучување на бројна литература, ги објаснуваме различните размислувања на темата, ги прикажуваме придобивките од маркетинг планот, со цел да се покаже неговата корисност и потребата од негова употреба во рамки на работењето на деловните субјекти. Воочено е дека размислувањето за чекорите пред тие да бидат направени, давањето на фокус на менаџерите и идентификување на области за подобрување се некои од клучните предности на планирањето. Се посочува дека во случај кога компанијата е високо пазарно ориентирана и во целост го има прифатено и работи врз основа на филозофијата на маркетинг концептот, корпоративниот план би требало да биде многу близок, ако не и идентичен со маркетинг планот. Маркетинг планирањето е исто така многу важно за он-лајн стратегијата и е-бизнисот. Планот за е-бизнис може да се креира како посебен документ и...
Communicating an appropriate, timely defined message to the target audience is a key element in t... more Communicating an appropriate, timely defined message to the target audience is a key element in the process of marketing communication with the consumer. The promotional strategy of an enterprise should be created by a professional team that distinguishes the target consumers from the general public, knows the vision, mission and portfolio of the company in details. The primary goal should be achieved with the promotional message that will be presented to current and potential users of the products/services. Therefore the importance of the precise approach in the process of creation of the promotional message should be in terms of encoding, choice of the device, media and media plan, i.e. the time aspect of the broadcast. The research indicates that it is a common practice in our national companies to leave the realization of this issue entirely to the media, or the message to be created by the owner or employees who do not have appropriate knowledge for successful implementation of...
One of the key elements of economic development is the private business sector i.e. entrepreneurs... more One of the key elements of economic development is the private business sector i.e. entrepreneurs with strong and durable competitive advantage. Entrepreneurs are being recognized as the driving force of higher employment rates, improved standard of living, production of value-added products and services, increased innovation, and in general, as the creator of strong economies. The main goal of this analysis is to prove that some specific factors of the internal (customer orientation degree through consumer analysis and response to consumer demands, as a part of the companies’ market orientation and strategy), micro (bargaining power of suppliers and consumers, possibility of new entrants, intensity of competition) and macro (changes in technology, market turbulence, demand growth) environment directly affect the market share and profitability of the companies in a developing economy and thus, enable the companies to focus on the ones of importance, which will allow more efficient a...
Journal of Economics, 2016
Contemporary business experience indicated that nation’s governments have a crucial role to play ... more Contemporary business experience indicated that nation’s governments have a crucial role to play in establishing macroeconomic stability and providing stable political, legal, sound macroeconomic policies, and social institutions. These prerequisites create the potential for improving national prosperity. Governments can play an important role in promoting productivity growth, through investing in infrastructure and skills, promoting macroeconomic stability, and providing appropriate microeconomics frameworks. Infrastructure investment increases the country’s capital stock and the efficiency with which private sector resources can be used. Public and private investment in education and training results in a workforce with a better mix of skills leading to potentially higher degree of productivity, higher competitiveness, lower unemployment and increased incomes and living standards. Public investigations that improve the quality and efficiency of infrastructure markets and education...
The significance of the distribution strategy stems from its participation in the costs included ... more The significance of the distribution strategy stems from its participation in the costs included in the price, the conditioning of the information in the promotional message, the connection with the desired market position of the product. The distribution includes management of all functions (physical flow, promotion, ordering and payment information, negotiation, risk taking) involved in the channel. Distribution channels should not perform merely a simple function of serving, i.e. market sales, but should also serve to intensify the demand for existing products, develop new markets, and provide better position of the enterprise on the market. An important starting point in designing channel strategy is the marketing strategy, which must be reinforced by the method and type of distribution. When choosing, the company should take into consideration the positive correlation of the simultaneous use of multiple channels with the success of the brand, and the need for intensive distribu...
One of the key elements of economic development is the private business sector i.e. entrepreneurs... more One of the key elements of economic development is the private business sector i.e. entrepreneurs with strong and durable competitive advantage. Entrepreneurs are being recognized as the driving force of higher employment rates, improved standard of living, production of value-added products and services, increased innovation, and in general, as the creator of strong economies. The main goal of this analysis is to prove that some specific factors of the internal (customer orientation degree through consumer analysis and response to consumer demands, as a part of the companies' market orientation and strategy), micro (bargaining power of suppliers and consumers, possibility of new entrants, intensity of competition) and macro (changes in technology, market turbulence, demand growth) environment directly affect the market share and profitability of the companies in a developing economy and thus, enable the companies to focus on the ones of importance, which will allow more efficient allocation of scarce business resources. The study is based on the hypothesis of linear dependence of business performance of the specific environment factors. The analysis is conducted on the base of parametric statistics and the tests of Pearson correlation and linear regression. The methodology included both quantitative and qualitative research methods, comprising of the techniques of structured survey and semi-structured interviews with managers of domestic companies. The descriptive statistics shows that: the domestic companies have on average low to medium levels of consumer orientation; the factors of the micro environment make the market a highly competitive one; the macro environment on the domestic market is defined through high market turbulence, frequent changes in technology and medium demand growth. The deductive statistics shows that the strongest influence on the business performance comes from internal environment factors i.e. customer orientation. Additionally, significant inter-correlation has been found between factors of the macro environment i.e. changes in technology and demand growth, which also affect business performance i.e. market share. The conclusion states that in a developing economy, where the intensity of competition and market turbulence is high, companies can evolve to the stage of growth, development, better business performance and stronger market position through changes in internal factors regarding strategy and market orientation, i.e. consumer / customer orientation.
Journal of earth science and engineering, Apr 28, 2015
Globalization and information technologies are new realities that have brought profound changes i... more Globalization and information technologies are new realities that have brought profound changes in lifestyles worldwide. This is reshaping the overall pattern of life custom, cultural production, consumption and trade in a world increasingly filled with changes and economic diversity. In an age of globalization, often ask questions and discussions concerning about successes and vitalities of nations. Globalization and technological revolutions race ahead and transform the world, and how to traces the real business to success. There are thousands of good examples where any nations have shown entrepreneurial talents and have succeeded. It is culture that principally explains, in many cases, or geographical pattern where some countries are developing more rapidly and more successfully than others. How to explain economic success of this nation's miracles or simple the secret is creative entrepreneurships? This paper explores the complex interactions between the geographic pattern from one side and cultural, technological and social aspects of entrepreneurship from other side which generates the dynamic processes of the world economy. In this era of transformation, creativity and knowledge entrepreneurship are powerful tools of fostering economic progress and development.
Journal of Economics
It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work ... more It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work in the field. Journal of Economics carries original and full-length articles that reflect the latest research and developments in both theoretical and practical aspects of economics,finance, business and management.
Последните трендови на глобалната економија, сè поголемите барања на производителите, дистрибутер... more Последните трендови на глобалната економија, сè поголемите барања на производителите, дистрибутерите и потрошувачите, го зголемува конкурентскиот притисок кај сите пазарни актери, што несомнено ја наметнува и потребата за примена на нови стратегии и повисок степен на ефективно планирање, координација и соработка меѓу националните економии и компаниите ширум светот. Во тој поглед посебно се поставува прашањето како да се подобрат состојбите кај оние економии кои немаат директен излез на море, а со тоа се доведуваат во ситуација на „географска хендикепираност“ во однос на земјите со директен пристап до морските пловни патишта. И покрај фактот што земјите во развој имаат свој специфичен начин на развој на економска и социјална благосостојба, државите без излез на море се во многу полоша состојба поради нивниот карактеристичен географски хендикеп. Континенталните земји не само што се соочуваат со предизвикот на оддалеченост и изолација, предизвик за нив претставува и зависноста од транз...
Крајниот успех на производот се проценува врз основа на степенот на неговата прифатеност од стран... more Крајниот успех на производот се проценува врз основа на степенот на неговата прифатеност од страна на потрошувачите на пазарот. Во трудот, поради честиот и забрзан пласман на нови/модификувани производи во рамки на различни индустрии и пазари, подетално е анализирана теоријата за „дифузија на иновации“. Според оваа теорија, процесот на прифаќање и усвојување на производот на пазарот познат како дифузија е всушност, процес на комуницирање на иновацијата преку одредени канали (масовни медиуми и интер-персонални канали), во тек на време, помеѓу припадници на одреден социјален систем. За претпријатијата, при пласирање на нови производи на пaзарот е значајно да ги знаат основните фактори кои го условуваат прифаќањето на иновацијата и ја забрзуваат стапката на прифаќање. Процесот на дифузија подразбира и познавање и предвидување на однесувањето на потрошувачите. Во оваа насока, од особено значење е анализирање на однесувањето на различните типови на потрошувачите при прифаќање на нови про...
Urban areas have always been the center of increased economic activity in the spatial sphere. It ... more Urban areas have always been the center of increased economic activity in the spatial sphere. It is estimated that cities' contribution to national GDP is more than 80 percent of total GDP. The role of cities in the spatial sector, their spatial expansion and population growth, increasing social, economic, political and cultural impacts have been accompanied by a number of transport problems. Having a sustainable transport system is not only an option but a necessity and a natural legality to meet the growing demand, as well as to maintain the quality of life for city dwellers. A sustainable logistic system also requires the provision of a diverse, integrated and balanced public transport service and manage freight transport operations. This particularly applies to freight traffic in urban areas. With the increase in economic activity and the growing population in cities, freight traffic needs are increasing. It is estimated that about 10% of total traffic is related to freight ...
Проблематиката на формирањето на цените се вбројува меѓу најзначајните прашања и проблеми во прим... more Проблематиката на формирањето на цените се вбројува меѓу најзначајните прашања и проблеми во примената на маркетинг концептот на работење и воопшто во функционирањето на стопанските и нестопанските субјекти. Ситуацијата од аспект на оваа проблематика во рамките на нашите домашни претпријатија е на незавидно ниво, односно истите применуваат премногу поедноставени или упростени методи при формирањето на цените на своите производи/услуги, одредуваат цени кои инволвираат преголеми трошоци, одредуваат цени кои не го земаат предвид остатокот од маркетинг миксот, вклучуваат многу малку критериуми при формирањето на цената и тешко ги алоцираат придонесите во вкупниот профит од секој производ/услуга поединечно. Уште помалку, претпријатијата обрнуваат внимание на усогласеност на цената со фазата од животниот циклус во која се наоѓа производот
Во центарот на современото општество, економските турбуленции и технолошкиот развој не се природн... more Во центарот на современото општество, економските турбуленции и технолошкиот развој не се природните ресурси и природни благосостојба. Тоа е информацијата. Ние живееме во свет богат со информации и технологија каде секојдневно огромни количини на информации се рапидно се зголемуваат. Во оваа ера на глобализација, безжична технологија, иновации и зголемената конкуренција, се чини дека контролата на информации е креативната сила. Но, како да се пренасочи информацијата во креативност. Креативност е ментален и социјален процес кој се користи за генерирање на идеи, концепти и здруженија кои водат кон експлоатација на нови идеи. Овој труд одговара на растечката важност на информаците, знаењето и поконкретно на улогата на информациите и креативноста, како средство за справување со идните предизвици во контекст на глобализираната економија. Клучни зборови: информации, знаење, иновации, креативност, технологиј
This paper analyzes the importance of strategic business units in the marketing operations of com... more This paper analyzes the importance of strategic business units in the marketing operations of companies, as well as the tools that help in evaluating them and making business decisions. Strategic business units are defined as different businesses that can be of any size but must have a separate and unique mission, existing competitors, an external focus on the market and control over the functions. The analysis indicates the benefits of these and shows ways to determine the need for investing or dis-investing in them. The tools for evaluating them are the VRIO model according to which the unit should function on the basis of key competencies, i.e. the capability and capacities of the enterprise for internal integration, coordination and utilization of resources and BCG matrix, for determining the competitive position of the strategic business unit, relative to the largest competitor in the market of the same product category. The paper is important due to its contributing to the pop...
The most common response that researchers face in terms of whether the promotional (communication... more The most common response that researchers face in terms of whether the promotional (communication) messages placed by various institutions, organizations, companies, and / or people affect people is that they do not affect them. In contrast, when respondents are asked if they think that such messages affect others, the answer is most often confirmatory, with strong conviction. In such a perception, there is an overestimation of the effect of communication messages on generalized others and underestimation of the effect of messages on oneself. Except in cases where promotional messages can be considered positive as is the case with raising citizens' awareness of important social issues, the ability for promotional messages to influence our attitudes and behavior should be taken seriously, especially in the direction of better educating the population about the potential harmful effects, manipulation of opinion, attitudes and behavior (creating a consumerist society), as well as t...
The recession leads to an increase in the number of closed businesses and increase in the partici... more The recession leads to an increase in the number of closed businesses and increase in the participation of bankruptcy within these closures. The closure of companies creates social costs, especially in case of bankruptcy, but on the other hand taking into account that first least efficient enterprises fail, it may have positive implications, i.e. the death of these companies creates an increase in the average productivity of labor and free space in the market for new companies or new activities by existing companies. New initiatives may include a wide range of business opportunities - from creating new combinations to use new opportunities for existing or new markets. According to The Economist (2009:18), the crisis is a time when small and medium enterprises (SMEs) rather than replacing existing products and services, promote innovation and meet new needs. A large number of SMEs change operation strategy in time of crisis, and also see the crisis as an opportunity to establish prec...
Globalization as a concept is basically the integration and mixing of cultural diversity, economi... more Globalization as a concept is basically the integration and mixing of cultural diversity, economic and infrastructural benefits, through the expansion of transnational investments, information and communication technologies. Countries around the world are continually making efforts to deal with global marketing trends by delivering their products and services outside their countries. Globalization has rolled its roots in all spheres of marketing operations, ranging from production to modernization of distribution channels. Logistic systems, as part of the supply chain, are continually influenced by innovation and global challenges. Logistics, in addition to the process of moving, storing and flowing goods, services and information inside and outside the organization today is a much wider and more complex concept. The globalization process has also imposed structural changes in logistics systems, supply chain management, transport regulations, company organizational structures, value...
Транспортната инфраструктура претста-вува 'рбетен столб и основна артерија за добро функциони... more Транспортната инфраструктура претста-вува 'рбетен столб и основна артерија за добро функционирање на економските активности на секоја земја и клучен фактор за нејзино поврзување со бизнис пазарите ширум светот. Економските придобивки од инвестициите во транспортната инфраструктура се долгорочна конкурентност, продуктивност, иновации, пониски цени и повисоки приходи, кои се од клучно значење за економскиот просперитет на секое општество. Несомнено, транспортните погодности се во пораст во актуелната политика на секое општество, особено денес во ерата на глобализацијата. Секоја економија на национално и регионално ниво, мора да го развива интересот во ревитализација на своите транспортни системи и да биде во чекор со глобалните предизвици. Транспортот претставува еден од најзначајните фактори за економски развој присутен во сите сфери на човековите активности. Тој овозможува зголемена мобилност и поврзување на сите дестинации ширум светот, ја стимулира трговијата, формира нови паз...
No country in the world has grown on a sustained basis in recent decades without successfully int... more No country in the world has grown on a sustained basis in recent decades without successfully integrating into global markets. Openness of a country’s goods markets enables growth, facilitating technology transfer, increasing competition and benefiting consumers. Global deciscions making strategy in many countries must be primarily in accordance with the geographical positions, degree of development of transport infrastructure, economical and political policies of the country and neigbourhoods. EU’ countries underline that the development and maintenance of transit transport and information and communications technology infrastructure are crucial to reduce high trading costs, improve their competitiveness and become fully integrated in the global market. The global market articulates new transport models and technology in order to reduce high trading costs, improve their competitiveness and obtain better market performance. The firms with international sign underline that the develo...
Recent trends in the global economy, growing demand by producers, distributors and consumers, inc... more Recent trends in the global economy, growing demand by producers, distributors and consumers, increasing competitive pressure in all market actors, which undoubtedly implies the need for implementing new strategies and a higher level of effective planning, coordination and cooperation between national economies and companies worldwide. In this regard, particular question is how to improve conditions in those economies that have no direct outlet to the sea, and thus lead to a situation of "geographical handicap" in terms of countries with direct access to the marine waterways. Despite the fact that all developing countries have some way to go to economic and social welfare, the landlocked states have done worse as a result of their distinctive geographic handicaps. Landlocked countries not only face the challenge of long distance and isolation, but also the challenges that result from a dependence on passage through a sovereign transit country, one through which trade from ...
Во трудот се анализира значењето и намената на маркетинг планот, како клучна алатка во рамките на... more Во трудот се анализира значењето и намената на маркетинг планот, како клучна алатка во рамките на стратешката деловна активност - маркетинг планирање. Преку проучување на бројна литература, ги објаснуваме различните размислувања на темата, ги прикажуваме придобивките од маркетинг планот, со цел да се покаже неговата корисност и потребата од негова употреба во рамки на работењето на деловните субјекти. Воочено е дека размислувањето за чекорите пред тие да бидат направени, давањето на фокус на менаџерите и идентификување на области за подобрување се некои од клучните предности на планирањето. Се посочува дека во случај кога компанијата е високо пазарно ориентирана и во целост го има прифатено и работи врз основа на филозофијата на маркетинг концептот, корпоративниот план би требало да биде многу близок, ако не и идентичен со маркетинг планот. Маркетинг планирањето е исто така многу важно за он-лајн стратегијата и е-бизнисот. Планот за е-бизнис може да се креира како посебен документ и...
Communicating an appropriate, timely defined message to the target audience is a key element in t... more Communicating an appropriate, timely defined message to the target audience is a key element in the process of marketing communication with the consumer. The promotional strategy of an enterprise should be created by a professional team that distinguishes the target consumers from the general public, knows the vision, mission and portfolio of the company in details. The primary goal should be achieved with the promotional message that will be presented to current and potential users of the products/services. Therefore the importance of the precise approach in the process of creation of the promotional message should be in terms of encoding, choice of the device, media and media plan, i.e. the time aspect of the broadcast. The research indicates that it is a common practice in our national companies to leave the realization of this issue entirely to the media, or the message to be created by the owner or employees who do not have appropriate knowledge for successful implementation of...
One of the key elements of economic development is the private business sector i.e. entrepreneurs... more One of the key elements of economic development is the private business sector i.e. entrepreneurs with strong and durable competitive advantage. Entrepreneurs are being recognized as the driving force of higher employment rates, improved standard of living, production of value-added products and services, increased innovation, and in general, as the creator of strong economies. The main goal of this analysis is to prove that some specific factors of the internal (customer orientation degree through consumer analysis and response to consumer demands, as a part of the companies’ market orientation and strategy), micro (bargaining power of suppliers and consumers, possibility of new entrants, intensity of competition) and macro (changes in technology, market turbulence, demand growth) environment directly affect the market share and profitability of the companies in a developing economy and thus, enable the companies to focus on the ones of importance, which will allow more efficient a...
Journal of Economics, 2016
Contemporary business experience indicated that nation’s governments have a crucial role to play ... more Contemporary business experience indicated that nation’s governments have a crucial role to play in establishing macroeconomic stability and providing stable political, legal, sound macroeconomic policies, and social institutions. These prerequisites create the potential for improving national prosperity. Governments can play an important role in promoting productivity growth, through investing in infrastructure and skills, promoting macroeconomic stability, and providing appropriate microeconomics frameworks. Infrastructure investment increases the country’s capital stock and the efficiency with which private sector resources can be used. Public and private investment in education and training results in a workforce with a better mix of skills leading to potentially higher degree of productivity, higher competitiveness, lower unemployment and increased incomes and living standards. Public investigations that improve the quality and efficiency of infrastructure markets and education...
The significance of the distribution strategy stems from its participation in the costs included ... more The significance of the distribution strategy stems from its participation in the costs included in the price, the conditioning of the information in the promotional message, the connection with the desired market position of the product. The distribution includes management of all functions (physical flow, promotion, ordering and payment information, negotiation, risk taking) involved in the channel. Distribution channels should not perform merely a simple function of serving, i.e. market sales, but should also serve to intensify the demand for existing products, develop new markets, and provide better position of the enterprise on the market. An important starting point in designing channel strategy is the marketing strategy, which must be reinforced by the method and type of distribution. When choosing, the company should take into consideration the positive correlation of the simultaneous use of multiple channels with the success of the brand, and the need for intensive distribu...