Snezana Kirova | University Goce Delcev (original) (raw)
Papers by Snezana Kirova
What should the family represent? In an ideal variant, it is a place where people act generously ... more What should the family represent? In an ideal variant, it is a place where people act generously to each other or where the interests of the family are put before the interests of others. But, nowadays family is undergoing a crisis and that is why it is not seen as a “holly” place for growing up, but as a “necessary reality”. The family is a primary spontaneous school, but it doesn’t act in an organized and intentional manner: we do not planit, we do not build it purposely, in the same way that we cannot plan our children – they are mostly born and they live in an emotional relation between the husband and the wife. There are opinions that the condition in the family is to be blamed for all the disturbances in the behavior of children and young people (this refers to incomplete, dysfunctional, and broken families and the conclusion is made that parents are to blame for everything). This kind of approach means that the whole development of a person is put in the frames of the theoret...
Секој наставник пред сe треба да има длабоко познавање на предметот што го предава, знаење од обл... more Секој наставник пред сe треба да има длабоко познавање на предметот што го предава, знаење од областа на потесната специјализација и професионални вештини ако тој/таа треба ефикасно да подучува. Но, дали е ова доволен предуслов за ефективна наставна пракса? Дали само темелното познавање на материјата која се предава е доволно за некој наставник да биде добар, или она што е навистина важно за студентите се човечките квалитети на наставникот? Дали студентите сметаат дека нивните наставници ги поседуваат потребните европски наставнички компетенции? Предмет на ова истражување се ставови и мислења на студенти од II и IV година од Филолошки факултет на Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ – Штип во врска со тоа дали и колку нивните наставници ги поседуваат наставничките компетенции во европска смисла кои се важен фактор за успешноста на наставата воопшто, како и на студентските постигнувања и мобилност. За оваа намена e користен анкетен лист.
Modern world trends in education that are due to the major socio-economic changes and the fast te... more Modern world trends in education that are due to the major socio-economic changes and the fast technical and technological development that had not been experienced since the invention of the Gutenberg printing press, imposed the necessity of appropriate changes in the organizational foundation of the school. The goal of these changes is to establish a process of continuous improvement of the work in the school which on the other hand will bring forth quality in education. The school is asked to adjust and to reply to the modern degree of development, to offer pleasant and warm atmosphere and to prepare students who will be able to respond to all challenges brought forth by the new times. For the school to gain the epithet modern, it has to respond to the challenges of the new times and to follow its footsteps. Modern school pushes down the boundaries imposed by the classical and traditional educational system. The formula of didactical triangle student-teacher-educational program i...
Олдос Хаксли многу размислувал за литература и тие негови размислувања останале забележани во мно... more Олдос Хаксли многу размислувал за литература и тие негови размислувања останале забележани во многу есеи и расфрлани низ неговите романи. Тој сметал дека мнозинството поети не се занимаваат со нови области туку претпочитаат да ја потврдат својата моќ во веќе испитаните области. Доминантни содржини на најголемата поезија се љубов, смрт, природа, религија: „примарни чувства и праизворни лични мистерии“ . Овие нешта за нас се опипливо материјални, што не е случај со апстракции и идеи, барем кај повеќето луѓе. Така доаѓаме до ситуација во која пред поетите лежи цел еден свет кој би можел да биде нивен но тие, од страв или поради недостиг на талент, не го земаат.
This paper deals with the problems of effective learning in environmental education, as well as w... more This paper deals with the problems of effective learning in environmental education, as well as with educational objectives, approaches to teaching, organizing basic ideas in an innovative model of environmental education. It lists the basic strategies of learning and characterizes the dominant methods. Students’ activities are organized along a five-component structured model integrating knowledge, values, ethics, skills and evaluation. The educational results evaluation criteria are presented and statistical methods are used to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching methods used in environmental education.
Macedonian language and other languages are subject to numerous changes taking into account the f... more Macedonian language and other languages are subject to numerous changes taking into account the fact that a language is a kind of living matter. In Macedonia, during the last twenty years of independence and the period of transition and democratization of society, the language is increasingly influenced by international terms, especially Anglicisms. Anglicisms are dominant because English is a world language and is spoken by approximately 1.8 billion people around the world. Today, we can safely say that there is almost no man who does not know any English because this language is all around us. It is the dominant international language in communications, diplomacy, science, media, aviation, tourism etc. Globally speaking, there are two types of Anglicisms in Macedonian language: the first type is the large number of direct borrowings that are very often used in the media without translation; the second type consists of Anglicisms transcribed in Cyrillic alphabet, with a tendency to...
Образованието е дел од воспитанието (односно, воспитание во потесна смисла) кое го опфаќа стекнув... more Образованието е дел од воспитанието (односно, воспитание во потесна смисла) кое го опфаќа стекнувањето на знаења, умеења и навики во секоја сфера од човековото живеење. Во овој труд е разработено менаџирањето во воспитно – образовната компонента во заштитата и промовирањето на животната средина која претставува значајна алка во комплексот задачи кои требада бидат програмирани и имплементирани конкретно во наставните содржини по предметот англиски јазик. Во рамките на реализацијата на проектот Интегрирано планирање на наставата за програмата „Интеграција на еколошката едукација во македонскиот образовен систем“, кој се реализира во повеќе општински основни училишта на територијата на Р. Македонија, се дистрибуираат прашалници/анкетни листови помеѓу учениците и наставниците, со цел да се утврди нивото познавањето на екологијата и животната средина кај учениците, каков е ставот на наставниците во однос на екологијата – интегрирана во наставата во основното образование, што сe се презем...
To read and interpret a literary text means to "enter" one complex set of relations. Th... more To read and interpret a literary text means to "enter" one complex set of relations. These relations ripple endlessly as a connection between words, sentences, paragraphs, chapters, even as a connection between texts, hence a text cannot be separate or partial in that set of textual relations. It is an act of exchange of meanings between the author and the reader (the student). Each text is a world for itself, so it does not allow repeatability. To read means to weave one’s own text between lines and to "migrate" it to the margins. And it is here that its meanings arise (form).
This article paints an optimistic picture of the role we second language teachers can play not on... more This article paints an optimistic picture of the role we second language teachers can play not only in improving our students’ language proficiency but also in infusing global education into our classes as we join with our students to address global concerns, such as peace, prosperity, environmental protection, and human rights. In this article, we two authors propose an optimistic view of the future of this planet. We propose that as our tiny globe spins round the sun. The means by which we have been attempting this lies in the infusion of global education into the second language curriculum. First, we describe what global education entails and provide a list of some organizations of second language teachers who include global education in their teaching. Second, we go into depth on two major areas of global education: peace education and environmental education. Third, we discuss four questions that second language teachers frequently ask about the inclusion of global education in...
This paper deals with the introduction of ecological topics into teaching EFL in English textbook... more This paper deals with the introduction of ecological topics into teaching EFL in English textbooks that being used lately in primary and secondary schools in Macedonia as well as those used for teaching courses of English. Modern and effective teaching of EFL comprises not only the learning how to speak the language fluently but also the development of the ecological awareness as, finally, this is the question that has influence on all of us, and mankind is the only power that could prevent the ecological catastrophe. The social responsibility of teachers of English and teachers generally is emphasized in relation to ecological themes.
In order to define the purpose of education and upbringing we start from the achievements in the ... more In order to define the purpose of education and upbringing we start from the achievements in the science of education (in pedagogy, developmental psychology, philosophy of education, sociology), but from our positive experiences in primary schools as well. At the same time it covers the objectives for harmonious development of students, in terms of an individual and society, as well as essential elements in the development of civic awareness and the attention of students towards their own health. It. explains what is covered by every aspect of the above goal of upbringing and education.
What should the family represent? In an ideal variant, it is a place where people act generously ... more What should the family represent? In an ideal variant, it is a place where people act generously to each other or where the interests of the family are put before the interests of others. But, nowadays family is undergoing a crisis and that is why it is not seen as a “holly” place for growing up, but as a “necessary reality”. The family is a primary spontaneous school, but it doesn’t act in an organized and intentional manner: we do not planit, we do not build it purposely, in the same way that we cannot plan our children – they are mostly born and they live in an emotional relation between the husband and the wife. There are opinions that the condition in the family is to be blamed for all the disturbances in the behavior of children and young people (this refers to incomplete, dysfunctional, and broken families and the conclusion is made that parents are to blame for everything). This kind of approach means that the whole development of a person is put in the frames of the theoret...
Секој наставник пред сe треба да има длабоко познавање на предметот што го предава, знаење од обл... more Секој наставник пред сe треба да има длабоко познавање на предметот што го предава, знаење од областа на потесната специјализација и професионални вештини ако тој/таа треба ефикасно да подучува. Но, дали е ова доволен предуслов за ефективна наставна пракса? Дали само темелното познавање на материјата која се предава е доволно за некој наставник да биде добар, или она што е навистина важно за студентите се човечките квалитети на наставникот? Дали студентите сметаат дека нивните наставници ги поседуваат потребните европски наставнички компетенции? Предмет на ова истражување се ставови и мислења на студенти од II и IV година од Филолошки факултет на Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ – Штип во врска со тоа дали и колку нивните наставници ги поседуваат наставничките компетенции во европска смисла кои се важен фактор за успешноста на наставата воопшто, како и на студентските постигнувања и мобилност. За оваа намена e користен анкетен лист.
Modern world trends in education that are due to the major socio-economic changes and the fast te... more Modern world trends in education that are due to the major socio-economic changes and the fast technical and technological development that had not been experienced since the invention of the Gutenberg printing press, imposed the necessity of appropriate changes in the organizational foundation of the school. The goal of these changes is to establish a process of continuous improvement of the work in the school which on the other hand will bring forth quality in education. The school is asked to adjust and to reply to the modern degree of development, to offer pleasant and warm atmosphere and to prepare students who will be able to respond to all challenges brought forth by the new times. For the school to gain the epithet modern, it has to respond to the challenges of the new times and to follow its footsteps. Modern school pushes down the boundaries imposed by the classical and traditional educational system. The formula of didactical triangle student-teacher-educational program i...
Олдос Хаксли многу размислувал за литература и тие негови размислувања останале забележани во мно... more Олдос Хаксли многу размислувал за литература и тие негови размислувања останале забележани во многу есеи и расфрлани низ неговите романи. Тој сметал дека мнозинството поети не се занимаваат со нови области туку претпочитаат да ја потврдат својата моќ во веќе испитаните области. Доминантни содржини на најголемата поезија се љубов, смрт, природа, религија: „примарни чувства и праизворни лични мистерии“ . Овие нешта за нас се опипливо материјални, што не е случај со апстракции и идеи, барем кај повеќето луѓе. Така доаѓаме до ситуација во која пред поетите лежи цел еден свет кој би можел да биде нивен но тие, од страв или поради недостиг на талент, не го земаат.
This paper deals with the problems of effective learning in environmental education, as well as w... more This paper deals with the problems of effective learning in environmental education, as well as with educational objectives, approaches to teaching, organizing basic ideas in an innovative model of environmental education. It lists the basic strategies of learning and characterizes the dominant methods. Students’ activities are organized along a five-component structured model integrating knowledge, values, ethics, skills and evaluation. The educational results evaluation criteria are presented and statistical methods are used to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching methods used in environmental education.
Macedonian language and other languages are subject to numerous changes taking into account the f... more Macedonian language and other languages are subject to numerous changes taking into account the fact that a language is a kind of living matter. In Macedonia, during the last twenty years of independence and the period of transition and democratization of society, the language is increasingly influenced by international terms, especially Anglicisms. Anglicisms are dominant because English is a world language and is spoken by approximately 1.8 billion people around the world. Today, we can safely say that there is almost no man who does not know any English because this language is all around us. It is the dominant international language in communications, diplomacy, science, media, aviation, tourism etc. Globally speaking, there are two types of Anglicisms in Macedonian language: the first type is the large number of direct borrowings that are very often used in the media without translation; the second type consists of Anglicisms transcribed in Cyrillic alphabet, with a tendency to...
Образованието е дел од воспитанието (односно, воспитание во потесна смисла) кое го опфаќа стекнув... more Образованието е дел од воспитанието (односно, воспитание во потесна смисла) кое го опфаќа стекнувањето на знаења, умеења и навики во секоја сфера од човековото живеење. Во овој труд е разработено менаџирањето во воспитно – образовната компонента во заштитата и промовирањето на животната средина која претставува значајна алка во комплексот задачи кои требада бидат програмирани и имплементирани конкретно во наставните содржини по предметот англиски јазик. Во рамките на реализацијата на проектот Интегрирано планирање на наставата за програмата „Интеграција на еколошката едукација во македонскиот образовен систем“, кој се реализира во повеќе општински основни училишта на територијата на Р. Македонија, се дистрибуираат прашалници/анкетни листови помеѓу учениците и наставниците, со цел да се утврди нивото познавањето на екологијата и животната средина кај учениците, каков е ставот на наставниците во однос на екологијата – интегрирана во наставата во основното образование, што сe се презем...
To read and interpret a literary text means to "enter" one complex set of relations. Th... more To read and interpret a literary text means to "enter" one complex set of relations. These relations ripple endlessly as a connection between words, sentences, paragraphs, chapters, even as a connection between texts, hence a text cannot be separate or partial in that set of textual relations. It is an act of exchange of meanings between the author and the reader (the student). Each text is a world for itself, so it does not allow repeatability. To read means to weave one’s own text between lines and to "migrate" it to the margins. And it is here that its meanings arise (form).
This article paints an optimistic picture of the role we second language teachers can play not on... more This article paints an optimistic picture of the role we second language teachers can play not only in improving our students’ language proficiency but also in infusing global education into our classes as we join with our students to address global concerns, such as peace, prosperity, environmental protection, and human rights. In this article, we two authors propose an optimistic view of the future of this planet. We propose that as our tiny globe spins round the sun. The means by which we have been attempting this lies in the infusion of global education into the second language curriculum. First, we describe what global education entails and provide a list of some organizations of second language teachers who include global education in their teaching. Second, we go into depth on two major areas of global education: peace education and environmental education. Third, we discuss four questions that second language teachers frequently ask about the inclusion of global education in...
This paper deals with the introduction of ecological topics into teaching EFL in English textbook... more This paper deals with the introduction of ecological topics into teaching EFL in English textbooks that being used lately in primary and secondary schools in Macedonia as well as those used for teaching courses of English. Modern and effective teaching of EFL comprises not only the learning how to speak the language fluently but also the development of the ecological awareness as, finally, this is the question that has influence on all of us, and mankind is the only power that could prevent the ecological catastrophe. The social responsibility of teachers of English and teachers generally is emphasized in relation to ecological themes.
In order to define the purpose of education and upbringing we start from the achievements in the ... more In order to define the purpose of education and upbringing we start from the achievements in the science of education (in pedagogy, developmental psychology, philosophy of education, sociology), but from our positive experiences in primary schools as well. At the same time it covers the objectives for harmonious development of students, in terms of an individual and society, as well as essential elements in the development of civic awareness and the attention of students towards their own health. It. explains what is covered by every aspect of the above goal of upbringing and education.