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(are you beautiful??)

[14 Apr 2005|01:19pm]

(8 think they areare you beautiful??)

purple flying monkey's are cool! [03 Aug 2004|03:21pm]
[ **mood** | energetic ] Basics.:*name// Rebecca*:.age/birthday// Almost 15! 14 more days! Aug 17th 1989.:*location// Dearborn Mi*:.sex// Female.:*nationality//Ukrainian/German/Hungarian_Do you.._ .:*drink//nope*:.smoke//noTta.:*do drugs//nooo_Either/Or_ .:*coffee or hot chocolate//Coffee*:.pants or skirts//SkiRts<33 i love them!.:*t-shirt or tank-top// Tank Tops/Camis. they r really comfy! ;-)*:.sweater or sweatshirt//Sweatshirt...i like to scrub out sumtimes, but who doznt?:-)What are your views on... .:*gay marriage// Im not for it at all...but thats just my opinion. everybody is intitles to it. but whatever floats their boats!*:.abortion//Im against it. Even if its just a fetus...it still has a beating heart and its murder..:*war// Its sad. Especially if its for pointless reasons. People should kill other people just to prove a point.Tell me//About.. .:*life// I love life. Its fun!! You shouldnt worry about anything and just smile!*:.relationships// Boys can be retarted. But i love them neways...where would we be w/o our guys? haha .:*a joke//How do you make holy water? youo burn the hell outta it =0) haha i know it was corny*:.a funny story//my friend was prank calling people...and shes like the funniest person i know and my friend was laughing so hard she peed her pants haha...it was great me and my friend were pretending we were gansters lmao...it was great me being a trucker...i hate this picture:-x

(are you beautiful??)

[04 Aug 2004|04:14pm]
[ **mood** | creative ] ok, well i guess im starting over with this community, i worked hard on it and i dont want to loose it so i just redid the info/rules/application to try to make it better. i need another mod too if anyones interested contact me or comment about it.heres a pic just for funok, im out<3

(4 think they areare you beautiful??)

[24 Jun 2004|05:24pm]
Dear Beauties:i really dont have time for the community anymore so if anyone would like to take over and be the new mod please comment..thnx a bunch-ex ohSammie

(are you beautiful??)

I have a question.... [19 Jun 2004|03:25pm]
[ **mood** | confused ] I put in an application QUITE a long time ago... and I never got any reply. So I figured that I was rejected. TODAY I got an email saying that I was accepted... but it couldnt be posted... or something like that. So "was I accepted?" Because that Email that I got today really threw me off.

(are you beautiful??)

[26 May 2004|01:37pm]
Stamped and X-posted. I'm really sorry that I haven't been active in all these communities lately. Finals are here and I just haven't had time. Im leaving for vacation on Sunday (5-30) and returning on Thursday (6-3) But working until Saturday (6-6). So theres my explanation.Again I'm sorry for being inactive. <3, Monica

(are you beautiful??)

[22 May 2004|12:23am]
the__alluring is now accepting members. See community for details!Note: If you better be fucking sexy. Ban me if you want. Doesn't matter.

(2 think they areare you beautiful??)

Flying Purple Monkeys are COOL!!!!!! [14 May 2004|04:39am]
I did as y’all asked and added more pictures! YAY! So here we go, I’m submitting this again, if that’s okay…Basics.:*name// Courtney*:.age/birthday// 16, 2-27-88.:*location// Hawaii (Nope not paradise)*:.sex// Female.:*nationality// Actually, I’ve got no idea…I know I’m part finish (Finland) and somewhat Indian, even though I’m pale!( Read more...Collapse )

(6 think they areare you beautiful??)

Purple Flying Monkey's are COOL! [30 Apr 2004|03:05am]
Basics.:*name// Courtney*:.age/birthday// 16, 2-27-88.:*location// Hawaii (Nope not paradise)*:.sex// Female.:*nationality// Actually, I’ve got no idea…I know I’m part finish (Finland) and somewhat Indian, even though I’m pale!( Read more...Collapse )
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