please don't let me fall out of love . . . (original) (raw)

[14 Feb 2006|08:31am]
[ **mood** | indifferent ] + name.age.location: Nathan, 16 (17 two days from now), Maryland+ picture[s]!:Me and my sis...(i'm on the hosting by Photobucket+ some bands you enjoy: Dashboard confessional, linkin park, santana, eminem, Gorillaz+ hobbies: nothing right now, next month i'm going into theatre, back stage and stuff+ what do you think love LOOKS like: I've been wrong so many times, i doubt i'd know what love looks like if it hit me in my face...
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[30 May 2005|02:28am]
let's sketch a world of black in a place too far from comfort.notice the marks, by far the indentions,pretentions and what-nots, so beautiful indeed.i am a hopeless romantic,a boy of wonderful words heard to all,all but my lover.
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hello. [19 May 2005|04:21pm]
i am but a romantic, filled and driven by love. simple, but far deep as the poetry which comes from my lips. a lonley boy far from ordinary, i stand out as much as the stars.+ name.age.location: Morgan, 17, Alabama+ pictures!: bands: MCR, Alkaline Trio, Ben Folds Five, Mae+ hobbies: poetry, calligraphy, love+ love LOOKS like: for you to picture, it would have only to be dark, and your head but tilted to the sky. only then, beside she which drives your heart with everso passion.
2 comments|post comment first post...besides the intro. [05 Mar 2005|09:26pm]
[ **mood** | silly ] ok so i figured i would post something to start me off. my bf of almost a year (this 13th is our year. go me! lol) had a knee surgery a few weeks ago. so i visited him to check up on him to see how he's doing. while we were in his room he was laying down on his bed and i was sitting on the floor flipping through a catalog. then he asked me, "Liza could you get me my vitamin pills by the TV. i need to take them right now." so i went over to the TV and took the vitamins and he looked like he was in so much pain so i was like, "do you want me to open it for you?" and he was like, "yeah that would be good...thanks." so i opened it and instead of finding vitamins, i saw a white gold ring band. and i looked at him all wide-eyed and shocked. and he had a smirk on his face and pulled out a piece of paper where he wrote what he wanted to tell me. he was like, "i wrote it down because i knew i was going to get nervous and forget what im gonna say." it's a promise ring and i was just so shocked and happy at the same time. i felt so girly and silly. its the sweetest thing a guy has ever done for me. i still wear my ring and everytime i look at it, i smile. cheesy i know. but it's true. :)
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newbie. yes. you can tell. [05 Mar 2005|09:14pm]
[ **mood** | mellow ] hey guys i just stumbled around here and it looks like a fun little place. :) here's a little bit about myself. im kinda plain and boring. not to mention dorky. so forgive me ahead of time. :) + name.age.location: LIZA. 17. Jacksonville, FL+ picture[s]!: i don't really wanna scare ya'll. + some bands you enjoy: i pretty much listen to anything that catches my attention. at the moment, my bf got me hooked listening to straylight run + hobbies: anything that will keep me amuse. like, seriously anything. + what do you think love LOOKS like: ....something that will make your frown turn into a smile and your heart soar.
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[12 Feb 2005|11:38pm]
Hey guys! My name is Hannah, I just joined this community. I'm a complete and total hopeless romantic. Basically I'm just a crazy girl, trying to live her life the best she can. I take each day as it comes, and try not to get caught up in tomorrow. I love my friends and would do anything for them. I'm looking/waiting for that one person, hoping there is one for me. My life pretty much is my friends and family... but the things that I spend the most time doing are listening to music and writing poetry. I am a music freak! ( click here to read the survey...Collapse )
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newbie? [22 Dec 2004|03:57pm]
[ **mood** | curious ] hey yeah, Im new to this community and it says to fill out this survey thing, so here ya go...+ name.age.location: Megan, 14, Florida+ picture[s]!: no current ones+ some bands you enjoy: Switchfoot, Nickelback, Kenny Chesney, and Rascal Flatts+ hobbies: writing poetry, reading, daydreaming about true love+ what do you think love LOOKS like: when you're with that person, your eyes just seem to sparkle and you cant help but smilingand Im proud to say im a hopeless romantic
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I'm new? [19 Sep 2004|10:46pm]
[ **mood** | contemplative ] Hey everyone, I'm new here and one of the rule things was to answer the questions, so here goes nothing. + name.Samantha age.15 location: Queens, NYC, New York+ picture[s]!: , and some bands you enjoy: Rob Zombie [white zombie] Linkin Park, Brand New, Nirvana, Kiss....theres more. A lot more, I jsut can't remember them!+ hobbies: Reading, writing, playing my bass guitar+ what do you think love LOOKS like: the smiles on a pair of people holding hand's faces.And I'm a hopeless romantic.
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[01 Sep 2004|12:44pm]
i like this guy... alot. he makes me nervous and smile and we're so much alike. i hope this goes somewhere. ♥i really do.
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hi. my name is lauren [21 Aug 2004|10:55pm]
[ **mood** | amused ] + name.age.location: my name is lauren. im 13. and i live in virginia + some bands you enjoy: dashboard. death cab. taking bakc sunday. brand new. the get up kids. matchbox romance + hobbies: singing. dancing. hanging out with my friends! + what do you think love LOOKS like: ok this is kinda dorky but i think love is when your lover can get up in the morning and witout even asking you just knows what kind of eggs you want. 8-) ( pictures of me..Collapse )
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hope i do this right.. [08 Aug 2004|10:00pm]
[ **mood** | hungry ] hey everyone!! im new here! ive been with my wonderful boyfriend danny for about a year...hes moving, although only 2 hours away, so im not sure if that qualifies for a long distace relationship or not, since we are seeing each other regularly. just wanted to say hey and introduce myself!+ name.age.location: nichole.15.florida+ picture[s]!: ( pictures!!Collapse )
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story time [06 Aug 2004|05:47pm]
[ **mood** | bored ] well, I only ever seem to fall in love with people over the could I possibly put that into a story...*scratches head*
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HERES JONNY...well not really [06 Aug 2004|05:39pm]
[ **mood** | bored ] well im sooo new to this journal thing, Im like the new born *sings metallica*+ name.age.location: Aaron. 16. England, north-east style+ picture[s]!: well theres one with my hair covering my facem, non of my pics will upload for some reason :(+ some bands you enjoy: OZZY/SABBATH, MetallicA, Motley crue, Slayer, Skid Row etc.+ hobbies: Bass guitar, songwriting (try anyway), surfing, go out a lot, laze around etc. + what do you think love LOOKS like: the person who youre in love with at the time, coz thats all u can think of (DAMN I REALLY AM A HR)
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[10 Jul 2004|08:29am]
[ **mood** | tired ] Come on..I didn't join a dead community!!I want to hear stories!*By the way, Tyler comes back tomorrow. :D*
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[08 Jul 2004|03:14pm]
[ mood | missing Tyler ] I miss Tyler. He's in Cumberland right now, and will be back Sunday. I haven't talked to him since Monday. I miss him!!
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New [08 Jul 2004|01:01am]
[ mood** | in love ] I'm new here! I love my boyfriend Tyler. <3+ name.age.location:** Anna, 17, Ohio+ picture[s]!: Sorry, I don't have any right now. But my mom's getting a scanner soon!+ some bands you enjoy: Yellowcard, Sugarcult, Ashlee Simpson,dashboard confessional, story of the year, good charlotte+ hobbies: Tennis, playing the piano, guitar and flute, writing, drawing, writing poems, hanging out with *tyler*:D+ what do you think love LOOKS like: exactly like Tyler. He's everything.
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New [08 Jul 2004|01:01am]
[ mood** | in love ] I'm new here! I love my boyfriend Tyler. <3+ name.age.location:** Anna, 17, Ohio+ picture[s]!: Sorry, I don't have any right now. But my mom's getting a scanner soon!+ some bands you enjoy: Yellowcard, Sugarcult, Ashlee Simpson,dashboard confessional, story of the year, good charlotte+ hobbies: Tennis, playing the piano, guitar and flute, writing, drawing, writing poems, hanging out with *tyler*:D+ what do you think love LOOKS like: exactly like Tyler. He's everything.
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