Historic Military Raids Across 100+ Countries: Trump’s Alliance Targets Global Cabal, Human Trafficking, Illegal Arms Production, and Bioweapons Development—All Leading to NESARA/GESARA! - Gazetteller (original) (raw)

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We are witnessing the dawn of a new era, where a meticulously orchestrated global military alliance, led by Trump, is dismantling the old world order built on lies, manipulation, and exploitation.

This is about liberating humanity from the clutches of a centuries-old cabal that has thrived on secrecy and corruption. Under Trump’s leadership, this alliance is tearing down the infrastructure of control and laying the foundation for a future defined by NESARA/GESARA, the Quantum Financial System (QFS), and unprecedented human prosperity.

Uncovering the Secret Military Operations of 2024

Since early 2024, an intensified series of covert military operations has been taking place worldwide. These operations, coordinated by a coalition of military forces from over 100 countries, are targeting the deep roots of the global cabal.

In August 2024, a significant joint operation between U.S. Special Forces and allied troops from Germany, Russia, and Brazil led to the storming of a hidden deep underground military base (DUMB) in the remote mountains of Patagonia, Argentina.

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This base was not just a safe house for high-ranking cabal members—it was a central hub for human trafficking, illegal arms production, and the development of bioweapons designed for population control.

This was no ordinary raid. The military discovered vast stockpiles of gold, precious artifacts, and advanced technologies that had been stolen and hidden away from the public eye.

Even more shocking was the uncovering of classified documents revealing plans for a global pandemic far more lethal than COVID-19, intended to be released in 2025 as a final act of desperation by the cabal. Thanks to the swift actions of the alliance, these plans have been thwarted, and the base was destroyed, eliminating a critical stronghold of the enemy.

In July 2024, another operation codenamed “Operation Phoenix Rising” took place off the coast of Malta. This involved a coordinated assault on a fleet of ships operated by the cabal that were smuggling gold, weapons, and trafficked individuals under the guise of humanitarian aid. The operation was conducted with surgical precision, involving Navy SEALs, British SAS, and Italian Special Forces.

The ships were seized, the traffickers apprehended, and their illicit cargo exposed to the world. This operation not only disrupted a key financial artery of the cabal but also sent a clear message: the global alliance will no longer tolerate the cabal’s brazen disregard for human life.

The Grand Finale: NESARA/GESARA and the Quantum Financial System

These military operations are not isolated incidents; they are the final moves in a grand chess game that has been unfolding behind the scenes. The true endgame is the implementation of NESARA/GESARA and the Quantum Financial System (QFS).

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NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) and GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) are designed to dismantle the financial stranglehold of the global elite, forgiving all personal and national debts and restoring wealth to the people.

The QFS, set to fully launch in December 2024, is a quantum leap in the way the world conducts commerce. It operates on a quantum computing network that cannot be hacked or manipulated, unlike the current corrupt banking systems.

This new system will be backed by gold and other tangible assets, ensuring that money holds real value, and is protected from the inflation and devaluation tactics of the central banks.

Recent reports indicate that the rollout of QFS will coincide with the exposure of the Federal Reserve’s hidden accounts, revealing trillions of dollars in stolen funds that will be redistributed under the NESARA/GESARA mandates.

As part of this transition, suppressed technologies—including zero-point energy devices, quantum healing beds, and anti-gravity propulsion systems—are being prepared for release.

In August 2024, leaked documents from within the U.S. Department of Defense revealed that these technologies are currently being tested at undisclosed locations in Nevada and Alaska, with full public release expected by December.

This will mark the end of energy monopolies and the pharmaceutical industry’s chokehold on global health, ushering in an era where the power returns to the hands of the people.

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The Global Military Alliance: Trump’s Strategic Command

Trump’s role in this alliance is not just symbolic—he’s the strategic mastermind orchestrating these global moves. Since stepping away from the presidency, Trump has been actively coordinating with allied leaders around the world, forging new alliances and reinforcing existing ones.

In a closed-door summit held in July 2024 in Dubai, Trump met with key leaders from Russia, China, India, and several African nations to finalize the strategic deployment of the QFS and NESARA/GESARA initiatives.

During this summit, Trump unveiled plans for a global tribunal to hold members of the cabal accountable for crimes against humanity, including financial fraud, human trafficking, and the orchestration of wars for profit.

This tribunal, expected to convene in The Hague in early 2025, will be the first of its kind—a true reckoning for those who have operated above the law for far too long.

Trump’s alliances extend beyond just traditional military powers. In August 2024, he secured a groundbreaking agreement with leaders in the tech industry, including renegade developers from Silicon Valley who have turned against the globalist agenda.

This tech alliance is focused on deploying secure communication networks and new media platforms that bypass the censorship of Big Tech and the mainstream media, ensuring that the truth reaches every corner of the globe.

The Final Push: Operation Free World

As the alliance moves towards its endgame, the final operation, codenamed “Operation Free World,” is set to launch in November 2024. This operation will involve synchronized actions across over 60 countries, targeting the last vestiges of the cabal’s control.

Key financial centers in London, Zurich, and New York will see unprecedented raids aimed at dismantling the laundering networks that have funneled trillions into the cabal’s coffers.

Simultaneously, a series of military exercises disguised as disaster response drills will be used to position troops and resources strategically, ready to act when the cabal attempts its final stand. Expect disruptions: the cabal will not go quietly.

Cyberattacks, market crashes, and manufactured crises are likely to be their last-ditch efforts to maintain control. But the alliance is prepared. Every contingency has been planned for, every move anticipated.

The New Dawn: Prepare for a World Transformed

As we stand on the cusp of this new era, the message is clear: the time of the cabal is over. Trump and the global military alliance are not just dismantling a corrupt system—they are building a new world.

A world where financial freedom is a reality for all, where energy is free, where health is no longer a commodity, and where the truth is no longer buried under layers of deception.

The storm is here, and it is sweeping away the old world order. The QFS and NESARA/GESARA are the pillars of this new society—a society where the people, not the elites, hold the reins of power.

As the alliance continues its march toward the grand finale, the signs are all around us. The time of awakening is now. The revolution is here. And with Trump at the helm, the future has never been brighter.

The final act is unfolding, and it’s time to prepare for the new dawn. Stand with the alliance, stand with Trump, and stand for a world where freedom, truth, and prosperity are not just dreams but the undeniable reality of a liberated humanity.

The stage is set, the players are in position, and the world is about to witness the greatest transformation in history. Are you ready? Because the future is here, and it’s unstoppable.

Ethan White

A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan's thought-provoking articles today.