xangaweightloss (original) (raw)

hey ladies, def Love this place.........don't understand why xangzie's havin probs, i have not pd any money in forEV, if they were to GUARENTEE that MY site & ALL those i followed would still be there? i'd pay it in a second!

so i hadda quit smoking last yr, alpha-1, genetic emphysema, i'm over being on oxygen, but glad im done w/butts. so w.e., i gained ovr the later part of the yr. almost 20 lbs........i had been trying to maintain 95.8 lbs. strange, that's jus my goal num...so i was fluctuating tween 95 & 100....my dr said, ok. then all of a sudden im 120 & shes like YAY, im like WTF? DONE w/dat shit! it was harder to do.........for a while my pain meds would work, to do that incredible loss i did in 4/07-7/08 i went from 175 lbs down to 89 lbs, obv i was THRILLED, i mean idk bout anyone else? but when i have NO appetite? i ream it for ALLLLL its worth, cuz you NEV kno when that's gna stop & ur freakin out tryna stay tha fuk away from FOOD! junk food!!!!!!!!!!! was buyin BAGS of chocolate candy, it was a rly bad idea, but i kept saying, well, i cant drink, i cant smoke, i cant toke cuz there's no one around who has any (that jus changed last nite, lol) so all i had was my chocolate. well, my gain may be "Managable", but the WAY it distributed is making me bullshit, cuz nuth fits right, big santa belly, fukin rolls, so i gained 3" in my hips, to be expected in a 20 lb gain, but EIGHT - 8!! fkn inches on my waist????
i went from a trim 23" waist, to a 31" waist.........makes me currayzee, srsly, NUTS,.................Then! i was in hosp for a wk, w/pneumonia,
i had NO appetite, so the food ppl were wickKKed nice!!!!!!!!! 3x a day they brought me 3 Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt & any red jello........it was AWES, sure, on one hand, im literally DYING, & i'm getn pumped cuz i KNEW i was losin........didn't start out that way tho........when i got admitted i weighed in at 117.7 lbs, w.e. when they discharged me i was 118.8 lbs, weird but w.e. i KNEW they had given me mad fluids IV in the beginning & i jus needed a WEEK to let that stuff process it way OUT & i'd be betta.....so i weighed myself either the nite i got home or the next nite & it was 114.2......i'll take that..... for now............so i go like this. i only eat once a day, at night........most of the time it's jus Yoplait Strawb yog, mayb lil granola in it. Plus Arizona Green Tea w/Ginseng & Honey, the Ginseng is for energy..........but no matter WUT i eat, it's a draggg cuz 5 mins aft im done i have to take my pain meds immediately!!! it's a strategic attack.......some nights i'll have a Lean Cuisince Panini, Spinach, Artichoke & cheese, good stuff, not grimy at all............we went to rena's today & she bought "bday food", so eatin chicken sub with hickory backon????????? ew, shoulda got rid of bacey..............took the chick home...........i don't kno WHY i love chicken so much, it's laughable..........best used'ta be at Ruby's, Honey- BBQ Chick Breast Perfect, with tons o' sour cream, so ya, i'll douche this chicken up in that manner. but unTIL i reach my goal,.which i haven't even given thought to an exACT number but.......ya kno, gta lose tha belly! EV thing's so tight.........we did laundry at rena's & like im tiny, relatively, bcuz of my height, i'm 5'5" tall............i totally lie when ppl say i look so thin i say, ya, my dad was 6'3" & 145 lbs his entire adult life, that's a pure 17.5 on the bmi. so they think, oh ok, she's cool then.......only thing ISSSS, i am adopted, Lol, so i inherited NUTH from my daddy. miss him..how does 16+ yrs go by...
i'm sooo sry to have done this to ALL of you gals..........i jus rly needed to vent!
i read some of the posts, i DO have a copy of the xangzie lyt/lyts, i keep my sidebar to the left, well, jus go check it out, i have put MUCH work into creating it, i also sometimes think that yes, Percocet CAN be "the best dayyum diet pill" on the planet, cuz i've been on it, well she changed to the oxycodone *perc w/no tylenol, so 10mg, 2 tabs ev 6 hrs, and oxycontin 40mg tabs, 1 tab twice a day AND i have valium, i can take up to 3 a day, 5mg, there ARE certain "perks" you get when you're "sick", they wna help & hey, ev one says im currayzee NOT to have a handicapped plate, my lung dr said, when i go below 88 With oxygen, i think, she will be forced to report that to the registry, so, i dont wna be gettn a letter sayn my license is DONE for EV............im wayyyyyyyyyyy toooooooooooo younggggggggggg to lose thattttttttttttttt, i LVE drivin my sxy lil car w/stick shift And sunroof, fuk EV one in my asshole fam(ily)..............damnit alll to hell....so.............soon i'll be registered for a lung transplant at "The Brigham" in Boston. There are oth treatments for alpha-1, but basically it's a bitch. i look like a fukn CLOWN, gettn all dressed up (my hair is totally magenta, i asked for WIDE chunks of blonde alternating with pink, wow), and why do they nev have BABY pink?? so, i was all dressed up tday, & we decided'ta go'ta walmart, jusfor shit, yogurt, water, shit, then got lost in clothing, suffice to say, spent way too much moneyyyy, this money im blowin??? this was allll bday money to pimp up my angelwing tattoo on my back.........cuz my legal name change is rly "in the mail" now, soo, very soon i will have the pleasure of changing my name on my license, i am going to be.......Angel Dove.....the hospital dr said, omg, it's TOTALLY YOU...........perfect.......don't kno why it took me sooo long, guess i was jus lookin for the coolest name in the world........one of my middle names that i chose is cooL, it's "Fauve" pronounced like; drove, cove, it's French & means "wild, untamed beast", which is perfect cuz that covers my Borderline Personality Disorder... aft Angel i put Cinder (as my 2nd 1st name, not to confuse you!), cuz i LOVE it, plus my upbringing, i feel like cinderella w/no happy endin....so, then aft Fauve, my 2nd middle name i chose Julie-Ana cuzzzz Julie cuz the ones i've known ovr the yrs were like Supreme Beautys! plus it means "soft-haired chylde" and of course i was not NOT gna put in "ana" HA! rena was pissed, so i lied & told her i did ani instead, thats not so, so i'll happily be;
Angel Cinder / Fauve Julie-Ana / Dove = angel, slave-scapegoat / wild, untamed beast, soft-haired chylde / peace.........i feel like the meaning is very powerful.......i hope you all don't mind............been jus keepin the paperwork here for ovr a yr...........k, stop tlkn!!!!!!!!!!!!! i Hafta take Prednison for my breathing, so i'm sooo manic no one can stand me, i tell them, flee, save urself, RUN away from me cuz i wont stop tlkn till ur gone........well that seems to hold true for the mighty pen.........or rath keyboard.............so i'll TRY to STFU man! hate it!!!!!!!! like seroquel helps AT ALL...........
so lemme go anwer some questions & HELP instead o' gripin bout my currayzee Jiinxsay life!!!!! i also think, when it comes to "ana"??? FUK tumblr, but as regular gurls we can be FB friends, IF one wants........i am Jiinxsay Mahoney............if xangz ev comes back, we still have THIS AWESOME group...............i'd love to do some work on it........jus lemme kno wutchoo need......i'm helpful type and love ppl in general..............
k, have a great day gurls!!!!!!!!! you are POWERFUL! you have CONTROL, go have some coff................luv, your angel