This Fire Burns (original) (raw)

20 January 2011 @ 08:43 pm

Current Mood: numbnumb

25 December 2010 @ 10:59 am

How better to celebrate than with a grumpy Punk?

Current Mood: awakeawake

21 October 2010 @ 09:42 pm

Icon count: 36.
Info: Here you'll find icons from the most recent episodes of Smackdown, NXT, Raw and a few shots from the overseas tour.
Credit: None of these are bases, it's most appreciated if you'll credit xcmpunk_iconsx when you take/use any. Comments are also really awesome.

( My most favorite superheroCollapse )

Also: New header. What do you guys think?

Current Mood: calmcalm

17 August 2010 @ 03:08 am

Icon count: 70.
Info: Catching up! You'll find the most recent episodes of Smackdown as well as Superstar of the Day & the Fatal 4-Way and Summerslam PPVs.
Credit: None of these are bases, it's most appreciated if you'll credit xcmpunk_iconsx when you take/use any. Comments are also really awesome.

( I'm in icon #44, can you spot me? ;PCollapse )

And also check out our new affiliate: edenechoes.

Current Mood: satisfiedsatisfied

I'm off on a road trip to Chicago to get my straight edge/CM Punk tribute tattoo! I'll be back next Tuesday and should have some fresh icons up for you guys shortly after that. In addition to my usual "episodic" icons, I'm working on a set of 150 from various photoshoots that are turning out nicely. See you guys next week!

Current Mood: excitedexcited

I was working on this image with the idea of putting it on a t-shirt and thought it would make a neat banner:

Just copy + paste the text in the box and you're ready to go.

Icon count: 4.
Info: Just a few text-based icons featuring some of Punk's logos throughout the years, and one I made to match the banner.
Credit: None of these are bases, it's most appreciated if you'll credit xcmpunk_iconsx when you take/use any. Comments are also really awesome.

Current Mood: goodgood

Icon count: 27.
Info: Content from Monday night Raw & Friday night Smackdown (6/7/10 & 6/11/10)
Credit: None of these are bases, it's most appreciated if you'll credit xcmpunk_iconsx when you take/use any. Comments are also really awesome.

( I'm getting really tired of photoshopping Serena out of these...Collapse )

Current Mood: calmcalm

Icon count: 69.
Info: Playing catch-up again. You'll find icons from the most recent episodes of Smackdown, NXT, Over the Limit, Superstar of the Day, & the Mexico tour.
Credit: None of these are bases, it's most appreciated if you'll credit xcmpunk_iconsx when you take/use any. Comments are also really awesome.

( The new face of the straight edge saviourCollapse )

And be sure to check out the new list of affiliates!

Current Mood: soresore

While I'm still recovering from what happened last Sunday on the OTL PPV, I thought I'd share a banner that I made for my own profile for the S.E.S.

Just copy + paste the text in the box and you're ready to go.

Coming soon will be my catch-up post containing the Smackdown & NXT episodes leading up to Over The Limit, as well as the OTL PPV itself.

Current Mood: indescribableindescribable