Teenage angst has paid off well, now I'm bored and old (original) (raw)
Like I need another random thing to become addicted to......
- 09:11 Good morning. *Glares at coffee maker* HURRY IT UP! #
- 09:12 @Firefly171 hows it going?? #
- 09:14 @Firefly171 Well, I got some news that will cheer you up! #
- 09:15 @moonofblindness HIIII!!! *waves frantically* #
- 09:15 @firefly171 @moonofblindness ALL ADDRESSES ARE IN AND WE"RE READY TO START!!! #
- 09:18 @m oonofblindness @firefly171 As soon as I get enough coffee into my system to become human, I will be setting up the mailing list #
- 09:20 @gippywhite *running tackle* HELLO! *glomp* #
- 09:22 ooohh! coffee's ready!! BRB!!! #
- 09:23 Oh, my dearest coffee. What would I ever do if we were ever to part? #
- 09:38 @gippywhite um, partially. WHy?? #
- 09:40 @gippywhite okay I'm not in trouble, am I?? #
- 09:42 @gippywhite lol, In a few. Need nicotine in the imminent future as well. #
- 09:43 Crap, I forgot! HAPPY CANADA DAY!!! True north strong and free! #
- 10:01 Now infused with Vitamin N and Vitamin C. Start talking peeps!! #
- 10:01 @adi_cat I do agree that what happened last weekend was wrong and a social injustice, but I still love my country #
- 10:03 @Ginfairy 10:03 am!! #
- 10:05 @gippywhite @firefly171 yes, jumping in showers is a BAAAD idea. Tiles hurt like an SOB! #
- 10:05 @gippywhite It's just a blah blah blah yakety smackety #
- 10:07 @adi_cat I know. it's disgusting that it happened #
- 10:08 @Ginfairy wow. Um, best solution I can think of is to move! lol #
- 10:08 @Ginfairy or you can screw around with all the clocks in your house!! #
- 10:09 @gippywhite what, you weren't talking to yourself at all?? #
- 10:12 @gippywhite lol, really? you never surprise yourself?? amature! #
- 10:15 @Ginfairy lmao! #
- 10:15 @ThatKevinSmith are you really doing a Mallrats sequel? Cause that would be all kinds of awesome! #
- 10:16 @gippywhite lol. How's the writing going?? #
- 10:16 @moonofblindness t
hanks sweetie!! # - 10:17 @gippywhite wow. didn't even notice the blunder. Shoulda kept your mouth shut! lol #
- 10:17 @moonofblindness HIDE THE PORN!! #
- 10:22 @stratktten Weeee! Morning!! #
- 10:22 @gippywhite lol! #
- 10:24 @stratktten I have coffee, Mugwump has BobTheBuilder, Grizzly Bear is playing Aion. All is well. How is Chez Ktten? #
- 10:32 @Firefly171 @gippywhite well, that's good then. Wouldn't want you to crack your skull open or something #
- 10:35 Think my mind is too dirty to sit and listen to Bob THe Builder. #
- 10:38 @moonofblindness so you read ALL of my fics??? #
- 10:38 @stratktten lol, Mugwump loves Iron Man, Spiderman, Transformers, all the good stuff. But still likes BTB! #
- 10:39 @moonofblindness JEEBUS, woman, that's all of th
em!!! # - 10:42 @moonofblindness wow. Did you like them?? #
- 10:53 @stratktten he's three. So much fun!! #
- 10:54 @moonofblindness No, that's totally cool!! #
- 10:56 @moonofblindness lol, know what you mean! Do you have a fave? cuz I'm curious.... #
- 10:59 @stratktten Most of the time I just sit back and watch thinking WTF is going on in that he
ad?? lol # - 11:00 @moonofblindness lol Yeah. I had the idea for the fic and couldn't figure out what song. I would be so lost without my iPod!!! #
- 11:01 @moonofblindness actually working on next installments of Brother's Don't and Dean's Girl. Bouncing between two windows lol #
- 11:03 @moonofblindness I only heard it a few times at the club I used to frequent. They played heavier stuff #
- 11:03 @moonofblindness lol, I know!! I've got a good dozen fics in various
stages of completion, plus editing my minibang and three other betas! # - 11:06 @moonofblindness the club I frequented is the setting for the fic with Sam in leather pants! #
- 11:09 @moonofblindness OMG there's a fic out there with Dean in assless chaps!!! *falls over ded* #
- 11:12 @moonofblindness GOOD LORD WOMAN WHERES THE LINK FOR THAT???? #
- 11:13 @dbmcclelland I would love to celebrate Canada Day in Ottawa at least once in my life... #
- 11:14 @moonofblindness Hrm, that's a good question. I would think that at least ONE had to be connected to SPN, but I don't know how familiar... #
- 11:15 @moonofblindness the other participants are with other fandoms. #
- 11:16 @dbmcclelland So much like every other city in Canada! lol #
- 11:17 @moonofblindness Ten prompts is just fine, as there's only five participants!! More than enough selection!! #
- 11:19 @
moonofblindness when I get a bit more brain function, and the anime con fic gets out of my brain, I'll be posting to the comm. :D # - 11:20 @moonofblindness and you can use unfilled prompts from this round in the next. Remember, this is the guinea pig round, so it's not a full 1 #
- 11:31 @moonofblindness Wuz thinking one prompt. cause this is the trial round. If sucessful, it will be ten prompts ten fics #
- 11:48 is ded from cute! i-rise-inside.livejournal.com/24928.html #
- 11:52 @Firefly171 I KNOW! That made me asplode! #
- 11:56 @gippywhite @firefly171 Don't know if I'd want his babies, but I'd sure as hell love to try! IYKWIM *winkwinknudgenudge* #
- 12:05 @daemonicmuse And it helps that the baby is fracking ADORABLE beyond words too!!! #
- 12:07 @moonofblindness isn't it???? #
- 12:13 brb, rustlin up lunch! #
- 13:06 @samanthajferris Picturing you at a racetrack sent images of My Fair Lady through my mind!! Happy Canada Day!! #
- 13:43 Mugwump: OH, look Mommy, it's The Hulk! Hee! I love watching Marvel Movies with him!!! #
- 14:56 @CassLiquorStore Yeah, @justinbieber is NOT SEXY. You are, however! #
- 14:58 @moonofblindness If I'm awake. I may not be. #
- 14:58 @daemonicmuse we singing Strangers In THe NIght??? :P #
- 15:07 @moonofblindness lol, I see! #
- 15:08 @moonofblindness do you have any idea how hard it is to add capitals to an address with a 3yo climbing on you? It's quite difficult!! #
- 15:09 @librarianette at least if you meet anyone special, you already know they've got baggage! Sorry for inappropriate joke, but I had to say it #
- 15:09 @moonofblindness lol, it's not a problem at all. I found it quite funny!!! #
- 15:11 @moonofblindness lol, the only reason I added the capitalization is the person mailing to you is in Europe! #
- 15:40 @moonofblindness Why are you still tweeting?? shouldn't you be sleeping??? #
- 15:43 @moonofblindness this your weekend? #
- 15:45 @moonofblindness not too shabby bebeh! #
- 15:48 @moonofblindness lol, yup. Did the midnights routine before. #
- 15:52 @moonofblindness oooh, yay!!! #
- 15:54 @moonofblindness yikes that's a long time! #
- 15:56 @moonofblindness Yeah, my punctuation gets funny from time to time. But at least I use it. #
- 15:59 @moonofblindness I may not use them in the right places always, but they're still there!! :D #
- 16:01 @moonofblindness eye heart ewe two #
- 16:03 @moonofblindness hope my mistakes aren't too awful!! #
- 16:30 Just gave dishcloths, garbage bags, mugs and bowls to my new neighbour, who happens to be Runsamok's friend. #
- 16:31 Wow, it's getting close to the old commune feeling that this building had many moons ago! #
- 16:34 @moonofblindness crossroads are dirt or gravel roads, intersections are paved #
- 16:36 @moonofblindness well, that would be my assumption in regards to #supernatural #
- 16:41 @daniellelouise weren't you going to go to UofT at one point? I remember you saying something about it #
- 16:43 @daniellelouise lol, yes their medieval program is very intense! They also offer an LOTR course! #
- 16:59 @moonofblindness You sneaky little bugger!! I ♥ U so friggen much!!! #
- 17:02 @moonofblindness lol, yes, cause I obsessivly check it! YAY!! Oh, and most of the punctuation that you corrected, I've gone over as well #
- 17:06 @moonofblindness no, actually. I was expecting WAY MORE (this needs to change, that sounds stupid etc) #
- 17:06 @moonofblindness OOOHHH, there's a bit of purple in there too!! #
- 17:08 @moonofblindness lol, I noticed that. after rereading it, I found a few *facepalm* things. #
- 17:09 @moonofblindness YAY!! Now I can start polishing!!!!!! #
- 17:10 @moonofblindness my problem is that I'm too invested in the story being told than worrying about the little thing
s, like punctuation or... # - 17:11 @moonofblindness words like scrying and angels staying in Kansas! lol #
- 17:13 @moonofblindness lol, yupyup. Thinking about shooting this over to the girl who betas my Orion verse. She's awesome!! #
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Like I need another random thing to become addicted to......
- 08:40 Good Morning!!!!! #
- 08:42 @Firefly171 *bounce bounce* one more addy and it's all set to go!!! *bouncebounce* #
- 08:43 @moonofblindness huzzah for the schmoop bingo card!! #
- 08:46 @firefly171 NICE!!! I've got my mailing envelopes and everything!! #
- 08:47 @gippywhite yo wuzzup, homie g? #
- 08:49 @moonofblindness< /a> OMG! I'm so stuck on the WMW myself!! I"ve tried like four times, and it's just NOT WORKING!!! #
- 08:52 @moonofblindness Uriel/Anna? #
- 08:55 @moonofblindness glad I could help!!! now if only I can make mine work #
- 08:57 @moonofblindness there's a first time for everything #
- 09:11 @gippywhite @moonofblindness but it's so much fun!!! #
- 09:12 @moonofblindness @gippywhite you should HEAR some of the girls that come into the wing place. It's terrifying! #
- 09:15 @gippywhite well, listening to a white girl fake a latino accent is pretty amusing. And she fakes it not to amuse people, either! #
- 09:18 @gippywhite yeah. She's an obnoxious bitch too! #
- 09:45 @adi_cat LMAO! what a way to raise your children right!! #
- 09:46 @adi_cat Mugwump grabbed and old Wizard magazine with the Death of Capt America. He pointed and said
"Oh No, CapMerica gone!" lol # - 10:07 UGH! gotta get dressed and drag my ass to the chicken place. D: #
- 10:37 Bah. Just got a call from retail hell. Rather be there than here today... #
- 10:41 @mimiwnionyns I used to have a sofa that tried to eat people #
- 10:48 @gippywhite lol pretty much! #
- 11:21 @daemonicmuse I couldnt stand them. With my back problems I found extra pillows too uncomfortable #
- 11:33 Does the world really care that Rob Pattinson is distantly related to Vlad the Impaler? #
- 11:43 @moonofblindness ABSOLUTELY NOT!! *covers ears* lalala can't hear you! Sorry, dont like spoilers.... #
- 11:45 @moonofblindness I never hit those sites anyways. #
- 11:47 LMAO wuz thinking about Mystery Spot and the only thing that went thru my mind was "and Dean came back the very next day, Sam thought he.. #
- 11:47 He was a gonner, but Dean came back, he wouldnt stay awaaaaayy" lmao #
- 12:10 @stratktten my money is ALWAYS on Vlad.... #
- 12:13 @stratktten methods yes. But Vlad is made of 100 percent BADASS! #
- 12:14 @stratktten I'd love to see Spartan vs Vlad tho! #
- 12:16 @stratktten as much as I love Vlad my money for that one is on the Spartan #
- 12:18 @stratktten and my inner feminist is wondering when we'll see Amazons vs LadySamurais! #
- 20:21 *pokepoke* anyone alive out there?? #
- 20:24 @stratktten Woot!! There is life out there!! how's it going?? #
- 20:29 @stratktten nice nice!! #
- 20:29 @Ginfairy lol, if you're bored, find some new games! #
- 20:31 @stratktten just writing, watching The Office, trying to annoy Grizzly Bear lol #
- 20:32 @stratktten US. The only one that we seem to get on our cable. #
- 20:35 @Aaliyah1963 lol, GO YOU! #
- 20:38 K, haven't seen much people talking about it, but am I the only one whos super-assed excited about the Supernatural Anime? #
- 20:51 @Aaliyah1963 I know it's being released January '11, but I'm not sure if it's straight to DVD or what. #
- 20:53 @Aaliyah1963 K, just checked around, and it looks like it's being launched in Japan in January, so it's hard to tell when we'll see it #
- 21:02 @jumblejim are you commending us or commanding us? I'm a little confused.... #
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Like I need another random thing to become addicted to......
06:45 morning!! #
06:50 @moonofblindness me? Not yet! not til 4pm! #
06:50 @gippywhite wow. You have no idea how long it's been since I've been called that!! #
06:51 @Firefly171 morning!!! #
06:52 @mooonofblindness @firefly171 WE GOT FIVE PEEPS FOR THE JOURNAL PROJECT!!!! #
06:56 @Firefly171 I know!! That means
we're all set to start!!!! #06:57 @Firefly171 but I gotta have coffee before I start doins stuff like that! #
06:57 @gippywhite you and me both, darlin! #
06:59 @gippywhite around robin style fic writing thing that I masterminded! #
07:02 @gippywhite well, you can sign up as a backup, or you could help me with organizing and all that jazz! #
07:03 @gippywhite sent you an invite to look the comm over! #
07:06 @Firefly171 I know!! I'm just working out how the mailing will work. I was thinking that you always send to the same person #
07:14 @gippywhite lmao! how about spirit fingers??? #
07:20 @gippywhite lol you are a weirdo, you know that? But I like that quality in people! #
07:34 LMAO! #g20 "protestors" www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fhGneV6rQg #</ li>
08:06 My God, I love his greetings! RT @warrenellis good morning my suppurating fistulas of romance #
08:09 @gippywhite @warrenellis kills me most days. got hooked on following from a friend of mine. #
08:30 @miniwnionyns squee! *tackleglomphug* #
08:32 @gippywhite I found a lima bean that looks like The Leader! #
08:35 @gippywhite @moonofblindness he's a comic book writer/demented individual #
08:40 I hate waking up at the arsecrack of dawn. I need to go shopping but nothings open yet!! I blame Mugwump! #
08:42 @moonofblindness how's the beta coming along?? #
08:42 @moonofblindness and how's the BigBang going??? #
08:43 @moonofblindness lol, specially when he wakes up at 6:30 am!!! #
08:45 @moonofblindness lol, yes, we're talking about my minibang #
08:47 @moonofblindness cool cool! Nothing too drastic that needs to be changed?? #
08:50 @gippywhite good lord, that looks YUMMEH!! #
08:55 HEE! x43.xanga.com/ac5f835302335263571387/b208669441.png #
08:59 @tomfromhr I don't know what that is, but it sounded kinda dirty. is it something dirty? #
4 @tomfromhr lol, just looking at the website. I'm intrigued, even though when I saw the first pic, it was a WTFisthisshit? but they look cool #09:05 @tomfromhr may be a good product for me, since I love being barefoot, but hate stepping on stuff! #
09:09 @tomfromhr I have issues with shoes in general. too hard to find a pair that's comfy. but sadly, I love shoes, specially heels. #
09:10 @moonofblindness sweet! I've gone back and done some editing on my own as well. so I will sit with printed copies of my edits and yours... #
09:10 @moonofblindness and see how I can stitch it all together. After, I will send it to ANOTHER to go over our edits as a failsafe! #
09:14 And I am off with Mugwump to do some shopping!! Cause stores are now open. #
09:33 Whoever did the techno version of Bryan Adams Heaven needs to be shot!! #
09:52 Dollar stores are evil. Beautiful evil! #
09:55 Wow. Wuld you trust a pregnancy test from a dollar store? #
09:58 Oddly enough I enjoy the remix of In The Air Tonight <
a href="http://twitter.com/xephyr_42/statuses/17334274489">#10:23 I feel old. They're playing Closing Time in the grocery store :( #
10:28 @gippywhite me too. But hearing it mixed in with grocery store music makes me sad #
11:02 aaaannd back!!! #
11:03 @moonofblindness it was fun, actually. shopping carts in dollar stores are made of pure evil!!!! #
11:09 @moonofblindness I kept it under 15, but I only went in for bubble envelopes!!!! #
11:09 @gippywhite And what have we learned from today's exercise? #
11:14 @gippywhite ah, so you WERE paying attention! #
11:18 @moonofblindness I came out with multicolored keyrings, socks for Mugwump, a "bullbozer", letter paper and thankfully envelopes! #
11:19 @moonofblindness plus many more little things, like a sea salt grinder! #
11:20 @jumblejim ugh, extreme A/C is brutal! Make a sno
wman! #11:50 quick walk with Mugwump so Mommy can smoke!!! #
14:10 On my way out with Mugwump, we got hijacked by Runsamok!! #
15:15 @moonofblindness @gippywhite @miniwnionyns @firefly171 I heard something about Jensen in eyeliner! PICS!! PICS!!! #
15:18 @miniwnionyns OH YES!! :P:::: Seen those pics. Haven't seen the movie, but GODDAMN he' looks gooooood!!! #
15:19 @miniwnionyns and it wasn't tweetstalking, I came back online and
saw "Jensen In Eyeliner" #15:20 @moonofblindness @miniwnionyns @gippywhite @firefly171 AND WHY NOT???? #
15:21 @miniwnionyns I want to do a lot more than just cwtch him, KWIM! #
15:23 @gippywhite @firefly171 @miniwnionyns @moonofblindness And an image of Misha in eyeliner has made my brain stop functioning! #
15:24 @moonofblindness @gippywhite @firefly171 @miniwnionyns FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING HOLY, SOMEONE PHOTOSHOP IT NAOW!!!!! #
15:28 @miniwnionyns hrm, don't think so. nor do I think he'd look like Robert Smith. I think he'd look like pure YUMMEH! #
15:28 @miniwnionyns that's what freeze frame is for!!! #
15:29 @tomfromhr That is a fantastic song! but yeah, not so good while mixing among people singing that. #
15:35 off to chickeny doom!! #
16:26 Twitter is on for the phone, laptop is plugged in, let the workplace slacking begin!!! #
16:27 Insert whining about not having web acess at work.... #
16:45 Wow. Ever sit down and write something and halfway through you thought "where the hell did THAT come from??" srsly having one of those now! #
16:45 @moonofblindness candy bars perhaps? #
16:49 @moonofblindness lol. Gotta get it written first! #
16:50 @gippywhite as in "my god Im more perverted then I thought" kind of way! #
17:10 @gippywhite yeah. No clue where or why this happened, but I think the boss would flip his lid if he found out I'm writing stuff like this!! #
17:16 @gippywhite wow. Faker! :P #
17:18 Apparently my brain forgot how to spell! #
17:19 @gippywhite lol. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
Like I need another random thing to become addicted to......
- 07:26 morning everyone!!! #
- 07:56 *pokes teh intarwebz* anyone awake out there??? #
- 07:58 @gippywhite how goes it??? #
- 07:59 @gippywhite lol, take it you're done work! #
- 08:01 @Firefly171 YAY INTERNETS!! #
- 08:02 @gippywhite Having my coffee, trying to figure out why Mugwump is whining so much. #
li>08:03 @Firefly171 lol # - 08:04 @firefly171 @miniwnionyns @moonofblindness @gippywhite UDB update! xephwrites.livejournal.com/14849.html #
- 08:06 @Firefly171 lol don't worry. just leave comments plz!! #
- 08:14 @moonofblindness when you said you'd only change one word, you weren't kidding woman! lol #
- 08:16 @moonofblindness lol, we're going out a bit later. Need
to drop off keys at Retail Hell and he needs a haircut # - 08:22 @moonofblindness GAH!!! that comment scared me!!!! #
- 08:23 @moonofblindness I understood it but my brain went AAHH! BIG BLOB O TEXT!! #
- 08:24 And for the fanfic writers out there please read this post and let me know if you're interested xephwrites.livejournal.com/15278.html #
- 08:25 @moonofblindness lol, I understand!! That's why I just keep adding tweets. Stop being so sorry!! :P #
- 08:27 @adi_cat LMAO! That is hilarious!!!! #
- 08:29 @moonofblindness lol, well, there's a bit more involved. Cause the plan is ALL writers contribute a notebook. #
- 08:33 @moonofblindness awesome! Working on a comm for it, but I need to get out of the house for a bit. So I'll post it all later!! #
- 08:34 @moonofblindness in the meantime, see if you can recruit a few!!! just send them to that entry on my LJ #</ li>
- 10:45 is back!! And working on hammering out rules and such! Plus Mugwump has chosen me as a jungle gym! #
- 10:48 @gippywhite HELLO! again! #
- 10:54 @gippywhite lol! True!! #
- 11:25 k, invites have gone out! #
- 11:31 @stratktten lol, nope! that was in May. Just running a super secret project BWAHAHAHA! *cough* sorry. #
- 11:34 @stratktten :D how goes it today?? #
- 11:42 rules, guidelines and such have been posted. go looky! #
- 11:44 @moonofblindness SWEET!!!!! #
- 11:45 @moonofblindness one true pairing #
- 11:47 @moonofblindness yup! #
- 11:53 @moonofblindness @firefly171 are the rules and such clear?? anything you think should be tweaked/clarified?? #
- 11:55 @moonofblindness okies!! #
- 11:58 time to harass Runsamok!!! #
- 14:01 Runsamok sucessfully harassed! Now uploading pictures #
- 14:01 @daemonicmuse wow! hungry woman!!! #
- 14:03 @daemonicmuse know the feeling! well, without the mortgage stuff, but the moving and whatnot! #
- 14:06 @daemonicmuse Yes, especially with a wee one in the belly! #
- 14:20</ em> @daemonicmuse damn near killed the hubby when we were moving cause he wouldn't let me lift ANYTHING. Even bags of clothes! # * 14:22 @daemonicmuse lol, yeah, boys get a little too overprotective of us when we're preggers! # * 14:25 @daemonicmuse yeah, that's just a little silly! you don't have a high risk pregnancy, do you? (if you don't mind me asking) # * 14:29 @daemonicmuse ah, well, then it makes a bit more sense that they're being so overprotective! #
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Like I need another random thing to become addicted to......
- 07:20 Morning!!! #
- 07:22 @Firefly171 hey stranger!!! How goes it?? #
- 07:23 @moonofblindness so wordsmeetswings #7 is Losing My Religion? o.O #
- 07:28 @Firefly171 A little tired, dreading heading off to retail hell for the day. #
- 07:28 @gippywhite MORNING!!! #
- 07:28 @Ginfairy lol, sure, it still counts. It's 7:28 here, s
o it's def. morning!! # - 07:30 @firefly171 @gippywhite @ginfairy @moonofblindness should I get a shmoop Bingo card now, or wait til my snapshot table is done? #
- 07:34 @Firefly171 yeah >:P but it pays the bills. barely. #
- 07:35 @Firefly171 that's what I was thinking.. #
- 07:35 @gippywhite lol, rungs huh? You're strange... #
- 07:37 @gippywhite lol #
- 07:38 @Firefly171 lol, take your time. I've only got 10 of 30 written, so it's no where near complete!! It's a good thing that I have a plan.... #
- 07:39 @Firefly171 ..for pretty much the whole thing!! #
- 07:44 @Firefly171 lol some of the prompts wrote themselves! #
- 07:52 wow, I have a dirty dirty mind first thing in the morning!!! I gotta write this shit down!! #
- 07:55 @Ginfairy lol! point concidered! Bu
t I also have heavy editing on my MiniBang, and that thing called real life! lmao! # - 07:57 @Ginfairy well, you mentioned the 50letters project, and my overactive brain has concidered signing up for that as well!! #
- 07:59 @miniwnionyns what is the exact definition of "mahoooisive"? #
- 08:01 @Ginfairy accident? did we forget about the challenge, or write the really wrong thing? #
- 08:02 @Ginfairy lol, yup. know that feeling! #
- 08:03 @Ginfairy man, I've got a good two dozen partially complete fics on my compy. I just pick away at them here and there. Thats how some.... #
- 08:04 @Ginfairy ..weeks I'll post like five fics! It depends on when I finish them. And I have to think about the new wordsmeetwings prompt. #
- 08:06 @Ginfairy lol, get hit by a car, or slip on something sticky on the floor! #
- 08:10 @miniwnionyns okay. Now, will I find said definition in a dictionary. And it needs to be a legitimate one, not the "cause I said so" one! #
- 08:13 @miniwnionyns sweet! They wrote about us!!! lol, probably not. #
- 08:15 wow. I don't know if this fic is getting a little to, um, IDK, vulgar? graphic? not sure what word I'm looking for.... #
- 08:20 UGH! need someone to read this to make sure that it's going to work. Anyone? anyone? Bueler? #
- 08:28 @moonofblindness k, thanks. it's a short one. I'll mail it when I'm done. And WMW prompt? WTH??? #
- 08:32 @moonofblindness yup, avoiding Dea
n/Cas and Dean/Sam like the plague! well, for this round. # - 08:33 @moonofblindness going to schmoop_bingo comm on LJ, and requesting one! lol #
- 08:34 @moonofblindness community.livejournal.com/schmoop_bingo/ #
- 08:48 @moonofblindness and the fic has been sent your way! #
- 08:50 hrm, do I push the big red button and read Winchester Bros/The Comedian? #
- 08:53 @Ginfairy Well, it can't be as bad as Insane Clown Posse slash.... #
- 08:54 @Ginfairy ICP slash made me wish brain bleach was real. #
- 08:56 @Ginfairy Hey, if I have to suffer with that knowledge, I will make as many others suffer with me! #
- 08:58 @Ginfairy community.livejournal.com/icp_is_rps_otp/ #
- 09:14 @moonofblindness lol, awesome!! #
- 09:15 @moonofblindness it's not supposed to be "serious" exactly, but one of those FML moments #
- 09:17 @moonofblindness SWEET!!! no grammar/flow issues? all set to post?? #
- 09:18 lol, think I killed @Ginfairy with ICP slash. BWAHAHAHA!!! #
- 09:19 @moonofblindness won't be able to post it until tonight anyways. Gotta go to retail hell in like ten minutes.... #
- 09:21 @moonofblindness meh. It's Sunday, so it's mostly making
sure that everything was done yesterday, making price labels and goofing around. # - 09:24 @moonofblindness well, mark where it is, and send it back. #
- 09:25 BAH! Off I go, dragging my feet. I hate opening on Sundays..... #
- 09:35 I am on a roll! Just killed hubby with mention of Winchester bros/Comedian! Wonder how many other brains I can melt #
- 09:42 K actually just remebered to turn notifications on for my phone #
- 09:44 Inapropriate waiting for bus song Happy Fucking Birthday by CombiChrist!! #
- 09:55 So hard not to sing Its My Life by No Doubt at the top of my lungs!!! #
- 09:57 Bahaha! My Axe by ICP just came on!!! Hee! #
- 09:59 @adi_cat lol I get strange enough strange looks on the bus as it is! #
- 10:00 Bah! iPod went mushy on me with Jann Arden :( #
- 10:04 Aw wont you take me home tonight aw down beside that red fire light..... #
- 10:11 Life for me is a riverboat fantasy watchin the sun go down... #
- <
em>10:14 Sigh. Really wish Stephene Meyer didnt ruin Muse for me # - 17:37 I survived another long day at retail hell! #
- 17:39 @stratktten hope there's booze in it!! :P #
- 17:41 @stratktten BEER!! #
- 17:50 wow. when @moonofblindness says she'd only change one word, she means literally ONE WORD! jeebus! #
- 19:14 @gippywhite thanks!!!! #
- 19:17 @gippywhite lol, well, I just posted a new fic Does that count as party time?? #
- 19:21 @gippywhite lol, you haz intarwebz at work? #
- 19:39 Sigh. I want my own Rancor pit...... be so useful..... #
- 20:35 @gippywhite boo-urns :( #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
Like I need another random thing to become addicted to......
- 09:44 I am awake, upright and dressed. About to head off to retail hell. It would be nice to have a Saturday off eventually..... #
- 09:52 @moonofblindness true true #
- 09:52 @gippywhite MORNING!!! #
- 09:53 sigh. Just needed a bit of tweetverse lovin before I catch my bus. Wonder what inappropriate song will come on today.. hehehe #
- 10:38 Wow. Some assbutt on the bus just told me he doesnt agree with gender roles, but he believes its in mens nature to provide more than women #
- 10:40 Todays inappropriate bus song: Beaten by Biohazard #
- 19:26 BACK! I survived another day of retail hell!! #
- 19:35 Know who they need orchestrating the riot police for #g20 INSPECTOR GADGET!! #
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Like I need another random thing to become addicted to......
- 08:15 good morning!!! #
- 08:16 @daemonicmuse I love that picture. I love that picture so so so much!! #
- 08:22 @gippywhite lol, I love that song.. #
- 08:22 @moonofblindness wicked good morning?? #
- 08:33 @moonofblindness @gippywhite ummm, sure. wow. Um..... I'm gonna go over here now. #
- 08:34 @moonofblindness</ a> @gippywhite @daemonicmuse I had a suspicion it was a manip, but it's still bloody hot!! #
- 08:36 So check in is done, summary submitted. WOO!! Let's get this thing polished!!! #
- 08:37 @moonofblindness @gippywhite not scaring me, per se. Multitasking. Yupyup! #
- 08:42 hello?? *pokes teh intarwebz* anyone there??? #
- 08:46 @moonofblindness @gippywhite just a little. #
- 08:48 @moonofblindness @gippywhite meh, take pride. It takes
a lot to scare me!! # - 08:51 @gippywhite I use the yupyup as a throwback to the first Land Before Time! lol #
- 08:51 @moonofblindness lol, don't! Seriously, don't. It takes a special person to get that kind of reaction! #
- 08:55 @gippywhite mmmmmm, yeah........ #
- 08:56 @moonofblindness @gippywhite @daemonicmuse media.photobucket.com/image/jensen%20ackles/_gabri3ll3_/jensen-ackles.j pg #
- 09:00 @tomfromhr *parades back and forth banging pots and pans* Wake up!!! lol #
- 09:07 @gippywhite yeah, grizzly bear said I can't have that light switch. :( #
- 09:11 @gippywhite hurry up and finish s5 so you can read my minibang!!!!! #
- 09:21 Need inspiration. Perhaps I shall step outside for a quick smoke, see if that kickstarts my brain.... #
- 09:33 @gippywhite @moonofblindness @stratktten
another song that's inappropriate for singing on the bus bit.ly/BDPU7 # - 09:34 @gippywhite lol, I work in mysterious ways.... #
- 09:35 hrm. family party at the outlaws. Wonder if I should dig out my Bond Girl bathing suit and go swimming.. #
- 09:39 @gippywhite I am a god. A cruel capricious god. #
- 09:47 OMG! I hate calling Revenue Canada!!! #
- 09:50 @gippywhite *headdesk* #
- 09:51 1400 tweets!!!!! #
- 09:56 Crap in a hat. Talking to Revenue Canada is as productive as running into a cement wall! #
- 09:57 @gippywhite nope. I don't smite. I let my minons do the smiting for me!! #
- 09:58 ugh. Can't seem to write anything today.... *headdeskheaddesk* #
- 10:01 @tomfromhr True. and the spins from banging against cement is much more fun than being on hold!! #
- 10:01 @gippywhite lol, br
ing it, woman!! # - 10:03 YAY! Inspiration strikes!!! #
- 10:05 @gippywhite wow. Nice comeback /sarcasm #
- 10:14 @gippywhite I wanted to get that printed on the back of the uniform when I worked at the comic shop. They wouldn't let me #
- 10:23 @gippywhite USED to work at a comic shop. Don't have a fun job like that anymore. #
- 10:24 @gippywhite but Runsamok works there now, so I still hang there when I get
the chance! Speaking of, it's time to harrass him!! # - 10:45 is back from harassing Runsamok #
- 10:55 @Firefly171 catch up on my UDB verse! lol #
- 10:57 @tomfromhr careful that the police don't crack down on that! #
- 10:58 @Firefly171 xephwrites.livejournal.com/468.html masterpost #
- 10:59 Have I ever mentioned how grateful I am that Mugwump loves Star Wars? #
- 11:01 @gippywhite lol, just means that I can throw that on when I reach the point of wanting to kill Bob The Builder! #
- 11:10 gonna stretch out for a bit. Be back at some point! #
- 11:53 second last installment of Brother's Don't verse in the works!! #
- 11:56 @gippywhite Toronto is hosting the #g20 summit, and the security measures are just CRAZY!! glad I'm not in TO! #
- 11:57 @gippywhite www.thestar.com/news/gta/torontog20summit/article/828367--g20-law-gives-police-sweeping-powers-to-arrest-people?bn=1 #
- 12:14 @daemonicmuse waiting for the grizzly bear to get ready so we can go out for a bit. doing a bit of writing. You? #
- 12:21 @daemonicmuse soy protein veggie burgers or actual vegetables in patty form? #
- 12:23 @daemonicmuse cool. I prefer the soy protein ones. #
- 12:25 and we're off for shopping and such!! #
- 13:48 I are back! #
- 13:52 @gippywhite BWAHAHAHAHA! #
- 14:24 @librarianette *SQUEE* *tackleglomphug* #
- 14:27 @librarianette little strung out on coffee. lol #
- 14:29 @librarianette good. cafeine buzz is always good! lol o.@ #
- 14:31 @dbmcclelland WOW! A whole toonie!! Don't spend it all in one shot!! #
- 14:40 @librarianette a little strange, but not totally unheard of. #
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Like I need another random thing to become addicted to......
- 09:12 morning. Coffee......... *shuffles like zombie* cooooooofffeeeeeeeeee #
- 09:16 @stratktten mornin!! #
- 09:16 @moonofblindness WhA? no zombie names? :( #
- 09:17 @gippywhite yeah, you don't want to hide coffee from me.. #
- 09:19 @moonofblindness lol, understandable!! #
- 09:23 @gippywhite yuppers! that's my gen
eral rule! # - 09:28 bebacksoon, posting two fics...... #
- 09:35 There Ain't No Mercy For Swine Dean/Jo xephwrites.livejournal.com/14436.html #
- 09:41 @tomfromhr man, those GO Train announcers are pretty twisted sometimes.... #
- 09:52 Extreme temperatures Dean/Cas UST xephwrites.livejournal.com/14684.html #
- 09:58 wootwoot! Two fics posted!! #
- 1
0:02 @moonofblindness NICE!!! gotta love the bad art!!!! # - 10:04 @gippywhite have you read them???? #
- 11:13 sigh. back from shopping. ugh. #
- 11:15 @moonofblindness love the art!!!!!! #
- 11:23 @gippywhite OMG, I loved that ep!!!! #
- 11:25 @stratktten Caught you messin around (ah-ha-ah) better think of your future (ah-ha-ah) #
- 11:26 Lets see. Yesterday a 5.0 earthquake hit Ottawa/Hull/Gatineau area, and a tornado ripped through Barrie area. Any other natural disasters? #
- 11:28 @stratktten That is one of my instant happy mood inducing songs!! #
- 11:29 @moonofblindness Can I email you what I have for a summary to see if it's accurate?? #
- 11:30 @stratktten and Ghost Town really makes me think of where I live. Sadly.... #
- 11:31 @gippywhite
I want Cas!!! lol # - 11:32 @moonofblindness k, I'm sending it anyways...... #
- 11:33 @gippywhite Oddly enough, the overly graphic stuff in that ep didn't bother me so much. I watch A LOT of zombie/gore movies #
- 11:34 @moonofblindness I like to ask. Cause I hate to assume. Cause when you assume you make an ass of you and me! lol #
- 11:35 @gippywhite sorry, I lied. theres one thing in that ep that did disgust me. Let me know when you finish the ep. #
- 11:40 @moonofblindness wha? clueless to what you're saying. mail it back with what you think is wrong please. @.@ Is confused.... #
- 11:46 @moonofblindness HEE! now what you said made sense!!! Thanks hun!!! #
- 11:49 @gippywhite And THAT's the only part of the ep. that made my stomach lurch. #
- 11:56 @moonofblindness trust me, it's not that hard to confuse me! lol #
- 11:57 WOO! mailing in my summary a day befor
e it's due!!! Think the title of the fic is good?? # - 12:00 skip that. gotta wash dishes... #
- 13:49 Note to self: Christf**k by Wumpscut is not a good song to lypsync on the bus! #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
Like I need another random thing to become addicted to......
- 08:01 morning lovelies!!! #
- 08:03 @moonofblindness I have art for my Two Straws fic! xephwrites.livejournal.com/13961.html#cutid1 lmao #
- 08:04 xephwrites.livejournal.com/13961.html#cutid1 this is what happens to my mind and good taste at work #
- 08:04 @Firefly171 mornin!!! #
- 08:05 @moonofblindness you'll laugh your ass off! #
- 08:06 @gippywhite hey! go check out my masterpiece over at my journal!!! #
- 08:08 @Firefly171 lmao, yeah, that's what happens to my mind when I'm there #
- 08:12 please tell me one of you lovely ladies on right now is a mod at our sorority! #
- 08:12 @gippywhite I knew you'd like it!! lmao #
- 08:13 oh, not moderated posting..... I'll shut up now..... #
- 08:13 and I've made a contribution t
o the sorority! # - 08:15 @moonofblindness I would like to request a tag: result of chickeny doom #
- 08:15 @Firefly171 Yeah, I thought that was really strange. maybe the LJ gnomes were screwing around again. #
- 08:17 need to take garbage out and get my smokes from work. Forgot them there last night. Maybe I'll turn the oven on while Im over there #
- 08:29 @moonofblindness why are you telling me to stay out of prison? #
- 08:32 So I managed
to create those two masterpieces AND write another part to Unholy Dirty Beautiful. Can you tell how my night was at work! # - 08:34 @daemonicmuse there's another over on my journal too! #
- 08:35 @daemonicmuse xephwrites.livejournal.com/13961.html #
- 08:38 @daemonicmuse lol, why thank you!! #
- 08:39 so, you think I should post the Two Straws art on the deancastiel comm? lol #
- 08:42 n
ext instalment of Unholy Dirty Beautiful! xephwrites.livejournal.com/14188.html # - 08:50 @moonofblindness ah, no. I decided against warming up the oven early seeing as how it's already over 35 degrees celcius in there! >.< #
- 09:01 k, bad art posted to deancastiel comm! #
- 09:03 @gippywhite yup, it is. And the AC is busted. >.< #
- 09:05 @gippywhite yeah. Thanks for the thought! :( #
- 09:20 @moonofblindness lol, glad you liked it!! #
- 09:24 lol, why oh why am I so derranged???? #
- 09:26 OH SHIT! Summaries are due in TWO DAYS!! ACK!!! #
- 09:28 But I am making decent progress on editing my minibang. I think..... #
- 09:40 @gippywhite lol, I suck at summaries. And I need to do a good one. :( Guess I'll be doing that at work today..... #
- 09:48 why is Mugwump running around with no shirt on? #
- 09:50 @moonofblindness nope. He was wearing a shirt not two minutes ago, and I can't find it. #
- 09:50 @moonofblindness And we need to be nice to the Grizzly Bear, it's his birthday today!! #
- 09:55 @daemonicmuse *hugs* I'm so sorry! #
- 09:55 @moonofblindness lol, who knows what goes through the mind of a 3yo #
- 09:57 @daemonicmuse oh, babies have such a way of messing with you. I couldn'
t stand bananas when I was carrying mugwump # - 10:05 :( time to go. :( I don't wanna! #
- 10:42 Apparently the AC is NOT busted. Wouldve been nice to know that earlier. Would have cranked it when I came to get my smokes.... #
- 10:46 I honestly think I'm the only one who puts any effort into cleaning the deep fryer! #
- 10:55 Anyone alive out there??? #
- 10:57 @moonofblindness sweet! Hows my minibang looking? #
- 10:58 @gippywhite well bribe them to get their asses moving! #
- 10:59 And my phone decided to turn itself off. Wtf? #
- 11:00 @gippywhite yuppers! Oh and the AC is not busted! #
- 11:09 Dear coworkers ham goes in the conainer labeled HAM, not the one labeled bacon #
- 11:11 Also if the pinapple container is empty take another one out of the freezer! #
- 11:13 @gippywhite actually "canadianbacon" is backbacon or pemeal, and we also have normal bacon #
- 11:14 @gippywhite yup! Every morning #
- 11:31 Sign is on specials are posyed outside food is cooked. Where are the customers? #
- 11:38 @gippywhite lol I'm sure the delivery company would be thrilled to get that call from me #
- 11:44 @gippywhite lol I'll be waiting #
- 11:51 What a great day to work on UDB prompt heated! Lol #
- 12:32 Wow. Editing on the laptop is so much easier with a mouse!! #
- 12:46 Woo! Heated prompt complete! And it's sorta Dean/Cas too!!! #
- 12:56 @daemonicmuse TACOS! tacostacostacos #
- 12:58 @daemonicmuse make taco salad instead. Throw all the fixings into a bowl, add the taco meat and scoop it out with tortillas #
- 12:59 @daemonicmuse well I have no idea then! #
- 13:04 @miniwnionyns wow. I don't know what to say to that.... #
- 13:20 And the temp in the back of the store is finally a humane 25 degrees celcius! #
- 13:27 Woo! There Aint No Mercy For Swine is almost done!! Can you tell I've had few customers today? #
- 13:32 @miniwnionyns I thought you always had smutty thoughts! :P #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
Like I need another random thing to become addicted to......
- 10:26 morning my darlings! barely awake, but here I stand. Entertain me!!! #
- 10:33 @daemonicmuse Whahoo! Shake it girly!! but don't strain yourself. #
- 10:33 @moonofblindness OMG IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! #
- 10:35 @moonofblindness didn't trip and fall into a role of importance in the political structure. Yet. bwahahaha! #
- 11:01 @gippywhite you need to write more woman! #</ li>
- 11:10 Kiss my ass, fail whale. #harpoonthewhale #
- 11:12 @gippywhite don't post in rich text mode #
- 11:14 Wow. Voting is up at wordsmeetwings. #
- 11:16 @gippywhite yupyup. You will probably have to go back through and respace your paragraphs as it only recognizes one hard return not two. #
- 11:17 @gippywhite or at least I have to. May not be the same for everyone. I prefer HTML mode anyways. #
- 11:17 okies, peeps. Going out to buy some DrPepper and whatnot and have a smoke. BeBackSoon, I hope #
- 11:44 Back!! Yay! time for more coffee *refills mug* whahoo! now lets find some entertainment!! #
- 11:53 @daemonicmuse I remember two days after I stopped breastfeeding Mugwump. Drank a 2L Dr Pepper in record time! #
- 11:54 @gippywhite wow, you have a comeback for everything, don't you? :P #
- 11:55 @gippywhite lol, wow, it only takes me one beer for kareoke and three to start dancing! #
- 11:56 @gippywhite trying to wrap up the blindfold prompt. hopefully I can finish it before Chickeny Doom steals my soul and dignity. #
- 11:57 @daemonicmuse lol, man, the first beer I had after Mugwump hit me like a train! lol I was buzzed halfway through! #
- 11:58 @daemonicmuse WHOO! Team Free Will smut! I love it, but I've had problems writing it. Don't know why.... #
- 12:02 @daemonicmuse ah. Understandable. Wincest is not for everyone. But I'm sure that there's ways around that. Like a Chinese Finger Trap :D #
- 12:03 here's a surprise! My Dean/Pamela fic is more playful than smutty. #
- 12:08 @Ginfairy Um, what does the rules on that Comm mean with "Slash is not a warning"? is it a slashless comm? #
- 12:11 @daemonicmuse xephwrites.livejournal.com/12528.html #
- 12:30 @daemonicmuse glad you liked it!! #
- 12:32 @Ginfairy yeah, it's not exactly clear. I would love the challenge, but I've got way too much on my plate right now. #
- 12:39 @daemonicmuse I find Panzermench by And One to be an awesomely effective song in pissing others off!! #
- 12:40 @gippywhite don't apologize! I love smart asses!!! #
- 12:43 @gippywhite exactamaly! #
- 12:46 bite me, fa
il whale #harpoonthewhale # - 12:52 anyone know WHY posing naked by pictures of elephants is going to help boycott the circus? twitpic.com/1z12q0 #
- 12:56 @daemonicmuse lol. Well, I'm NOT going to boycott the circus cause a naked lady told me so. #
- 13:02 @daemonicmuse lol, true! But I do think @oliviamunn is very pretty! #
- 13:03 @daemonicmuse hrm, perhaps @mishacollins could pose naked with some baby tigers or something. That's a nice mental picture :D #
- 13:05 @moonofblindness friends don't let friends tweet and drive!!! #
- 13:12 Voting is up community.livejournal.com/wordsmeetwings/21924.html so sad there was only four entries this round... #
- 13:39 @dbmcclelland contrary to popular belief, nudity doesn't always sway my opinion #
- 13:40 Is back from rainy smoke break with Runsamok! I loves him! #
- 13:41 @daemonicmuse @miniwnionyns it's all a
bout Ben N Jerry's Chunky Monkey ice cream!!! # - 13:44 @daemonicmuse @miniwnionyns OH! Boo-urns!! :,( #
- 13:46 @daemonicmuse I want to read that, it's saved in my memories for a day I can read it in one go!! #
- 13:47 @librarianette lol. sorry, nothing to say to that but laugh! #
- 13:48 Best way to keep the Mugwump happy, Clone Wars cartoon (not that new one) apple juice and Smarties! #
- 13:50 @miniw nionyns @daemonicmuse I really like Half Baked. Cookie dough, brownie chunks, vanilla and chocolate ice cream all in one! mmmmm #
- 13:51 @moonofblindness well, I'm leaving for work in two hours, so I really don't care! lol. And Grizzly Bear was the one who suggested it!! #
- 13:51 @librarianette how are you holding up hun? #
- 13:52 oh, if you haven't read this yet, I highly recommend it! vaderina.livejournal.com/4922.html #
- 13:53 @moonofblindness yup, if
it goes to hell in a handbasket, not my fault!! # - 13:55 @librarianette done the rough draft of my mini bang, trying to wrap up the beta for you, and laughing at my Mugwump! he's too cute. #
- 13:56 @moonofblindness oh, at the game last night, the storyteller accepted my exuse of "I was writing porn" for not having my char background :D #
- 13:57 @librarianette Oh yeah, and I went LARPing last night! #
- 13:59 @moonofblindness lol, I know! And everyone who heard
the comment nodded in agreement! But I need to do it before next game.. # - 14:00 @gippywhite wow. There is so much wrong in that statement, I don't know where to start! #
- 14:01 @Aaliyah1963 @librarianette I hated the first time I broke in front of a therapist. but felt so much better afterwards. #
- 14:02 @librarianette Vampire The Masquerade! hee! I love that game SO FRIGGEN MUCH!!! #
- 14:03 @gippywhite lol well, that too. #
- 14:04 Dear bots, stop following me. Don't care if you like just one thing out of the plethora of tweets I make. Leave me alone! no love, xeph #
- 14:05 @librarianette confronting raw emotion is tough, but very cathartic. #
- 14:12 @librarianette I understand that completely. It's been ten years since my back to back miscarriages, and I still cry occasionally about it #
- 14:16 @librarianette lol, leave it to you to find another slash fan! #
- 14:20 wow, I am having WAY too much fun with the re
tractable cord for my new netbook mouse!! cause I'm easily amused like that! # - 14:25 still playing with the cord of my new mouse. I'll probably break it before I get to actually use it! lol #
- 14:47 @gippywhite love the frog!! LOVE IT! #
- 14:55 posting my Dean/Pamela fic. will be back soon with linkage!! #
- 15:01 here it be xephwrites.livejournal.com/13578.html #
- 15:03 @tomfromhr of my retractable mouse or my ability to be easily
amused? # - 15:06 @tomfromhr it's so cool!! cord comes out, cord comes back, cord comes out, cord goes back.... #
- 15:32 @moonofblindness yup, twas me! #
- 15:33 lets see, mismatched socks, laptop, new mouse, USB key, power cord, cell phone, smokes, lighter and filthy mind. All set for Chickeny doom! #
- 15:36 @moonofblindness yeah. well, there's always next prompt..... #
- 15:36 @Ginfairy lol, thank
you! I need all the luck I can get with that place!! # - 15:40 @moonofblindness Everyone needs a good nickname for their work. #
- 15:40 @moonofblindness dunno! Hope it's soon...... #
- 15:41 @daniellelouise half naked men are ALWAYS an incentive to do lots of things. :D #
- 15:42 and I am off! kicking and screaming as the chickens drag me to a place where my soul is taken and my dignity is put out with the trash.... #
- 16:31 K maybe
having a mouse for my netbook is bad. I have MS Paint on here. Hehehehe # - 16:35 Hee! Already did bad MSPaint art for my Two Straws fic!! Lol #
- 17:18 @stratktten you teach the all the right things!!!! #
- 17:22 Omg I'm having too much fun with MS Paint! Any SPN requests??? #
- 17:34 Doesn't ANYONE want one of their fave SPN scenes desecrated by bad MS Paint?? #
- 18:30 I is a sad demented person! #
- 20:16 Hello? Anyone out there??? #
- 21:02 @hp5freak YAY RANDOM NEKKIDNESS! #
- 23:18 Anybody awake in tweetverse???? #
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