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Friday, August 14th, 2009 | |
_2:52 am_[french_prince] |
Jack Riot – Come and Love Me (New song) free mp3 послушать:http://vkontakte.ru/club7395425 http://myspace.com/jackriotdotcom http://www.lastfm.ru/music/Jack+Riot download: http://jackriot.com |
Friday, February 13th, 2009 | |
_7:14 pm_[luscious_purple] |
Latest on Sirius XM From today's Washington Post:CEO Reaches Out To New Investors To Save Sirius XMFrom the AP via NYTimes.com:Sirius Could File Bankruptcy as Early as TuesdayFrom Slate:Sirius XM bet on a losing technology -- here's how the company can save itselfPlease feel free to read and discuss. Current Mood: ![]() |
Wednesday, February 11th, 2009 | |
_3:46 pm_[citizen_x_1936] |
Sirius XM (overdue post) I woke up one morning and found that most of my channels have been changed or were deleted from the lineup. I find myself listening to FM radio more than Sirius XM. Chrome alone with a few others are gone, the music on '60s, '70s, '80s is boring and stale, '90s now plays that ugly early '90s club/dance music that was horrible back then & hip hop/rap.I will not renew when my prepaid is up, I would have canceled had I not prepaid.I miss the old XM!P.S. I hear the price will go up $2 and no more free online listening. Current Mood: ![]() |
_2:00 pm_[luscious_purple] |
Sirius XM near bankruptcy? Looks as if Sirius XM may go into Chapter 11 soon.* Coverage from The New York Times* Coverage from the Washington Post* Coverage from WiredWhat do you all think is going to happen? Personally, I haven't listened to XM (as I still call it) for a few months now, because my Roady2 radio has been having antenna problems and after multiple consults with customer service I still can't tell if the problem is with the antenna itself or the antenna jack in the radio unit itself. My housemate keeps asking me if I'm going to buy another XM radio, but I don't want to if the service is about to go down the crapper. Advice?(to be x-posted with a few mods to my own LJ) Current Mood: ![]() |
Tuesday, January 27th, 2009 | |
_6:19 am_[littlestarletta] |
guess I'm cancelling my XM Radio Subscription... this is bullshit Now that we don't have XM in the car, and I don't have a job... I'm cancelling my XM subscription next chance I get. I refuse to pay for XM online. Boo. I know they are doing bad and really need revenue, but yeah I'm just not doing this. I just logged in and got the following message: LOCK IN AND SAVE On March 11th, we are upgrading our internet listening experience. On your next renewal date you will no longer get free online listening. We want to give you the opportunity to extend your existing radio subscription and will guarantee you free online listening until the end of that new term. FIND OUT MORE If you currently have a lifetime subscription you will keep free online listening for this radio plan. (5 Comments |Comment on this) |
Sunday, November 30th, 2008 | |
_8:02 pm_[damionkyng] | free DOWNLOAD (underground RAP) Born n raised in the Bronx to Jamaican parents Damion Kyng moved all around the BX (webster, tremont, kingsbrigde...) in and out of various hustles doin his best to help with bills in the house; been writing screenplays, short scripts (high ranking on AMERICAN ZOETROPE), poems n rhymes since thirteen. People round da way who didn't like da flo of hip hop asked Kyng to hop on da mic bout a year ago, his style is uncomparable but if there had to be a comparision many would say OUTKAST (only in that you can always expect something different n entertainin) now he has EIGHT tracks on da SOUNCLICK charts, has music being played on internet radio stations n mixtapes (unsigned hype volume 4 by DJ DESTINY/twisted studios)... reppin da underground MC who will make it based on skillz as opposed to PURCHASED HYPE - expect big things to come...I.C.E gon feed da hood...http://www.myspace.com/damionkynghttp://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=738592&content=music (Comment on this) |
Wednesday, November 12th, 2008 | |
_11:03 pm_[shinzakura] |
The Aftermath For those of you who got jarred by the whole Sirius XM merger/traffic jam that occurred the week of the 10th, here's a taste of how really polarized the situation is.CNN reported the issue and got (as of this writing) over 450 comments in regards to it. Very few were positive. All are saying pretty much how much the combined company has screwed the pooch on this one and how much customers on both sides (but especially XM) are looking for the doors.http://marquee.blogs.cnn.com/2008/11/12/goodbye-xm/ (4 Comments |Comment on this) |
Friday, July 25th, 2008 | |
_11:15 pm_[luscious_purple] |
It's official... FCC approves merger of XM and Sirius.Sidebar: Likely impact on subscribers. (1 Comment |Comment on this) |
Wednesday, April 9th, 2008 | |
_12:07 pm_[newsoundmag] |
To All Music Lovers/Musicians New Sound Magazine just launched. We are an online publication dedicated to giving exposure to talented, hard-working, unknown musicians from all genres.An issue every month Featuring 1 band/musician, 8 interviews w/ musicians, articles, + more. We would like to invite any/all music lovers to view our magazine.Thank You,Daryl Green (NSM)http://www.newsoundmagazine.com/http://www.myspace.com/newsoundmagazineCurrent Mood: working (Comment on this) |
Monday, March 24th, 2008 | |
_3:56 pm_[luscious_purple] |
This just in... The Justice Department has approved the XM-Sirius merger, but the deal is still awaiting approval from the FCC.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/03/24/AR2008032401645.html?hpid=topnewshttp://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/24/business/24radio-web.html?hphttp://www.dcrtv.com/pr.html (Comment on this) |
Friday, March 14th, 2008 | |
_1:47 pm_[littlestarletta] |
Irish Music! Sirius and XM celebrate St. Patrick's Dayhttp://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/orbitcast/~3/251511687/sirius-and-xm-celebrate-st-patricks-day.html |
Wednesday, January 30th, 2008 | |
_8:28 am_[xm_sucks] |
Please check out my XM community Not sure if this is allowed but I thought people would want to see this. If it's not allowed please feel free to delete.![]() |
Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008 | |
_12:23 pm_[littlestarletta] |
stupid Caricia I hate you - die now. Dear XM: Please stop playing constant commercials for this new "Caricia" / Spanish Oldies station on Viva and Caliente. It's bad enough that you took away Fuego (Channel 90) without having to have the earsore of "CARICIA!!! FEATURING - ABBA, BARRY MANILOW AND JULIO IGLESIAS" over and over. How could those songs possibly me any more popular than current Reggaeton and Bachata hits? *way pissed off* (3 Comments |Comment on this) |
Tuesday, November 13th, 2007 | |
_6:31 pm_[rmahorney] |
Sirius Shareholders Approve XM Deal November 13, 2007Sirius Shareholders Approve XM DealBy THE ASSOCIATED PRESSFiled at 11:27 a.m. EThttp://www.nytimes.com/aponline/technology/AP-Sirius-XM.html?pagewanted=printNEW YORK (AP) -- Shareholders of Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. on Tuesday approved the company's acquisition of rival XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc.The approval, which was expected, now leaves the tougher obstacles of regulatory approval by the Department of Justice and the Federal Communications Commission. XM's shareholders were also voting Tuesday on the deal.Sirius said in a statement that more than 96 percent of the shareholder votes cast approved the acquisition.Shareholder advisory firms had endorsed the deal, which would save costs for both companies on acquiring subscribers, programming and broadcasting.The deal still faces close scrutiny by regulators in Washington, however, and some consumer groups have opposed the combination.The FCC had originally said the two satellite companies couldn't combine, but that rule can be changed. Sirius and XM have argued that satellite radio now faces more competition for listeners since the advent of portable listening devices like Apple Inc.'s iPod, Internet radio and cell phones that can play music. (1 Comment |Comment on this) |
Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007 | |
_1:55 pm_[rmahorney] |
Satellite Radio: FCC Chairman Discusses Proposed Takeover FCC Chairman Discusses Proposed TakeoverSep 27, 2007 3:24 PM (ET)By IEVA M. AUGSTUMSAssociated Presshttp://apnews.myway.com//article/20070927/D8RU07P80.htmlCHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) - Broadcasters nationwide need not worry about local advertising revenue disappearing if the proposed takeover of XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. by Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. goes through, the FCC's chairman said Thursday.The National Association of Broadcasters, which counts Walt Disney Co.'s ABC division and radio station owner Clear Channel Communications Inc. (CCU) among its members, opposes the estimated 4.7billionacquisitiononthegroundsthatcombiningthenation′sonlytwosatelliteradiocompanieswouldcreateamonopoly.Speakingbeforehundredsofbroadcastexecutivesandon−airpersonalitiesatbreakfastduringabroadcastassociationconference,FederalCommunicationsCommissionChairmanKevinMartinsaidthereisa"higherburden"toexaminethetransactioncarefully."Iwouldbeconcernediftheyweretryingtobecomealocalbroadcaster,"Martinsaid,however."Wedon′thaveanyprohibitionsonwhereadrevenuecancomefrom,butwedosaybecausetheyareanationalservice...theyarenotallowedtobeonlocalizedcontent.ButNABRadioBoardChairW.RussellWithersJr.saidthatseemslikewhatXMandSiriusaredoingbecausetheyareofferingup−to−the−minuteweatherandtrafficreportsforlocalmarkets.Thereportsareaccessiblenationally.SiriusannouncedinFebruarythatitwouldacquireXMfor4.7 billion acquisition on the grounds that combining the nation's only two satellite radio companies would create a monopoly.Speaking before hundreds of broadcast executives and on-air personalities at breakfast during a broadcast association conference, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin said there is a "higher burden" to examine the transaction carefully."I would be concerned if they were trying to become a local broadcaster," Martin said, however."We don't have any prohibitions on where ad revenue can come from, but we do say because they are a national service ... they are not allowed to be on localized content.But NAB Radio Board Chair W. Russell Withers Jr. said that seems like what XM and Sirius are doing because they are offering up-to-the-minute weather and traffic reports for local markets. The reports are accessible nationally.Sirius announced in February that it would acquire XM for 4.7billionacquisitiononthegroundsthatcombiningthenation′sonlytwosatelliteradiocompanieswouldcreateamonopoly.Speakingbeforehundredsofbroadcastexecutivesandon−airpersonalitiesatbreakfastduringabroadcastassociationconference,FederalCommunicationsCommissionChairmanKevinMartinsaidthereisa"higherburden"toexaminethetransactioncarefully."Iwouldbeconcernediftheyweretryingtobecomealocalbroadcaster,"Martinsaid,however."Wedon′thaveanyprohibitionsonwhereadrevenuecancomefrom,butwedosaybecausetheyareanationalservice...theyarenotallowedtobeonlocalizedcontent.ButNABRadioBoardChairW.RussellWithersJr.saidthatseemslikewhatXMandSiriusaredoingbecausetheyareofferingup−to−the−minuteweatherandtrafficreportsforlocalmarkets.Thereportsareaccessiblenationally.SiriusannouncedinFebruarythatitwouldacquireXMfor4.7 billion. The Justice Department's antitrust regulators and the FCC must both sign off on the deal.On Wednesday, the testimony of a U.S. Justice Department official strengthened the perception that the two digital radio companies will be allowed to join forces.Both companies' stocks have risen sharply since mid-August on heightening optimism that U.S. regulators will clear the proposed takeover.Shares of Sirius climbed 8 cents, or 2.3 percent, to 3.50inafternoontradingThursday.SharesofXMwereup21cents,ornearly1.5percent,to3.50 in afternoon trading Thursday. Shares of XM were up 21 cents, or nearly 1.5 percent, to 3.50inafternoontradingThursday.SharesofXMwereup21cents,ornearly1.5percent,to14.59. (Comment on this) |
Thursday, July 12th, 2007 | |
_12:50 am_[rmahorney] |
FCC hears pros, cons of Sirius-XM deal FCC hears pros, cons of Sirius-XM dealOpponents, supporters of satellite radio union lay out positionsBy Brooks BoliekReuters/Hollywood ReporterUpdated: 8:23 a.m. CT July 10, 2007http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19692258/WASHINGTON - Opponents and supporters of the proposed Sirius-XM deal, which would shrink the satellite radio universe to one provider, laid their pros and cons before the Federal Communications Commission Monday.Although little new ground was broken, the groups - ranging from the National Association of Broadcasters to Women Involved in Farm Economics - gave the commission an earful as the deadline for comments in the merger expired.In its petition to deny the merger permission, NAB contends that the merger would harm consumers by creating a government-sanctioned monopoly where one didn't exist before."The proposed merger would create a monopoly in the national satellite (radio) market, which would inevitably result in increased prices, fewer programming choices, less local programming for radio listeners and other public interest harms," NAB said. "(Sirius and XM), however, have not even come close to meeting their burden of demonstrating by a preponderance of the evidence that there are 'extraordinarily large, cognizable, and nonspeculative efficiencies' that justify the creation of a monopoly."NAB was backed by a group of public-interest groups with which it has usually feuded.The Consumer Federation of America, Consumers Union, Common Cause and Free Press asked the FCC to reject the companies' proposal to define the market to include all forms of one- and two-way communications services."Approval of a merger based on an overly broad definition of the market is likely to result in rising prices, denial of choice, declining quality and slowing innovations," CFA research director Mark Cooper said.Definition is keyHow the FCC defines the market is a critical question. If the commission buys the companies' argument that the market ranges from traditional radio to the Internet, then merger approval is easier. If, on the other hand, it defines the market as just satellite radio, then a merger analysis that recommends approval is much more difficult."The merger of XM and Sirius satellite radio can only be called one thing - a monopoly - leaving no choice or competition in the satellite market," Consumers Union vice president Gene Kimmelman said.Broadcasters weren't the only ones with grassroots support. A coalition of groups including the NAACP, Americans for Tax Reform, the League of United Latin American Citizens and Women Involved in Farm Economics filed comments supporting the deal.Minority groups and rural dwellers believe that the merger will strengthen niche programming, lower prices and give them more control over what they hear.Sirius CEO Mel Karmazin touted the groups' support."The support for our merger is as diverse as the programming we provide," Karmazin said. "The thousands of pro-merger comments from organizations representing diverse populations and interests, individuals, businesses and experts plainly demonstrate that the combination of Sirius and XM is in the public interest."XM chairman Gary Parsons said that the filings demonstrate what the companies have been telling policymakers at the FCC, the Justice Department and Congress."These FCC comments strongly validate our contention that the merger will produce substantial public interest benefits," he said. "These include greater programming choices, better prices, rigorous competition and more rapid innovation."In telecommunications matters, a pair of agencies must approve the merger. In this case, the Justice Department examines the deal for its effect on competition, while the FCC decides if it is in the public interest.If approved, the combined value of the company would be about 13billion,whichincludesnetdebtofabout13 billion, which includes net debt of about 13billion,whichincludesnetdebtofabout1.6 billion. The combined company would have about 14 million subscribers.Copyright 2007 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19692258/ (Comment on this) |
Thursday, May 24th, 2007 | |
_7:38 am_[rmahorney] |
Key senator urges rejection of XM-Sirius deal Key senator urges rejection of XM-Sirius dealBy Peter Kaplanhttp://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070523/tc_nm/xm_sirius_dc_1;_ylt=Am6k9NWnCP6O6uXPhgteL_UE1vAIWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. Senate's antitrust subcommittee on Wednesday urged regulators to block Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.'s proposed acquisition of XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc..Democratic Sen. Herb Kohl of Wisconsin said he had sent a letter to the Justice Department and theFederal Communications Commission calling on them to oppose the deal on grounds that it would cause "substantial harm to competition and consumers.""Such a result should be unacceptable under antitrust law and as a matter of communication policy," Kohl wrote to FCC Chairman Kevin Martin and the Justice Department's antitrust chief, Thomas Barnett.Sirius plans to buy XM in an all-stock deal worth about $4 billion. The deal would combine the only two providers of satellite radio service in the United States and has sparked concerns among some U.S. lawmakers and consumer groups.The deal is currently being reviewed by both the Justice Department and the FCC, which issued both satellite radio licenses in 1997 on the condition that the two companies would never merge.Although they can exert political influence over the agencies generally, lawmakers have no direct input into the decisions about individual merger reviews.In testimony before Kohl's subcommittee and other congressional panels, Sirius Chief Executive Mel Karmazin has promised that the combined company would not raise prices, and that customers would be able to block adult channels and get a refund for those channels.Karmazin has also argued that the deal would not be anti-competitive because satellite radio faces competition from other forms of audio like traditional AM/FM radio and personal audio players.But in Wednesday's letter to the agencies, Kohl said he was unconvinced. Terrestrial radio is too limited to compete with satellite radio, while personal audio players can not match the programming of satellite service, he wrote."No other technology available today is a substitute for the satellite radio," Kohl wrote.Beyond that, Kohl said, other possible alternatives are years away from being available to consumers."Uncertain promises of competition from new technologies tomorrow do not protect consumers from higher prices today," Kohl wrote. (3 Comments |Comment on this) |
Friday, May 18th, 2007 | |
_3:06 pm_[scearley] |
So I was goofing around today with the case that came with my Inno - the case I never use - and I noticed that it's perfect as a business card holder.Has anyone else noticed this? Am I late to the party?Does anyone even use their case? (1 Comment |Comment on this) |
_1:12 am_[rmahorney] |
Listeners shocked by XM hosts' suspension http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-shockradio17may17,0,5876487.story?coll=la-home-centerListeners shocked by XM hosts' suspensionMany cancel the service. Some suspect a proposed merger with Sirius is a factor in the punishment.By Jim Puzzanghera and Amy KaufmanTimes Staff WritersMay 17, 2007WASHINGTON - Satellite radio bills itself as the Wild West of the airwaves, an uncensored outpost beyond the reach of federal regulators where expletives fly with impunity and the banter can get as raunchy as at a strip club.But the decision this week by XM Satellite Radio to suspend shock jocks Opie and Anthony for 30 days for crude sexual comments about First Lady Laura Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Queen Elizabeth II has listeners wondering whether there's a new sheriff in town.Some XM listeners were outraged - not at the comments but at XM's reaction."I signed up for XM because it's uncensored. I like these guys because they are so unfiltered," said Placentia resident Paul Hebert, who canceled his 12.95monthlyXMsubscriptionTuesdayinprotest.Hewasn′talone.HundredsofangrysubscribershavefloodedXM′soperatorswithcallstocancelsincethesuspensionwasannouncedTuesday.About60listenerssmashedtheirXMreceiversWednesdayoutsidetheWFNY−FMstudiosinNewYork,whereGregg"Opie"HughesandAnthonyCumiacontinuedtoairtheirtamer,over−the−airbroadcastforCBSRadio."Thereactionismind−blowing,"saidRyanSaghirofNorthBranford,Conn.,whorunsablogaboutsatelliteradiocalledOrbitcast."Oneofthemainattractorstosatelliteradioistheunregulatedcontent.Onceyoutakeawaythat.you′regoingtohavesomeupsetsubscribers."ButindustryobserverssaidXMmighthavebeenmoreworriedaboutoffendingfederalregulators,whocanblockthecompany′sproposedmergerwithitsonlyrival,SiriusSatelliteRadio,thanstayingtruetoitsslogan,"BeyondAM.BeyondFM.XM."SensitivitieshavebeenheightenedinWashingtonsincethecontroversyoverveteranshockjockDonImus′raciallyoffensivecommentsabouttheRutgersUniversitywomen′sbasketballteam,whichledtohisfiringlastmonthbyCBSRadio."It′shardtoreadanythingintoitotherthanthatthey′recateringtofederalofficials,"saidWilliamKidd,amediaanalystwithWedbushMorganSecuritiesinLosAngeles.XMspokesmanNathanielBrownwouldnotcommentonwhetherthependingmergerwasafactorinthesuspensionandwouldnotsayhowmanypeoplehadcanceledtheirsubscriptions.XMhassuspendedon−airpersonalitiesbefore,hesaid,butnonewithashighaprofileasHughesandCumia.It′snotthefirsttimeaskithaslandedthetwoshockjocksintrouble.CBSRadio,thenknownasInfinityBroadcasting,firedthemin2002forbroadcastingtwolistenersapparentlyhavingsexinNewYork′sSt.Patrick′sCathedral.TheFederalCommunicationsCommissionfinedInfinity12.95 monthly XM subscription Tuesday in protest.He wasn't alone. Hundreds of angry subscribers have flooded XM's operators with calls to cancel since the suspension was announced Tuesday. About 60 listeners smashed their XM receivers Wednesday outside the WFNY-FM studios in New York, where Gregg "Opie" Hughes and Anthony Cumia continued to air their tamer, over-the-air broadcast for CBS Radio."The reaction is mind-blowing," said Ryan Saghir of North Branford, Conn., who runs a blog about satellite radio called Orbitcast. "One of the main attractors to satellite radio is the unregulated content. Once you take away that . you're going to have some upset subscribers."But industry observers said XM might have been more worried about offending federal regulators, who can block the company's proposed merger with its only rival, Sirius Satellite Radio, than staying true to its slogan, "Beyond AM. Beyond FM. XM."Sensitivities have been heightened in Washington since the controversy over veteran shock jock Don Imus' racially offensive comments about the Rutgers University women's basketball team, which led to his firing last month by CBS Radio."It's hard to read anything into it other than that they're catering to federal officials," said William Kidd, a media analyst with Wedbush Morgan Securities in Los Angeles.XM spokesman Nathaniel Brown would not comment on whether the pending merger was a factor in the suspension and would not say how many people had canceled their subscriptions. XM has suspended on-air personalities before, he said, but none with as high a profile as Hughes and Cumia.It's not the first time a skit has landed the two shock jocks in trouble. CBS Radio, then known as Infinity Broadcasting, fired them in 2002 for broadcasting two listeners apparently having sex in New York's St. Patrick's Cathedral. The Federal Communications Commission fined Infinity 12.95monthlyXMsubscriptionTuesdayinprotest.Hewasn′talone.HundredsofangrysubscribershavefloodedXM′soperatorswithcallstocancelsincethesuspensionwasannouncedTuesday.About60listenerssmashedtheirXMreceiversWednesdayoutsidetheWFNY−FMstudiosinNewYork,whereGregg"Opie"HughesandAnthonyCumiacontinuedtoairtheirtamer,over−the−airbroadcastforCBSRadio."Thereactionismind−blowing,"saidRyanSaghirofNorthBranford,Conn.,whorunsablogaboutsatelliteradiocalledOrbitcast."Oneofthemainattractorstosatelliteradioistheunregulatedcontent.Onceyoutakeawaythat.you′regoingtohavesomeupsetsubscribers."ButindustryobserverssaidXMmighthavebeenmoreworriedaboutoffendingfederalregulators,whocanblockthecompany′sproposedmergerwithitsonlyrival,SiriusSatelliteRadio,thanstayingtruetoitsslogan,"BeyondAM.BeyondFM.XM."SensitivitieshavebeenheightenedinWashingtonsincethecontroversyoverveteranshockjockDonImus′raciallyoffensivecommentsabouttheRutgersUniversitywomen′sbasketballteam,whichledtohisfiringlastmonthbyCBSRadio."It′shardtoreadanythingintoitotherthanthatthey′recateringtofederalofficials,"saidWilliamKidd,amediaanalystwithWedbushMorganSecuritiesinLosAngeles.XMspokesmanNathanielBrownwouldnotcommentonwhetherthependingmergerwasafactorinthesuspensionandwouldnotsayhowmanypeoplehadcanceledtheirsubscriptions.XMhassuspendedon−airpersonalitiesbefore,hesaid,butnonewithashighaprofileasHughesandCumia.It′snotthefirsttimeaskithaslandedthetwoshockjocksintrouble.CBSRadio,thenknownasInfinityBroadcasting,firedthemin2002forbroadcastingtwolistenersapparentlyhavingsexinNewYork′sSt.Patrick′sCathedral.TheFederalCommunicationsCommissionfinedInfinity357,000 for the stunt.XM, which does not fall under the FCC's indecency rules because it is a pay service, hired Hughes and Cumia in 2004. Their program, "The Opie & Anthony Show," airs from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. on XM and 24 CBS radio affiliates, which picked the duo back up last year.It continues until about 11 a.m. only on XM, a segment that the show's website touts as "uncut, uncensored and totally filthy."On May 9, the XM portion of the show aired a skit featuring a character called Homeless Charlie, who graphically described having sex with Bush, Rice and the queen. Hughes and Cumia played along, laughing and asking questions.XM issued a statement condemning the comments, and Cumia and Hughes apologized on the air Friday.On Monday's show, Hughes and Cumia complained about "dumb rules" and an "umbrella of morality and decency" that led Imus and some other hosts to get fired. XM officials suspended the pair Tuesday, saying the comments "put into question whether they appreciate the seriousness of the matter."Satellite radio followers said the suspension was unprecedented. Some XM listeners were stunned and angry when they heard about it.Ed L. Kelley of Wagoner, Okla., said he spent six hours on the phone Tuesday night trying to cancel. He's talking to an attorney about a class-action suit, saying that because "The Opie & Anthony Show" appears on one of XM's "explicit-language" channels, the company has violated its promise to deliver uncensored content."These guys make me laugh and they make fun of everybody equally," Kelley said.Debbie Wolf, co-founder of People Against Censorship, called the suspension "outrageous" and organized the demonstration outside CBS Radio's studios. Christopher Lewis of Glenmoore, Penn., quickly registered http://www.cancelxm.com , and the message boards there and on other satellite radio sites have filled up with dozens of angry comments."I will not support a company that has decided the one true reason they exist no longer matters," wrote one poster on Orbitcast.Howard Stern, who left traditional radio in 2004 after battling regulators, also weighed in from his new post at Sirius."If you want free speech," he told his listeners Wednesday, "walk in a closet and talk to yourself."Kidd said the suspension could make it difficult for XM to attract edgy radio personalities who have viewed satellite as a haven for their outrageous acts."This will probably be a decision that XM will have to live with and, I suspect, likely regret over time," he said.The suspension would be as surprising as HBO pulling "The Sopranos" for offensive content and will reverberate through the industry, said Tom Taylor, a former program director who edits the trade journal Inside Radio."People in the satellite world have felt safe . until this week," he said. (Comment on this) |
Tuesday, May 15th, 2007 | |
_11:55 am_[scearley] |
O&A suspended for 30 days - and no worst of???? (8 Comments |Comment on this) |
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