Nilüfer Taş | Uludağ Üniversitesi (original) (raw)

Papers by Nilüfer Taş

Research paper thumbnail of A participatory governance model for the sustainable development of Cumalıkızık, a heritage site in Turkey

Environment and Urbanization, 2009

This paper presents a participatory governance model adopted in Bursa, Turkey, and discusses the ... more This paper presents a participatory governance model adopted in Bursa, Turkey, and discusses the challenges and successes experienced to date in applying this model. The principle objectives of The Living Ottoman Village in the Third Millennium -Cumalıkızık Collaboration Project are to promote, at national and international level, high standards of quality in the fi elds of heritage conservation, architecture, urban and rural planning and to advocate for the sustainable development of the urban and rural, built and natural environments, with a participatory approach. The model puts heritage and its benefi ts in the mainstream of public consciousness and attempts to make heritage a priority for public policies. Our aim is to present the Cumalıkızık Collaboration Project, whose objective is to achieve not only the conservation and revitalization of the historical settlement but also the sustainable development of the village. Thus, it can be an important example for similar settlements.

Research paper thumbnail of Determining the Scale to Ensure Locality and a Sense of Belonging in the Housing Redevelopment Process: Bursa Hürriyet Neighborhood Field Study

Sustainability, Dec 18, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Urban Housing regeneration in the context of a sustainable city.Case study of yıldırım in Bursa

St. Kliment Ohridski Unıversity Press, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of 17 Ağustos Kocaeli depremi ile ilgili teknik gezi gözlem raporu

Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of The Renewal of a Built-Up Environment İn The Context of Urban Regeneration

St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of 17 Ağustos İzmit ve 12 Kasım Düzce depremlerinde ortaya çıkan yapısal ve çevresel hasarların değerlendirilmesi

Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Accreditation İn Education: An Architecture Department Experience

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 5: Sustainable Development, Urban Regeneration and Earthquakes in Turkey: The Example of Bursa

St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Development , urban Regeneration And Earthquakes Inb Turkey:The Example Of Bursa

St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The changes of sustainable primary school buildings

Eco-Architecture VI: Harmonisation between Architecture and Nature, 2016

Recently, there has been a sustainability movement in both currently built and existing structure... more Recently, there has been a sustainability movement in both currently built and existing structures in many cities around the world. One of these structures is the school buildings where new generations are educated. In Turkey, there are quality problems in built school buildings in terms of sustainable architecture principles for the residents and the environment. In addition, environmental, economic and social losses occur unless sustainable precautions are taken in such buildings. It is proposed that, as a model for the sustainability movement, every primary school in cities be designed within these principles so that new generations can grow up and receive education in a sustainable environment and their parents can become aware of this issue. This study particularly examines the existing primary school buildings that were built with a typical project principle. In order to raise the living standards of children and also for environmental sustainability, the existing conditions of the school buildings should be improved and transformed in a sustainable way. In this context, the study is restricted to two scopes: existing primary schools in Turkey and sustainability in existing buildings. As a method, a primary school which was built with a typical project in a developing district was evaluated within the framework of sustainability principles. In addition, improvement and recovery through sustainability integration as a concept were proposed. Application of this approach can be regarded as an important step in terms of sustainable transformation in cities starting from local district schools to other local residential buildings and other buildings as well. It is believed that this approach holds an important role in creating sustainability awareness and integration in a national and global aspect.

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 39: Urban Housing Regeneration in the Context of a Sustainable City: Case Study of Yıldırım in Bursa

Research paper thumbnail of Sürdürülebilir Yapım Sürecinde Mimarın Yapısal Atık Oluşumuna Etkisi

Endustri devrimi ile baslayan endustrilesme hareketi ozellikle 20. yuzyilin baslarindan itibaren ... more Endustri devrimi ile baslayan endustrilesme hareketi ozellikle 20. yuzyilin baslarindan itibaren hizla ilerlemis; teknolojik gelismelerle birlikte cevresel, ekonomik ve sosyal sorunlar artmistir. Gunumuzde hemen her alanda karsimiza cikan bu olumsuz kosullar insanligin gelecegini etkileyecek duzeylere ulasmistir. Bu sorunlarin cozumune yonelik olarak surdurulebilirlik kavrami ortaya cikmis ve dunyanin onemli gundem maddeleri arasinda yer almaya baslamistir. Surdurulebilirlik kavrami hemen her alanda, her sektorde oldugu gibi insaat sektorunde de onemli bir kavram olmustur. Insaat sektorunun onemli olcude cevresel etkileri mevcuttur. Sosyo-ekonomik yapinin gelismesinde ve yasam kalitesinin artmasinda onemli bir etkendir. Surdurulebilirlik ilkelerinin uygulanmasinda surdurulebilir yapim konusunda calismalarin yapilmasi onemli bir ihtiyac olarak kabul gormektedir. Surdurulebilir yapim kriterleri icinde onemli basliklardan biri olan atik yonetimi ve azaltimi ise uzerinde calisilmasiyla...

Research paper thumbnail of Kültürel Mi̇ras Alanlarinda Afet Yöneti̇mi̇

Resilience, 2020

Öz Kültürel miras; toplumun kimliğiyle, kültürüyle, tarihiyle ilgili somut ve soyut değerlerin tü... more Öz Kültürel miras; toplumun kimliğiyle, kültürüyle, tarihiyle ilgili somut ve soyut değerlerin tümünü kapsar. Sadece bulunduğu toplumda değil, bütün dünyada barındırdığı tarih, kimlik ve kültür değerleri açısından önemlidir. Dünyada kültürel miras doğal riskler(afet), insan kaynaklı riskler, teknik riskler gibi pek çok risk altında bulunmaktadır. Kültürel mirasa etki eden olası riskler doğal kaynaklı (deprem, sel, yangın, toprak kayması, tsunami,…) ya da insan kaynaklı(Vandalizm, savaşlar, hırsızlık,…) risklerdir. Ancak kültürel miraslara en fazla etki eden riskler afetlerdir. Afetler meydana geldiği çevreye ve topluma farklı şekilde etkilerde bulunur. Bu etkiler arasında; can ve mal kaybı, ekonomik, sosyolojik, psikolojik sorunlar gibi kültür varlıkları için de büyük tehditler oluşturur. Bu tehditleri azaltmak ve yok etmek için afet yönetimi uygulanır. Yaşanan savaşlar, afetler, doğal olaylar sonucunda kültürel mirasların tahrip ve yok olması bütün dünyada miras alanlarının riskleri konusuna dikkatleri çekmiştir. Bu olaylar sonucunda tarihi çevrelerde kültürel mirasa yönelik olası tehditleri azaltmak, afetler sonucu gördüğü zarar ve kayıpları azaltmak ve kültürel mirasın korunması için UNESCO, ICORP,ICOMOS,UNDRR,ICCROM gibi kurum ve kuruluşlar dünya çapında sözleşmeler hazırlamış, kongreler düzenlemiş ve bildiriler yayınlamıştır. Çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de yapılan ve uluslararası kurum, kuruluşların yapmış olduğu bütün bu çalışmalar ışığında tarihi çevrelerde kültürel mirasın özgünlük, bütünlük ve sürdürülebilirlik değerlerinin korunarak tarihi çevrelerde kültürel mirasa yönelik olası afet risklerinin tanımlanması ve azaltılması ile mirasın afetlerden en az zararla kurtulması ve çalışmaların 1983 yılında yürürlüğe giren 2863 sayılı "Kültür ve Tabiat Varlıklarını Koruma Kanunu" kapsamında yürütülmesidir. Çalışma kapsamında literatür taraması yapılmış ve elde edilen bilgiler kapsamında konu ele alınmıştır. Literatür araştırmasında konu kapsamında yer alan lisansüstü tezler, ulusal ve uluslararası makaleler, ilgili yasa ve yönetmelikler, UNESCO ve danışma organlarının yaptıkları çalışmalar ve kültürel miras alanlarında yapılan çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Çalışma, somut kültürel mirasların afet riskleri ile sınırlandırılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Yerleşim Alanlarında Olası Deprem Zararlarının Azaltılması

Uludag University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, Apr 1, 2003

Ülkemiz başta depremler olmak üzere seller, fırtınalar, çığ düşmesi gibi çeşitli afet türlerinin ... more Ülkemiz başta depremler olmak üzere seller, fırtınalar, çığ düşmesi gibi çeşitli afet türlerinin etkisi altındadır. Yerleşmelerde depremlerden sonra görülen en belirgin etkiler, yapısal çevrenin yıkımı ve hasar görmesidir. Depremlerden sonra birçok yapı; konutlar, işyerleri, fabrikalar, okullar, hastaneler, tarihi ve kültürel değeri olan binalar vb., zarar görebilir ve/veya yıkılabilir. Yapılarla birlikte toplum için hayati önem taşıyan alt yapı; yollar, demiryolları, iletişim ağı, içme suyu şebekesi, doğal gaz boru hatları vb. de zarar görebilir. Bütün bunların bir sonucu olarak da normal hayat kesintiye uğrar. Bu kesintinin büyüklüğü; depremin büyüklüğüne ve de toplumun deprem zararlarını azaltmaya yönelik yapmış oldukları hazırlıklara göre farklılık gösterir. Yıkıcı depremlerden sonra oluşan yapısal çevre kayıplarının giderilmesi ve iyileştirilmesi çok uzun sürebilir. Ülke topraklarının büyük bir kısmının deprem riskine sahip olması, bu topraklar üzerinde önemli sanayi kuruluşlarının bulunması ve nüfusun büyük bir kısmının yaşaması tehlikenin boyutunu daha da arttırmaktadır. Geçmişte olan depremlerden dersler alarak, gelecekteki deprem etkilerinin azaltılabilmesi için; mutlaka deprem olmadan önce, halkın deprem hakkında eğitilmesi, yerleşimlerde ve yapılarda deprem risklerinin azaltılması, yeni düzenlemelerin ve önlemlerin alınması, deprem anında ve deprem sonrasında nelerin yapılması gerektiği önceden planlanması gereken önemli çalışmalardır. Bu makalenin amacı da, deprem zararlarının artmasındaki nedenleri ortaya koyarak, deprem öncesinde, anında ve sonrasında nelerin yapılması gerektiğini irdelemektir.

Research paper thumbnail of Determining of the local housing identity in urban transformation areas under disaster risk: Bursa, Turkey

Natural Hazards, 2014

Post-disaster permanent housing production and housing production for urban transformation in are... more Post-disaster permanent housing production and housing production for urban transformation in areas under disaster risk have gained importance in recent years in Turkey. Users’ life styles must be taken into account in housing production. Users’ life style is the main criterion defining the identity of the housings produced. This article aims to present the data needed in order to carry out quality practices which have identity and reflect users’ life style in the production of post-disaster permanent housings and housing production for urban transformation in areas under disaster risk. Bursa is one of the cities with earthquake risk where urban transformation practices are compulsory. In this study, residents’ living in selected areas with similar features in Bursa were asked for their opinions on sociocultural and physical features of housing and its surroundings, and their expectations regarding the production of new housings to be built were discussed. Data from the research study carried out by the authors were used in the article. According to data, the most significant factors identifying users’ life style and reflecting on the identity of the housing were neighbor relations, open space use, spaces where basic needs are met, and living spaces used for meeting sum and winter needs. It was observed that creating settlements with identity and reflecting the features of local life increases user satisfaction.

Research paper thumbnail of Permanent Housing Production Process After 17 August 1999 Marmara Earthquake in Turkey / Nuolatinio Būsto Statybos Procesas Po 1999 M. Rugpjūčio 17 D. Žemės Drebėjimo Marmuro Regione (Turkija)

International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 2011

In recent years, one of the biggest investments and projects that developed in Turkey is in perma... more In recent years, one of the biggest investments and projects that developed in Turkey is in permanent housing. The emergency case experienced after the 17 August 1999 Marmara Earthquake featured the permanent housing need; thus, within the meaning of Disaster Law, a large number of housings were to be built in designated residential areas in various provinces. Once a building has been designed, impediments that arise either cannot be fixed any longer or require an extra cost to be fixed. In order to create a high quality built environment, production process of constructions as a long lasting effect becomes important. This study examines how the production process of the permanent housings to be built in Turkey after 1999 Marmara Earthquake was managed considering the current legal framework. In this context, the aim is to state how permanent housings are produced and determination of the points seen as problems by the builders (contractors) and occupants through this process. The m...

Research paper thumbnail of A participatory governance model for the sustainable development of Cumalıkızık, a heritage site in Turkey

Environment and Urbanization, 2009

This paper presents a participatory governance model adopted in Bursa, Turkey, and discusses the ... more This paper presents a participatory governance model adopted in Bursa, Turkey, and discusses the challenges and successes experienced to date in applying this model. The principle objectives of The Living Ottoman Village in the Third Millennium — Cumalıkızık Collaboration Project are to promote, at national and international level, high standards of quality in the fields of heritage conservation, architecture, urban and rural planning and to advocate for the sustainable development of the urban and rural, built and natural environments, with a participatory approach. The model puts heritage and its benefits in the mainstream of public consciousness and attempts to make heritage a priority for public policies. Our aim is to present the Cumalıkızık Collaboration Project, whose objective is to achieve not only the conservation and revitalization of the historical settlement but also the sustainable development of the village. Thus, it can be an important example for similar settlements.

Research paper thumbnail of Study on permanent housing production after 1999 earthquake in Kocaeli (Turkey)

Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 2010

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to examine production of permanent housing in Turkey after th... more PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to examine production of permanent housing in Turkey after the 1999 Marmara earthquake in terms of planning, design, and construction, and to identify problems that were faced. Earthquake survivors face many problems that affect the return to normalcy, including disruptions in temporary and permanent housing. To improve the earthquake survivors' social‐psychological status, it is imperative to shorten the transition from temporary to permanent housing. For the transition to be as brief as possible, planning, design, and construction of permanent housing need to be carried out seamlessly.Design/methodology/approachA survey is carried out among those who took part in the permanent housing production in Kocaeli, where, after the Marmara earthquake in 1999, permanent housing practices were dense.FindingsAs a result of the study, the most important problem in the production process is found to be the limited time allocated for design and constructi...

Research paper thumbnail of A qualitative evaluation of the after earthquake permanent housings in Turkey in terms of user satisfaction—Kocaeli, Gundogdu Permanent Housing model

Building and Environment, 2007

One of the most important works after an earthquake is the permanent housing practices. In these ... more One of the most important works after an earthquake is the permanent housing practices. In these practices, in order to provide user satisfaction it is necessary to take the user need and the design criteria depending on it into consideration. Permanent housing must, above meeting the basic accommodation need, provide the psychologically, socially and economically damaged people's various expectations from the built environment where they will lead their lives for a long time. This study aims to determine the problems that were come up against in use phase in Kocaeli Gundogdu Permanent Housing model, built after the 17 August 1999 Marmara Earthquake and was chosen as the study field; and to get the results that could form data for the design and application of permanent housing that will be needed to be made after a possible earthquake. Through this data, applications that will reduce the possible problems and increase user satisfaction and provide economic comfort to the users can be developed.

Research paper thumbnail of Flood disaster vulnerability in informal settlements in Bursa, Turkey

Environment and Urbanization, 2013

In Turkey, as in many other nations, there have been many urban flood disasters in recent years, ... more In Turkey, as in many other nations, there have been many urban flood disasters in recent years, and the greatest impact has often been on informal settlements. This paper reports on interviews with households who were affected by two floods in 2010 in two settlements in Bursa. Interviewees discussed why they lived there, the main problems they experienced, the factors that increased flood damage, the measures they took after the floods to minimize future flood impacts, the costs they incurred and where responsibility for disaster mitigation/preparedness lay. The conclusions emphasize the need for far more attention to disaster risk reduction and to working with low-income communities to identify how best such disaster risk reduction can be planned and implemented.

Research paper thumbnail of A participatory governance model for the sustainable development of Cumalıkızık, a heritage site in Turkey

Environment and Urbanization, 2009

This paper presents a participatory governance model adopted in Bursa, Turkey, and discusses the ... more This paper presents a participatory governance model adopted in Bursa, Turkey, and discusses the challenges and successes experienced to date in applying this model. The principle objectives of The Living Ottoman Village in the Third Millennium -Cumalıkızık Collaboration Project are to promote, at national and international level, high standards of quality in the fi elds of heritage conservation, architecture, urban and rural planning and to advocate for the sustainable development of the urban and rural, built and natural environments, with a participatory approach. The model puts heritage and its benefi ts in the mainstream of public consciousness and attempts to make heritage a priority for public policies. Our aim is to present the Cumalıkızık Collaboration Project, whose objective is to achieve not only the conservation and revitalization of the historical settlement but also the sustainable development of the village. Thus, it can be an important example for similar settlements.

Research paper thumbnail of Determining the Scale to Ensure Locality and a Sense of Belonging in the Housing Redevelopment Process: Bursa Hürriyet Neighborhood Field Study

Sustainability, Dec 18, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Urban Housing regeneration in the context of a sustainable city.Case study of yıldırım in Bursa

St. Kliment Ohridski Unıversity Press, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of 17 Ağustos Kocaeli depremi ile ilgili teknik gezi gözlem raporu

Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of The Renewal of a Built-Up Environment İn The Context of Urban Regeneration

St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of 17 Ağustos İzmit ve 12 Kasım Düzce depremlerinde ortaya çıkan yapısal ve çevresel hasarların değerlendirilmesi

Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Accreditation İn Education: An Architecture Department Experience

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 5: Sustainable Development, Urban Regeneration and Earthquakes in Turkey: The Example of Bursa

St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Development , urban Regeneration And Earthquakes Inb Turkey:The Example Of Bursa

St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The changes of sustainable primary school buildings

Eco-Architecture VI: Harmonisation between Architecture and Nature, 2016

Recently, there has been a sustainability movement in both currently built and existing structure... more Recently, there has been a sustainability movement in both currently built and existing structures in many cities around the world. One of these structures is the school buildings where new generations are educated. In Turkey, there are quality problems in built school buildings in terms of sustainable architecture principles for the residents and the environment. In addition, environmental, economic and social losses occur unless sustainable precautions are taken in such buildings. It is proposed that, as a model for the sustainability movement, every primary school in cities be designed within these principles so that new generations can grow up and receive education in a sustainable environment and their parents can become aware of this issue. This study particularly examines the existing primary school buildings that were built with a typical project principle. In order to raise the living standards of children and also for environmental sustainability, the existing conditions of the school buildings should be improved and transformed in a sustainable way. In this context, the study is restricted to two scopes: existing primary schools in Turkey and sustainability in existing buildings. As a method, a primary school which was built with a typical project in a developing district was evaluated within the framework of sustainability principles. In addition, improvement and recovery through sustainability integration as a concept were proposed. Application of this approach can be regarded as an important step in terms of sustainable transformation in cities starting from local district schools to other local residential buildings and other buildings as well. It is believed that this approach holds an important role in creating sustainability awareness and integration in a national and global aspect.

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 39: Urban Housing Regeneration in the Context of a Sustainable City: Case Study of Yıldırım in Bursa

Research paper thumbnail of Sürdürülebilir Yapım Sürecinde Mimarın Yapısal Atık Oluşumuna Etkisi

Endustri devrimi ile baslayan endustrilesme hareketi ozellikle 20. yuzyilin baslarindan itibaren ... more Endustri devrimi ile baslayan endustrilesme hareketi ozellikle 20. yuzyilin baslarindan itibaren hizla ilerlemis; teknolojik gelismelerle birlikte cevresel, ekonomik ve sosyal sorunlar artmistir. Gunumuzde hemen her alanda karsimiza cikan bu olumsuz kosullar insanligin gelecegini etkileyecek duzeylere ulasmistir. Bu sorunlarin cozumune yonelik olarak surdurulebilirlik kavrami ortaya cikmis ve dunyanin onemli gundem maddeleri arasinda yer almaya baslamistir. Surdurulebilirlik kavrami hemen her alanda, her sektorde oldugu gibi insaat sektorunde de onemli bir kavram olmustur. Insaat sektorunun onemli olcude cevresel etkileri mevcuttur. Sosyo-ekonomik yapinin gelismesinde ve yasam kalitesinin artmasinda onemli bir etkendir. Surdurulebilirlik ilkelerinin uygulanmasinda surdurulebilir yapim konusunda calismalarin yapilmasi onemli bir ihtiyac olarak kabul gormektedir. Surdurulebilir yapim kriterleri icinde onemli basliklardan biri olan atik yonetimi ve azaltimi ise uzerinde calisilmasiyla...

Research paper thumbnail of Kültürel Mi̇ras Alanlarinda Afet Yöneti̇mi̇

Resilience, 2020

Öz Kültürel miras; toplumun kimliğiyle, kültürüyle, tarihiyle ilgili somut ve soyut değerlerin tü... more Öz Kültürel miras; toplumun kimliğiyle, kültürüyle, tarihiyle ilgili somut ve soyut değerlerin tümünü kapsar. Sadece bulunduğu toplumda değil, bütün dünyada barındırdığı tarih, kimlik ve kültür değerleri açısından önemlidir. Dünyada kültürel miras doğal riskler(afet), insan kaynaklı riskler, teknik riskler gibi pek çok risk altında bulunmaktadır. Kültürel mirasa etki eden olası riskler doğal kaynaklı (deprem, sel, yangın, toprak kayması, tsunami,…) ya da insan kaynaklı(Vandalizm, savaşlar, hırsızlık,…) risklerdir. Ancak kültürel miraslara en fazla etki eden riskler afetlerdir. Afetler meydana geldiği çevreye ve topluma farklı şekilde etkilerde bulunur. Bu etkiler arasında; can ve mal kaybı, ekonomik, sosyolojik, psikolojik sorunlar gibi kültür varlıkları için de büyük tehditler oluşturur. Bu tehditleri azaltmak ve yok etmek için afet yönetimi uygulanır. Yaşanan savaşlar, afetler, doğal olaylar sonucunda kültürel mirasların tahrip ve yok olması bütün dünyada miras alanlarının riskleri konusuna dikkatleri çekmiştir. Bu olaylar sonucunda tarihi çevrelerde kültürel mirasa yönelik olası tehditleri azaltmak, afetler sonucu gördüğü zarar ve kayıpları azaltmak ve kültürel mirasın korunması için UNESCO, ICORP,ICOMOS,UNDRR,ICCROM gibi kurum ve kuruluşlar dünya çapında sözleşmeler hazırlamış, kongreler düzenlemiş ve bildiriler yayınlamıştır. Çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de yapılan ve uluslararası kurum, kuruluşların yapmış olduğu bütün bu çalışmalar ışığında tarihi çevrelerde kültürel mirasın özgünlük, bütünlük ve sürdürülebilirlik değerlerinin korunarak tarihi çevrelerde kültürel mirasa yönelik olası afet risklerinin tanımlanması ve azaltılması ile mirasın afetlerden en az zararla kurtulması ve çalışmaların 1983 yılında yürürlüğe giren 2863 sayılı "Kültür ve Tabiat Varlıklarını Koruma Kanunu" kapsamında yürütülmesidir. Çalışma kapsamında literatür taraması yapılmış ve elde edilen bilgiler kapsamında konu ele alınmıştır. Literatür araştırmasında konu kapsamında yer alan lisansüstü tezler, ulusal ve uluslararası makaleler, ilgili yasa ve yönetmelikler, UNESCO ve danışma organlarının yaptıkları çalışmalar ve kültürel miras alanlarında yapılan çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Çalışma, somut kültürel mirasların afet riskleri ile sınırlandırılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Yerleşim Alanlarında Olası Deprem Zararlarının Azaltılması

Uludag University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, Apr 1, 2003

Ülkemiz başta depremler olmak üzere seller, fırtınalar, çığ düşmesi gibi çeşitli afet türlerinin ... more Ülkemiz başta depremler olmak üzere seller, fırtınalar, çığ düşmesi gibi çeşitli afet türlerinin etkisi altındadır. Yerleşmelerde depremlerden sonra görülen en belirgin etkiler, yapısal çevrenin yıkımı ve hasar görmesidir. Depremlerden sonra birçok yapı; konutlar, işyerleri, fabrikalar, okullar, hastaneler, tarihi ve kültürel değeri olan binalar vb., zarar görebilir ve/veya yıkılabilir. Yapılarla birlikte toplum için hayati önem taşıyan alt yapı; yollar, demiryolları, iletişim ağı, içme suyu şebekesi, doğal gaz boru hatları vb. de zarar görebilir. Bütün bunların bir sonucu olarak da normal hayat kesintiye uğrar. Bu kesintinin büyüklüğü; depremin büyüklüğüne ve de toplumun deprem zararlarını azaltmaya yönelik yapmış oldukları hazırlıklara göre farklılık gösterir. Yıkıcı depremlerden sonra oluşan yapısal çevre kayıplarının giderilmesi ve iyileştirilmesi çok uzun sürebilir. Ülke topraklarının büyük bir kısmının deprem riskine sahip olması, bu topraklar üzerinde önemli sanayi kuruluşlarının bulunması ve nüfusun büyük bir kısmının yaşaması tehlikenin boyutunu daha da arttırmaktadır. Geçmişte olan depremlerden dersler alarak, gelecekteki deprem etkilerinin azaltılabilmesi için; mutlaka deprem olmadan önce, halkın deprem hakkında eğitilmesi, yerleşimlerde ve yapılarda deprem risklerinin azaltılması, yeni düzenlemelerin ve önlemlerin alınması, deprem anında ve deprem sonrasında nelerin yapılması gerektiği önceden planlanması gereken önemli çalışmalardır. Bu makalenin amacı da, deprem zararlarının artmasındaki nedenleri ortaya koyarak, deprem öncesinde, anında ve sonrasında nelerin yapılması gerektiğini irdelemektir.

Research paper thumbnail of Determining of the local housing identity in urban transformation areas under disaster risk: Bursa, Turkey

Natural Hazards, 2014

Post-disaster permanent housing production and housing production for urban transformation in are... more Post-disaster permanent housing production and housing production for urban transformation in areas under disaster risk have gained importance in recent years in Turkey. Users’ life styles must be taken into account in housing production. Users’ life style is the main criterion defining the identity of the housings produced. This article aims to present the data needed in order to carry out quality practices which have identity and reflect users’ life style in the production of post-disaster permanent housings and housing production for urban transformation in areas under disaster risk. Bursa is one of the cities with earthquake risk where urban transformation practices are compulsory. In this study, residents’ living in selected areas with similar features in Bursa were asked for their opinions on sociocultural and physical features of housing and its surroundings, and their expectations regarding the production of new housings to be built were discussed. Data from the research study carried out by the authors were used in the article. According to data, the most significant factors identifying users’ life style and reflecting on the identity of the housing were neighbor relations, open space use, spaces where basic needs are met, and living spaces used for meeting sum and winter needs. It was observed that creating settlements with identity and reflecting the features of local life increases user satisfaction.

Research paper thumbnail of Permanent Housing Production Process After 17 August 1999 Marmara Earthquake in Turkey / Nuolatinio Būsto Statybos Procesas Po 1999 M. Rugpjūčio 17 D. Žemės Drebėjimo Marmuro Regione (Turkija)

International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 2011

In recent years, one of the biggest investments and projects that developed in Turkey is in perma... more In recent years, one of the biggest investments and projects that developed in Turkey is in permanent housing. The emergency case experienced after the 17 August 1999 Marmara Earthquake featured the permanent housing need; thus, within the meaning of Disaster Law, a large number of housings were to be built in designated residential areas in various provinces. Once a building has been designed, impediments that arise either cannot be fixed any longer or require an extra cost to be fixed. In order to create a high quality built environment, production process of constructions as a long lasting effect becomes important. This study examines how the production process of the permanent housings to be built in Turkey after 1999 Marmara Earthquake was managed considering the current legal framework. In this context, the aim is to state how permanent housings are produced and determination of the points seen as problems by the builders (contractors) and occupants through this process. The m...

Research paper thumbnail of A participatory governance model for the sustainable development of Cumalıkızık, a heritage site in Turkey

Environment and Urbanization, 2009

This paper presents a participatory governance model adopted in Bursa, Turkey, and discusses the ... more This paper presents a participatory governance model adopted in Bursa, Turkey, and discusses the challenges and successes experienced to date in applying this model. The principle objectives of The Living Ottoman Village in the Third Millennium — Cumalıkızık Collaboration Project are to promote, at national and international level, high standards of quality in the fields of heritage conservation, architecture, urban and rural planning and to advocate for the sustainable development of the urban and rural, built and natural environments, with a participatory approach. The model puts heritage and its benefits in the mainstream of public consciousness and attempts to make heritage a priority for public policies. Our aim is to present the Cumalıkızık Collaboration Project, whose objective is to achieve not only the conservation and revitalization of the historical settlement but also the sustainable development of the village. Thus, it can be an important example for similar settlements.

Research paper thumbnail of Study on permanent housing production after 1999 earthquake in Kocaeli (Turkey)

Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 2010

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to examine production of permanent housing in Turkey after th... more PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to examine production of permanent housing in Turkey after the 1999 Marmara earthquake in terms of planning, design, and construction, and to identify problems that were faced. Earthquake survivors face many problems that affect the return to normalcy, including disruptions in temporary and permanent housing. To improve the earthquake survivors' social‐psychological status, it is imperative to shorten the transition from temporary to permanent housing. For the transition to be as brief as possible, planning, design, and construction of permanent housing need to be carried out seamlessly.Design/methodology/approachA survey is carried out among those who took part in the permanent housing production in Kocaeli, where, after the Marmara earthquake in 1999, permanent housing practices were dense.FindingsAs a result of the study, the most important problem in the production process is found to be the limited time allocated for design and constructi...

Research paper thumbnail of A qualitative evaluation of the after earthquake permanent housings in Turkey in terms of user satisfaction—Kocaeli, Gundogdu Permanent Housing model

Building and Environment, 2007

One of the most important works after an earthquake is the permanent housing practices. In these ... more One of the most important works after an earthquake is the permanent housing practices. In these practices, in order to provide user satisfaction it is necessary to take the user need and the design criteria depending on it into consideration. Permanent housing must, above meeting the basic accommodation need, provide the psychologically, socially and economically damaged people's various expectations from the built environment where they will lead their lives for a long time. This study aims to determine the problems that were come up against in use phase in Kocaeli Gundogdu Permanent Housing model, built after the 17 August 1999 Marmara Earthquake and was chosen as the study field; and to get the results that could form data for the design and application of permanent housing that will be needed to be made after a possible earthquake. Through this data, applications that will reduce the possible problems and increase user satisfaction and provide economic comfort to the users can be developed.

Research paper thumbnail of Flood disaster vulnerability in informal settlements in Bursa, Turkey

Environment and Urbanization, 2013

In Turkey, as in many other nations, there have been many urban flood disasters in recent years, ... more In Turkey, as in many other nations, there have been many urban flood disasters in recent years, and the greatest impact has often been on informal settlements. This paper reports on interviews with households who were affected by two floods in 2010 in two settlements in Bursa. Interviewees discussed why they lived there, the main problems they experienced, the factors that increased flood damage, the measures they took after the floods to minimize future flood impacts, the costs they incurred and where responsibility for disaster mitigation/preparedness lay. The conclusions emphasize the need for far more attention to disaster risk reduction and to working with low-income communities to identify how best such disaster risk reduction can be planned and implemented.