We will rock the socks (original) (raw)
7:28 pm
um...? dude guys...did we like die?
<3 i love you all
Current Mood: grumpy
2:27 am
9:31 pm
other crew.. we got another crew on our hands..there called "the crew" and they think that they can take us..its jen, katey, nick, matt, holbrook, James, and jens lover matt(a doll)! The wrestling crew will show them how its done!!!
x.N.H.W.C.x for life babeh!
Current Mood: determined
12:13 pm
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<small') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]
we own all you fuckers!<small
Current Mood: anxious
7:07 am
the crew is going to get stuff on wednesday at the mall so we can be hard to the core on thursday. <3
Wednesday is early release and we will go right after, but if someone cant go say something and we will get your stuff for you.
Oh yeah and we need an icon. haha
Current Mood: crazy