The Otaku Girls' Anime Club @ NFHS (original) (raw)

Updates! Jun. 10th, 2005 @ 12:20 am
maru_maru CONGRATS--WE HAD A GREAT YEAR!!!!!!!!To top off this great year, we're going to Anime Next!! Yaaay. Break out the cosplay, girls and boys. If you're wondering about points......(to be continued, he he he)SCHOOL'S OUT IN A FEW DAYS!!!~Maru(Leave a comment)

| | Apr. 6th, 2005 @ 03:14 pm | | --------------------------- |

maru_maru FRIDAY---> DDR competitionwhile you're there, go check out the SOUND OF MUSIC. <3(1 comment | Leave a comment)

| | Mar. 24th, 2005 @ 07:37 pm | | ---------------------------- |

uinaiotaku no meeting this week well duh. no school. but we have a meeting next week hope to see u all ther luv u sarina(Leave a comment)
another change Mar. 6th, 2005 @ 04:27 pm
uinaiotaku ok DDR competition is in april(Leave a comment)
hey Feb. 21st, 2005 @ 04:13 pm
uinaiotaku hey guys we dont have a meeting this week but next week. please trya nd remember your $5 dues if you haven't paid them yet. We have adate for the DDR competition it will be March 18th from 3-5 if you can come earlier we need people to help set up and we'll all meet right after shcool in front of the math office. alright i think thats all bai bai luvssarina(Leave a comment)
Other entries
» hey guys
hey all there is a meeting this week so i hope u all come. The DDR competion had to be postponed for a month probably around march 18th it was a bunch of scheduling conflicts and a lack of time to set up things sry for the confusion alright see ya on Friday ^.~VSarinaFeb. 16th, 2005 @ 01:55 pm(1 comment | Leave a comment)
hey guys it's sarinai luv u guys....Feb. 13th, 2005 @ 01:51 pm(1 comment | Leave a comment)
» Akira and the school system, a lethal combination.
Yeesh. Okay, the dudes of AC are getting on my royal presidential behind about the anime. Yes, we watch two eppisodes of one anime each week, that's nothing new. The type of stuff we see changes so we can have a pretty open spectrum of what to see. Like, I was impresed when one kid said he didn't want to see crazy anime boobs and tons of girls in something like "Hand Maid May" or "Love Hina". That's fine. HOWEVER, their suggestion was hardcore, throat-tearing Samurai sword fighting, esp, fighting, guts-gore-and-horror type stuff...Akira, if you will. We will get to see everything. If not this year then the next. However, for now, it's REALLY difficult to see something like Akira in schools. Perhaps we can have another day (like the x-mas party at James's?) to watch Akira, or get a ton of parents to sign off on it (most of the hardcore fans and upperclassmen have already seen it 5 billion times, so it's no problem for them (meaning me). However, we have to think RATIONALLY, here. OK?So, that being said, EXECUTIVE meeting this Thurs, no meeting next week due to midterms (unless we have a snow day tomorrow, and then we'll keep ya posted). We're still sceduled for the first Friday in February.Ok. I think I'm done ranting.Things that KAT must do:-CONVENTION LOOKOUT!-figuring out where the auditorium will be in use when we set a date for the DDR competition. <3(how do you feel about these?: Baaf 2005, Anime Boston, Anime Next, etc?)Things that SARI must do:(at the meeting this week, take care of whatever we plan to do with food)That's all. Your prez, signing out!Jan. 11th, 2005 @ 07:50 pm(Leave a comment)
Yup, the EW Movie Holiday Party @ James's place rocked. AND here is a kewl surprize that's been ex-posted all over el-jay:**( Every Lead Singer Should Depend on Their BassistCollapse )**Dec. 22nd, 2004 @ 04:02 pm(2 comments | Leave a comment)
These are going in the yearbook, btw**( look beyond this cut for more!!!Collapse )**Dec. 8th, 2004 @ 08:36 pm(Leave a comment)