A display of the collective strength of any group of people (original) (raw)

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! [07 Sep 2003|01:53am]
thank you and great job to thedeadlyrhythm and whoever else planned the show. i had a super fun time. how much money raised after all?<33, Lindy.
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THIS WEEKEND! [02 Sep 2003|10:17pm]
september 6 @ the restaurant$4!thrash mafia's first benefit show to help raise awareness against the suffering of abandoned and stray animals.soma famous last wordsthe broken promisethe end of deadlochselby reed (ex members of gypsy cab co. & pantease)show starts at 8:00pm on the dot!
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[13 Aug 2003|11:25pm]
september 6 @ the restaurant$4.. $3 with the donation of a dog or cat toy/ bowl/ towelthrash mafia's first benefit show to help raise awareness against the suffering of abandoned and stray animals.somafive stars red famous last wordscohenthe broken promiseshow starts at 8:00pmand heres directions incase youre not down with the sound...exit geronimo, go right on geronimo if you are coming from the westside, left if you are coming from the eastside. make a right on clark dr. pass trowbridge, cleveland, yandell and tampa. make a right on ybarra st. the restaurant is on the corner of ybarra and frederick.
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I slipped and landed on his head [09 Aug 2003|01:47am]
I was thinking that we should try something a little different on the september 6th show, instead of going all bands i thought we could also have an artist display some of their artwork somewhere at the show, i think it would be cool to get other forms of art other than music involved.
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[05 Aug 2003|11:36pm]
tommy, rj and i are working on putting together thrash mafia's first event. the three of us are setting up an animal rescue benefit show. if all goes as planed, this show will be in early september at the restaurant. we're fairly certain that soma and famous last words are playing. we'd like to get yarbrough, five stars red, the broken promise, and shawshank as well. this show will also have speakers and a table with hand-outs providing information about animal rescue, information about other animal organizations, information if someone would like to get involved, and a small donation box for any lose change or 1 dollar bills anyone would like to donate. if you would like to help then please bring towls, food bowls, and dog/cat toys to the show. please come out to this show and tell all your friend's about it. flyers are in the process of being made.
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[27 Jul 2003|12:46am]
if your curious about vegetarianism or thinking about becoming a vegetarian/vegan order this magazine. it has alot of great stuff in it. plus its FREE! http://goveg.com/VegKit/index.htmlk, i'm new to this whole thrashmafia thing, so im a little confused, but still loving it....i was thinking maybe sometime we could all get together and volunteer to go serve a meal over at the rescue mission...or go play with the little kids at the child crisis center. maybe its a bit cliche, but i'm just throwing ideas out. ive been a girl scout for too long..hah. so umm, ive been informed i should buy a white bandana? is this correct? somebody please inform me of stuff because i am lame and never get the memos. i guess i feel awkward with this cuz i only know tom and jackie, and oh yeah monica..so hey, hi everyone, im Lindy.<33 to all.
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[27 Jul 2003|12:23am]
[ **mood** | crazy ] yo it was tight chillen wit ya dawgs. all u thrash mafia. whoop whoop. whoa.........im gonna get u tommy just watch im gonna pull a matrix style on ya. haha. well ok so back to businees so benefit show fo da animals (like me, jk) yes that would be radddddddd. ok bye bye<333 PP
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because a click only takes ten seconds [25 Jul 2005|05:44pm]
every click provides the value of .6 bowls of food and care to a rescued animal in a shelter or sanctuary FOR FREE. this may not be local, but it does contribute to a great cause. CLICK.this is not 2005.addedupdatedleft.
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light bulb......... [24 Jul 2003|08:37pm]
a while back ago i used go to the hospital where my mom works and play with the kids that were sick like cancer and stuff like that.. i would read to them and play video games. it was fun it felt nice after bc they didnt want u to leave. now if u all want i can talk to my mom and the ladies she works with and we can all go in if ull want. well get back to muuah.<333 PP
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[24 Jul 2003|11:02am]
Okay, so we're working on putting together our first event. Andrea and I are working on setting up a show to benefit the Animal Rescue. Nothing's for sure yet, but we're hoping to have it at Wayside. If anyone has any ideas lemme know. Word fresh.**Update**I was also thinking about getting a bunch of bottled water and driving around town giving it to homeless people. It's hot as all hell outside.
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[23 Jul 2003|11:23pm]
fuck yeah im in. haha im going all veggie, no beer, no smokin, no carbed drinks. tight and im gonna wear a white bandana. fucken A.......hehe<333 PP
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[23 Jul 2003|07:21pm]
Ah yes, the Thrash Mafia now has its own LJ community. Feel free to use it to organize and introduce yourselves to other Mafiosos, and discuss anything worth discussing. Booyah.
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