yakubun (original) (raw)

And so, it continues!! Sorry for the long wait! I'm now settled in my new apartment and ready to get down to business! =^-^=

*If you like it, please consider buying the original, and leaving comments! =^-^=

“Shougai Yakusha ~ Hashirenakutemo, serifu wo wasuretemo~” “Handicapped Actor ~ Even if I can't run, even if I forget my lines~”
by Kotarou Yanagi

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Buy the book on Amazon: 障害役者 ~ 走れなくても、セリフを忘れても ~
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I wanted to wait until I was done with the entire chapter, but I'm busy with moving (and trying to earn enough money to move ^^;), so I haven't been able to work on this much. Next week after I move I will make finishing the chapter a high priority! But for now-- the continuation!

*If you like it, please consider buying the original, and donating to this site! =^-^= Links for both are at the end of the chapter

“Shougai Yakusha ~ Hashirenakutemo, serifu wo wasuretemo~” “Handicapped Actor ~ Even if I can't run, even if I forget my lines~”
by Kotarou Yanagi

Chapter 1: Prince, I am

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Buy the book on Amazon: 障害役者 ~ 走れなくても、セリフを忘れても ~
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This is the first chapter of Yanagi Kotarou's new biography,

Shougai Yakusha

(Handicapped Actor).

*If you like it, please consider buying the original, and donating to this site! =^-^= Links for both are at the end of the chapter

“Shougai Yakusha ~ Hashirenakutemo, serifu wo wasuretemo~” “Handicapped Actor ~ Even if I can't run, even if I forget my lines~”
by Kotarou Yanagi

(The title is a play on words. Shougai-sha = Handicapped person, and Yakusha = Actor)

Prologue: I, on this day, became a handicapped person

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Buy the book on Amazon: 障害役者 ~ 走れなくても、セリフを忘れても ~
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This is the first post!!

If you are seeing this, then you've reached the first post, and there is no more to read =^-^=

Yoroshiku ne!!