ycrop's Journal (original) (raw)

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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inycrop's LiveJournal:

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Wednesday, October 13th, 2010
_8:45 pm_[cec_artslink] "Сибирская Вечора" в Нью-Йорке В следующий вторник, 19-го октября приглашаем жителей Нью-Йорка и ближайших окрестностей на единственный концерт красноярского коллектива народной песни «Сибирская Вечора». В репертуаре ансамбля песни общерусского фольклора, а также композиции, записанные на территории Красноярского края. Музыканты исполняют их в сопровождении традиционных народных музыкальных инструментов ‑ баяна, гармони, балалайки, гуслей, жалейки, часто с использованием современных аранжировок.«Сибирская Вечора» впервые в США. Но за неполные две недели пребывания здесь в рамках программы «Открытый мир» ансамбль уже принял участие в фольклорном фестивале в г. Ричмонд, дал два концерта в Вашингтоне, а в ближайший четверг выступит в Балтиморе. Нью-йоркская аудитория сможет услышать музыкантов в клубе «DROM». Начало выступления в 19:00. Концерт бесплатный, но желающие должны заранее зарегистрироваться на сайте организаторов вот здесь.
Thursday, November 5th, 2009
_10:59 am_[polyarnik]
Tuesday, June 30th, 2009
_1:56 am_[polyarnik] Twitter rules, especially if you surf web with mobile devices. Great way to follow all your favorite blogs and news sources. For example, here's what Time Out NY twitter stream looks like. Follow Ycrop updates there or via RSS
Monday, May 18th, 2009
_10:11 am_[polyarnik]
Thursday, December 4th, 2008
_4:36 pm_[polyarnik] Mail-art call Я получил грант на издание альбома "Ticket to Jerusalem", который будет состоять из присланных вами работ, из авторских "авиабилетов" в Иерусалим. Картинки будут также экспонироваться online & offline: в Америке, Израиле и пр. Подробнее на сайте. В ссылках можно посмотреть, что такое Mail-Art, кто не в курсе.
Thursday, October 23rd, 2008
_2:06 pm_[polyarnik] High five everyone! Tomorrow Friday, October 24th, 2008 at 9pm :Ycrop presents: Pre-election Balkan Dance Party "BORAT FOR PRESIDENT!" at Uncle Ming'sWith Spacedog, Shorman, and your best virtual friends from Ycrop.com. Patrons of our party get cute souvenirs. Uncle Ming's, 225 Avenue B, 2nd floor, New York, NY 10009. Cover $10All ages old enough to vote are welcome.event listing on Ycrop
Friday, October 17th, 2008
_2:26 pm_[polyarnik]
Monday, October 13th, 2008
_2:02 pm_[duniasha77] "Nothing is More Abstract than Reality" One of the great benefits of living in New York is access to the greatest artistic and creative achievements of humankind. This weekend presented an opportunity for nothing less than that -- an amazing exhibit of Giorgio Morandi, a rare opportunity to see his introspective, profound works "live". Year after year, decade after decade, he looked inward, only to find the transcendental, the timeless, the limitless. Wars were fought, governments came and went, maps were redrawn, artists experimented and searched, and he continued to live with his three spinster sisters, and only wanted "peace and quiet" to do his work, to search for the higher truth hidden in the everyday objects. "Nothing is more abstract than reality," Morandi is quoted to have said. And so he meticulously and patiently rearranged bottles and vessels, to find the right light, the right combination, the right palette, and arrive at a point when depicted on a canvas, these objects, while absolutely recognizable, took on a mythical quality -- they no longer spoke of the trappings of everyday life or even the human condition, but of the timeless beauty, of the silence of the universe. He pared away the superfluous like onion skins -- the emotional, the subjective, the transient -- to reveal the ultimate essence, where serenity rules, where understanding dawns. If I were to give a visual definition of the word "eternal", one of the works in the exhibition would be it. This is true ART -- unconcerned with the current fashion or being au current, true only to itself, conscious of its higher purpose.
Friday, July 18th, 2008
_12:24 am_[polyarnik]
Tuesday, May 20th, 2008
_7:50 pm_[polyarnik]
Thursday, March 20th, 2008
_8:24 pm_[polyarnik] This Sunday: ZEEK: Russified Salon & Performance feat Vadim Pevzner, Alina and Jeff Bliumis at The Jewish MuseumSunday, March 23rd, 2008, 3:30-5pmThe Jewish Museum, 1109 5th Ave (at 96th St), NYCZeek: A Jewish Journal of Thought and Culture has devoted a special print issue to the persevering Russian Jewish Diaspora.Join Zeek for a performance by the bard and poet Vadim Pevzner and a presentation by visual artists Alina and Jeff Bliumis as part of Off the Wall: Artists at Work. Free with museum admission. Museum admission also includes a Zeek issue and entry to Levi Okunov's fashion show on March 27. Supported by the UJA-Federation of Greater New York. For More Information visit www.zeek.netthis event posting on Ycrop.com
Friday, March 7th, 2008
_1:54 am_[polyarnik]
Tuesday, March 4th, 2008
_11:08 pm_[polyarnik]
Tuesday, January 15th, 2008
_6:53 pm_[polyarnik]
Friday, January 4th, 2008
_2:23 pm_[polyarnik]
Monday, December 10th, 2007
_9:34 pm_[polyarnik] YCROP presents: New York premiere of Psoy Korolenko’s POWER & POINT Wednesday, December 19th, 2007 at 11PM sharp! Doors open at 10:30pm. At Delancey Lounge, downstairs, 168 Delancey St, NYC. www.thedelancey.comPsoy Korolenko’s Musical-Visual Cabaret POWER & POINT. With special guests! Please note: there's a hardcore rock band playing at downstairs room until 10:30pm, you can see their performance, or chill out at ground level lounge until our show starts. Cover $10.For More Information visit psoy.badtaste.ruYcrop posting for this event is located here.
Sunday, December 9th, 2007
_9:27 pm_[polyarnik] Ycrop is proud to present: Alec Kopyt at Mehanata Saturday, December 22nd, 2007, 9pm till late at Mehanata Bulgarian Bar, 113 Ludlow, NYC, mehanata.com. Cover $10Alec will perform with musicians of "Golem", a local klezmer band. DJ Spacedog spinning before & Mehanata resident DJ Uproot Andy after the show.About the artist: Alec Kopyt's roots go back to Odessa, a port city where Russian, Jewish, Greek, and Romany cultures collided. Growing up among thieves, prostitutes and swindlers, he was exposed to various forms of street culture. He began playing accordion at the age of ten and became an expert in the traditional Jewish music. Authenticity, raw energy and powerful performance made Alec Kopyt a cult figure of underground scene in Europe. He is currently playing with Amsterdam Klezmer Band, and has an ongoing project, POZA, with Leonid Soibelman and various guest musicians.For more information please visit myspace.com/aleckopyt and Psoy Korolenko about Alec Kopyt on Russ.ru, and listen to the tracks below:
Wednesday, October 17th, 2007
_3:33 pm_[polyarnik] Ycrop presents: Psoy Korolenko in THE SWEETEST concert and party with Spacedog at Mehanata Only one show! Nostalgic and contemporary, sophisticated and entertaining, ironic and really SWEET show by PSOY KOROLENKO and YANA OVRUTSKAYA (Moscow) Featuring MICHAEL WINOGRAD (NY) - vocal, piano, clarinet. Best love songs ever created in XX century... The jewels from Marylin Monroe, Yves Montand, Cesaria Evora, Toto Cutugno, Ella Fitzgerald, Serge Guinsbourg, Marlene Dietrich... In existing and made-up languages.Wednesday, October 24th, 2007 at doors at 8pm, show at 9pm at Mehanata Bulgarian Bar, 113 Ludlow, NYC, www.mehanata.com. $10
Wednesday, October 10th, 2007
_4:26 pm_[polyarnik] Terem-Quartet on Sunday, October 28th 3pm at 92St Y only New York appearance. Вкратце о группе: Очень интересный коллектив с абсолютно бездарным названием. Название "Валенки-Квартет" и то бы привлекло к ним больше внимания. Дядьки играют на народных инструментах, больше ничего в них лубочно-сусального нету. Назвались бы "Виртуозами Питера" и были бы правы, музыка у них сложная, изящная и местами весёлая. Это не та клюква какую на Брайтон возят. Загляните в YouTube, послушайте приложенные композиции, собирайте в охапку своих культурных родственников и приходите 28го.Event info and tickets | mp3s from band's site in 50mb zip
Saturday, September 22nd, 2007
_2:36 pm_[polyarnik] Легендарный Алик Копыт (П.О.З.А., Amsterdam Klezmer Band) в дуэте с Хуцем (Gogol Bordello) сегодня около 11pm at Mehanata.Club Mehanata 115 Ludlow st.

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