ycrop's Journal (original) (raw)
ycrop's Journal [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]
Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inycrop's LiveJournal:
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Wednesday, October 13th, 2010 | |
_8:45 pm_[cec_artslink] |
"Сибирская Вечора" в Нью-Йорке В следующий вторник, 19-го октября приглашаем жителей Нью-Йорка и ближайших окрестностей на единственный концерт красноярского коллектива народной песни «Сибирская Вечора». В репертуаре ансамбля песни общерусского фольклора, а также композиции, записанные на территории Красноярского края. Музыканты исполняют их в сопровождении традиционных народных музыкальных инструментов ‑ баяна, гармони, балалайки, гуслей, жалейки, часто с использованием современных аранжировок. |
Thursday, November 5th, 2009 | |
_10:59 am_[polyarnik] |
Tuesday, June 30th, 2009 | |
_1:56 am_[polyarnik] |
Monday, May 18th, 2009 | |
_10:11 am_[polyarnik] |
Thursday, December 4th, 2008 | |
_4:36 pm_[polyarnik] |
Mail-art call |
Thursday, October 23rd, 2008 | |
_2:06 pm_[polyarnik] |
High five everyone! Tomorrow Friday, October 24th, 2008 at 9pm :Ycrop presents: Pre-election Balkan Dance Party "BORAT FOR PRESIDENT!" at Uncle Ming's |
Friday, October 17th, 2008 | |
_2:26 pm_[polyarnik] |
Monday, October 13th, 2008 | |
_2:02 pm_[duniasha77] |
"Nothing is More Abstract than Reality" One of the great benefits of living in New York is access to the greatest artistic and creative achievements of humankind. This weekend presented an opportunity for nothing less than that -- an amazing exhibit of Giorgio Morandi, a rare opportunity to see his introspective, profound works "live". Year after year, decade after decade, he looked inward, only to find the transcendental, the timeless, the limitless. Wars were fought, governments came and went, maps were redrawn, artists experimented and searched, and he continued to live with his three spinster sisters, and only wanted "peace and quiet" to do his work, to search for the higher truth hidden in the everyday objects. "Nothing is more abstract than reality," Morandi is quoted to have said. And so he meticulously and patiently rearranged bottles and vessels, to find the right light, the right combination, the right palette, and arrive at a point when depicted on a canvas, these objects, while absolutely recognizable, took on a mythical quality -- they no longer spoke of the trappings of everyday life or even the human condition, but of the timeless beauty, of the silence of the universe. He pared away the superfluous like onion skins -- the emotional, the subjective, the transient -- to reveal the ultimate essence, where serenity rules, where understanding dawns. If I were to give a visual definition of the word "eternal", one of the works in the exhibition would be it. This is true ART -- unconcerned with the current fashion or being au current, true only to itself, conscious of its higher purpose. |
Friday, July 18th, 2008 | |
_12:24 am_[polyarnik] |
Tuesday, May 20th, 2008 | |
_7:50 pm_[polyarnik] |
Thursday, March 20th, 2008 | |
_8:24 pm_[polyarnik] |
This Sunday: ZEEK: Russified Salon & Performance feat Vadim Pevzner, Alina and Jeff Bliumis at The Jewish MuseumSunday, March 23rd, 2008, 3:30-5pmThe Jewish Museum, 1109 5th Ave (at 96th St), NYC |
Friday, March 7th, 2008 | |
_1:54 am_[polyarnik] |
Tuesday, March 4th, 2008 | |
_11:08 pm_[polyarnik] |
Tuesday, January 15th, 2008 | |
_6:53 pm_[polyarnik] |
Friday, January 4th, 2008 | |
_2:23 pm_[polyarnik] |
Monday, December 10th, 2007 | |
_9:34 pm_[polyarnik] |
YCROP presents: New York premiere of Psoy Korolenko’s POWER & POINT |
Sunday, December 9th, 2007 | |
_9:27 pm_[polyarnik] |
Ycrop is proud to present: Alec Kopyt at Mehanata |
Wednesday, October 17th, 2007 | |
_3:33 pm_[polyarnik] |
Ycrop presents: Psoy Korolenko in THE SWEETEST concert and party with Spacedog at Mehanata |
Wednesday, October 10th, 2007 | |
_4:26 pm_[polyarnik] |
Terem-Quartet on Sunday, October 28th 3pm at 92St Y only New York appearance. Вкратце о группе: Очень интересный коллектив с абсолютно бездарным названием. Название "Валенки-Квартет" и то бы привлекло к ним больше внимания. Дядьки играют на народных инструментах, больше ничего в них лубочно-сусального нету. Назвались бы "Виртуозами Питера" и были бы правы, музыка у них сложная, изящная и местами весёлая. Это не та клюква какую на Брайтон возят. Загляните в YouTube, послушайте приложенные композиции, собирайте в охапку своих культурных родственников и приходите 28го.Event info and tickets | mp3s from band's site in 50mb zip |
Saturday, September 22nd, 2007 | |
_2:36 pm_[polyarnik] |
Легендарный Алик Копыт (П.О.З.А., Amsterdam Klezmer Band) в дуэте с Хуцем (Gogol Bordello) сегодня около 11pm at Mehanata.Club Mehanata 115 Ludlow st. |
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